Tv and IR-articles talk about IR-your take Love is no longer color-coded on TV By Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY ========================================================= another article to read ======================================================= another article ========================================================= how do you think IR on TV shape IR in real life or has it ? also how do you think it portrays IR ?
I think it's demonstrating that times have changed since then. Yet, we're not blind by the fact we still have a lot of morons who still show disdain toward such pairings. However, we never stopped and looked back. Instead, we proceed forward and even more children from very reactionary families are reacting more progressively and allowing themselves to pursue greater opportunities, even for true happiness and love.
Put this here since it's a cartoon. It's the Cleveland Show. This is only the second episode I've seen but it actually has a female character falling for Cleveland that is white, which made me think this would be relevant for discussion here since some members like to keep up on bm/ww relationships in the realm of entertainment.
I agree. It has definitely done a lot to make IR more acceptable. I find that most AAs with leading parts are more likely to be in an IR at one time or another whether it's the movies or TV itself.