Vital clues being missed due to shortage of fully trained forensic experts, according to British Medical Association Rapists are not being convicted because doctors are making errors when examining victims, according to medical experts specializing in sexual assaults. Vital clues are being lost because of the large number of doctors conducting forensic examinations who are not up to the job, it is claimed. Dr. George Fernie, chairman of the British Medical Association's forensic medicine committee, told the Guardian: "Rape victims are being let down. If you don't have a doctor that knows what he or she is doing, and doesn't conduct an effective examination, then they are being let down by that." The inexperience and lack of expertise of such doctors is leading to cases in which a defendant escapes conviction, said Fernie. He is concerned that a shortage of forensic medicine experts, known as sexual offence examiners, means that "there are some cases that don't have doctors that are properly trained and skilled in this area of practice and therefore that they are contributing to a reduction in the rape conviction rate because they haven't conducted the crucial initial examination properly". Read more:
Better than no healthcare though, isn't it?? Man, what kind of person complains about the NHS?? Think of how many lives it's saved through such things as cancer treatments. Also, our medicine isn't free. It's not as expensive as in the US but we still have to pay for it over the age of 18.
Compensation for blunders in NHS cancer treatment since 1995 will soon top 100 million pounds. Patients and families making negligence claims have been paid 47 million pounds so far, with 50 million pounds worth of claims still in the pipeline. According to figures obtained by the Conservatives, 1,179 clinical negligence claims were made in the past 12 years for problems relating to cancer treatment. Altogether, 6,344 errors relating to chemotherapy were made last year - equivalent to 1.7 percent of completed courses of care, up from 1.3 percent the previous year. There were also 1,854 radiotherapy mistakes last year, up from 1,468 the year before and comprising around 2 percent of NHS radiotherapy treatments. Read more:
Again, until your sources are something other than the two most laughable newspapers in the country, I'm going to disagree with absolutely everything you post.
Britain, the sick man of Europe: Heart and cancer survival rates among worst in developed world British health care is little better than that of former Communist countries, which spend a fraction of the billions poured into the NHS. A survey published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development sees Britain languishing with the Czech Republic and Poland in international league tables on health. British cancer and heart attack victims are more likely to die than almost anywhere in the developed world; Asthma and diabetes patients are more than three times as likely to end up in hospital as their neighbours in Germany; Life expectancy in Britain - 79 years and six months for a man - is far worse than in France, where men expect to live until 81. The deficit is similar for women. Britain performed only marginally better than former Communist states whose governments spend only half as much on healthcare. Read more: U.S. HAS THE HIGHEST BREAST CANCER SURVIVAL RATES IN THE WORLD. U.S. HAS THE HIGHEST BOWL CANCER SURVIVAL RATES IN THE WORLD.
UK WOMEN HAVE WORSE DEATH RATE THAN ALBANIANS Premature death rates among women in Britain are on a par with those in Slovenia and Albania, a study has shown. In fact, they are more likely to die early in Britain than in virtually every other western European country - and have been on a downward spiral over the past 40 years, with British women falling from 15th to 20th place in a league of 22. The researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle admit they are unclear as to why UK women are slipping behind. Part of the explanation may lie in poorer survival rates from heart disease and cancer and lack of access to life-saving drugs and treatments. Other research showed British women are dying in pregnancy and birth at the same rate as two decades ago, and at the same rate as women in Albania and Poland. Read more: