Open your eyes and take a look at how the threads usually end up when it's about a celebrity bm/ww engagement/relationship. Majority of the time it ends up with men making comments about how they're "so happy" so-and-so ww is giving a "brotha" a chance. Good grief, it's ridiculous. Thankfully there are men here who question stupid comments like that! I've never had a relationship that wasn't interracial, but I don't think my marriage (or dating relationships) was/are any more special than that of a same race couple. That kind of thinking is what continually puts IR in another category....which IMO it shouldn't be. Love is love...marriage is marriage. Same race, interracial, heterosexual,'s all the same IMO. Universal acceptance begins with breaking out of these silos that so many like to contain us within.
I was wondering that myself! What the heck, is this not an IR site, including containing an IR Celebrity Couples section? Not to mention that for a century, couples have publicly announced their engagements to be congratulated. So an IR couple can't? Nor can they be celebrated on an IR site? A head scratcher if I ever read one. :smt017
Look at your replies to Raiders comment on "why is this engagement news on this site for?" for who is being devisive. It's a ridiculous comment, but you had no problem jumping on the negative comment to further perpetuate it. Funny, it looks to me like you have a problem with this couple being celebrated here. So what if we identify it here as IR. Your 'reasons' are inapplicable. Can't YOU just be happy they are being recognized here, on an IR site?
But the fact is they are NOT all that acceptable to much of society...yet. Everybody makes a big hoopla when a celebrity comes out as being gay. Who cares who or what they're having sex with?? I don't. But they're applauded because they're bringing publicity and "acceptance" to something many still consider taboo. Isn't that the whole point? That IR relationships are no longer seen as taboo but acceptable? Some act like IR relationships are something to be gawked at like the bearded lady at the circus. I think publicizing them celebrates them, not puts them on display for a "wow, weird" response.
The reason I'm happy for them has NOTHING to do with the color of their skin. I don't care what site it's recognized on...that way of thinking will continue to elude me. My happiness is in seeing people in love. Period.
I get what you're saying and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that viewpoint in the least. All I & Raider were expressing was that some of us don't get the whole putting it on display aspect when it comes to WW/BM relationships because it shouldn't be look at as a big deal. It just is. Just like any other heterosexual relationship. Kind of the same thing with the Cheerios add & certain elements of society freaking out about the family dynamic. For most of us that's normal family dynamic. It's not our problem if the ignorant of society have a problem with it. They need to suck it up.
*Sigh* Please view my comment however you choose. Just like you viewed my asking you a question in another thread as me "coming at you". You have a bad habit of wanting to always engage others in senseless verbal battles just for the fuck of it. I'm not playing that game. Go find someone else who actually wants to verbally spar with you. Not interested. Thanks.
Then why praytell even bring IR up. You were the only one to do it. Go look at the whole first page. No one mentioned the fact they were an "IR" couple. Not even the title. People either expressed joy as a fan of his, congratulations, or either didn't know these actors. Then for some strange reason, you are co-signed by Ra that the reason IR love is news here is because some love to perpetuate IR negatively: Quote: "I'm sure by now you've realized that there are some folks here that based on what they choose to post they have a particular view of WW/BM relationships, and not necessarily a positive & productive one." As if THIS thread was doing that? None of WHY you decided to bring your little speech to THIS specific thread, makes sense to me. That negative spin would be better suited in the men's lockerroom or the Do WW give better head thread, but this celebrity couple's engagement thread is far from negating IR.
Bliss, please feel free to continue getting the parade out anytime an IR couple gets engaged. If that makes people feel like we're gaining more acceptance...more power to them. I'll continue to be annoyed by people who categorize IR as if it should be something different than any other relationship. You are a stranger on the internet...I see no need to defend why I said what I said. Interpret my comments however you see fit.
LOL, that's rich. You who eagerly engages others in verbal battles has the nerve to say that. Spare me. You love to come out of your spot to engage others you don't agree with, then when they engage you back, you suddenly cry you don't want to play that game that you started. As for the thread you decided to refer to, you did not 'ask me a question' I wasn't even speaking to you when you tried to call me out, by first giving your opinion then adding "so what's your point?????" to me. So of course I am going to respond back to you. When I did, you complained I was coming at you, to which I pointed out that you came at me first. Funny how the facts make all the difference.
Raiders, please feel free to continue staying out of the celebrity IR couples section if it annoys you. This is an IR site, so it must really bother you that it exists, because this site makes a distinction that it is different than WW/WM and BW/BM relationships. I'ts ok to celebrate the love we share, it really is. Nothing negative about it. So yeah, many of us here will def take that power and run with it by highlighting more IR love. Sorry you won't get to enjoy it.