U.S. white women and Euro women...myths/realities

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I've seen some posts today discussing how American WW are less open to IR than Euro WW....but I wonder if it's fair to compare women from two entirely different continents.

    Are American WW more racist for the sake of being racist or are European WW given too much credit for their forward-thinking attitudes?

    If Europe had the level of immigration and blended cultural identity (not to mention racial strife) that America had....would Europeans be far more ethnocentric?

    SIDE NOTE: I'm not here to stir up any trouble....I love the voluptous Kansas farm girl with blond hair, thick thighs and a good heart....I love the sassy Philly/N.Y. girl that can speak Yiddish whenever asked....that loves to read and is proud of her jet-black hair........I love the athletic Texas girl with brown hair, blue eyes and the ability to drink you under the table on Saturday night but be able to get up early Sunday morning to go to church........

    I love the ginger-haired British girl that's as tough as nails but likes to party when she can.....the freckles and pale skin reveal a Celtic past but the eyes show that she will be yours in the future........I love the easygoing Norweigan girl....with her love of the land and hair so light that you aren't sure if it's blonde or white.....liberal minded with eyes as cool as the breeze...the same color as the North sea.....I love the gorgeous Russian girl....with the faintest accent and smoothest skin....she may be pale or tan, curvy or thin....she's one heck of a dame...and she's perfect just the same.

    I love them all........ 8)
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ...because making this known in your post, will present an embargo to any hostilities....

  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    In my honest opinion,i think americans in general(from every ethnic group) are pretty racist,especially whites.
    But as far as american white womens attraction to Black men,i dont think they are racist at all.In fact,i think that there could possibly be as much american white women whom are attracted to black men,as european women.The only problem is the taboo factor of interracial dating in america.The demonization of the Black male in the media only makes matters worse.You know its bad when a american white girl cant express her attraction of black males out in public without being called a "nigger lover" by insecure white males.
    Also white males are very good at hiding problems amongst themselves to make themselves look like good people..Lets take statistics for example.Notice how there are countless of statistics plastered all over the net involving blacks. __ percent of black men drop out of school.__ percent of black men are incarcerated. etc etc etc ...but why dont we ever see any statistics on white men?Its as if you have to do a tedious internet search to find them.Like 80% of the pedophiles in this country are white.That whites are more likely to drive under the influence,and etc and etc.

    examples of media racism

  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I should hope so..... :D
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Malikom you hit it on the head. There are not too many WW that are so open and in spite of the fact that this is the 21st Century,old attitudes die hard.
  6. aozora

    aozora New Member


    I generally lurk and don't contribute but I would like to comment on this one. I guess when you think about European and European American women there are differences. One I think that European American women are really clickish about who they want to meet and it is more difficult to meet them in a normal setting because you can't speak to them as a stranger. Another thing is because of a more egalitarian society, American women tend to want more power in a relationship. Also, because women can have practically any man they want then they can pick and choose. This is just a general overview in dating not about racial relations. Well for racial relations is that for one, even though based on the loving v. Virginia back in 1967? that mixed relationships weren't illegal there is a stigma even though thing are better than it was back then. Negativity about black Americans (plus African) is what hurts the chances of dating outside of the group. European American women tend to stay within their own group and this reflects across American society. I have read countless articles and from what other people said was true about dating other cultures here. Dating in this country is difficult. You generally cannot be nice, forthright, and a gentlemen to date a women. Now, this refers to a black American dating a black women in America or a white American women. You have to have first dress stylish, be funny at times, engage in a good conversation when getting their attention and then through trial and error things somehow work out. Definitely more of market for women to choose guys especially in each social group in the country.

    European women tend to be more approachable (not all the time) but I have met Swiss, Japanese (asian but as an example), German women who I had no problem talking to and even been able to get numbers. I think that European women tend to have no social pressure to date outside in their country based on ones ancestry compared to America. Now, I am not saying that there are good American girls to get to know and have a good relationship with because I have gone out with some women who are great and only because of distance and school was the reason the relationships stopped. Finally, I see that European women want to get an idea of you when you talk about yourself and not about how much money you make or work you do but things about you. Women in America tend to look at superficial things when a man connects with her.

    Well, I hope I gave a decent picture of how things are different between both caucasian women in Europe and North America. By the way caucasian outside of America refers to the mountains of caucus in Eastern Europe and not white.
  7. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    In Europe as elsewhere, Caucasian means a person of european traits ie white. Its the term we use in Europe also.
    Dont forget that the continnt of Europe emcompasses many different countries (there are 27 member states of the European Union, not to mention many others outside the Union) with different cultures & traditions. From Ireland to Estonis, fron Sweden to Italy.
    Most British people dont consider themselves as Celtic, but rather as Saxon ! Ref to earlier post.
  8. aozora

    aozora New Member

    I do know that Caucasian refers to white but normally that world does refer to the caucus mountains. Also most the EU countries refer by nationality or culture than ethnicity of being white. Besides, I think we were talking about dating between both of the cultures.

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