UK/Euro Celebrity Swirl Thread

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by nobledruali, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Sure it sounds better, way better!
    Still Europe though.
    Its just a geograpohical location, with lots of cultural difference - that you are more diverse than the rest of Europe doesnt make you not a part of that geographical location:)
    I dont know what Euroshyte you are talking about that All of Europe has but not GB???
    Keep in mid that many countries in Eurpope dont have the Euro, Sweden dont, we never had..
    Then maybe Scandinavia should also be a separate continent:)
    I acctually dont know an American that dont look at The UK as Europe, thats why I found it so curious. Think you even have cooler celebrities etc than the rest of us in Europe.
    Dont get me wrong I love GB and I am a complete Anglophil:)
  2. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    On the other hand, I think a lot of people elsewhere in Europe dont consider the UK as being European in the same sense as other countries. I have met people who thought the UK wasnt in the European Union !!!!
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Not all European countries are in the European Union.
    They are still Europe.

    There are six or seven continents depending if you count The Americas as two or not. All countries belong to one of them.

    Maybe Im to old and maybe these days, there is not only New Math but also New Geography

    I acctually find this very interresting...... I always take continents as a physical location, nothing more... maybe that is changing? But then it gets really complicated...
  4. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Hey I never said the rest of Europe had the Euro, i probably should have worded it better, uhm uhm we are one of the few remaining who don't;)

    Anyway I think it's alot to do with being an Island but not the insignificant kind, we try to get into the whole European all jolly lads together and it never works out, just look at the Eurotunnel a massive steaming pile of debt, never really did what it was supposed to do (make us feel more easily connected to Europe) to be honest I live in Kent and no one I know uses it for there trips, unless there feeling flush in the pocket, ferry is much cheaper, when the weather is bad Lorries are backed up and parked all the way down the M20 that's how connected we are :smt011:p
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Major EU countries with no Euro:UK,Denmark,and Sweden.
  6. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    A small minority of the 550m population.

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