U.S Black men & high paying jobs

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    There are plenty of AA who have higher degrees, yet, they can't find a great paying job. I know a black man who has his Masters Degree in Chemistry - and guess how much he is making working at an Alternative High School?$12.00 per hour!!!! Can you believe that???? His salary should be at least $75,000 per year with his degree. It's so damn sad. It hits close to home and it hurts to know that even with a college degree, the struggle continues.Also on average,African immigrants with similar higher education as whites and asians get paid less,suggesting ongoing discrimination.

    Also check out these statistics


    What ya think?
  2. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Either your man loves to teach or he is just plain stupid, my homie has a masters and is getting paid. I think when folks take these kind of jobs they downgrade their skill set, you gotta demand your pay tell your friend he would get paid more if he becomes a manager in training at target. I think he should also get work at a law firm.
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Its not about what you know, but who you know. And white people tend to have better connections than black people in the working industry, plain and simple.

    I know a guy who has no bachelor degree, and yet works in the same room as those that do. His salary is only like 2 bucks less/hour but i doubt he's complaining. How did he get that job you ask???...from his dads uncles cousins co-workers friend......hah
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    seen that before..

    i've seen upper-management, hire young guys (23-24) directly from their neighborhood (literally), that they knew..

    and give them responsibilities and leadership roles, that black people who've been at the job longer, weren't even aware existed..

    maybe it was racism, or maybe the guy was just "that" capable..

    more capable than anyone else who wasn't white


    but things like that transcend race once in a while...

    a while back, Colin Powell's boy got a high-level government position..

    and many people speculated that it was only because his daddy was such a powerful figure, in washington..

    the bottom line is that, if you don't know anyone, and expect to to get the same treatment as someone who does, just because you got the same piece of paper with the word "degree" on it..

    you're going to be for a rude awakening..

    knowing people in the field or at a certain job, can mean the difference between making 20 dollars an hour at "no-name computer industries," and 30 dollars an hour working for a top-tier company like Microsoft..

    even if you don't make more money, the whole application process in general, is much easier and smoother, when you have connections

    i'm speaking from experience


    which is why so many guys join fraternities, clubs, sports teams, whatever, and work on their attitudes and interpersonal skills as much as their academic ones
  5. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    His man problem is working at a high school. Why doesn't he work at a university or in a laboratory? I work in the mergers and acquisitions industry and the best places to make contacts are forums, conferences, etc for your industry. Networking is the best way to get anywhere. Let’s say someone wants to get into politics. A smart place to start would be state department foreign service or working on campaigns.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    politics without networking = short-lived dream


    honestly..look at bush..the man wasn't the brightest guy running...but he knew people and had ties that were not dissolvable

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