I'll say this: whether you identify as a conservative or a liberal, this is a really, really bad time to centrist. The far left and far right wings of both parties are winning.
Well you could make the argument that liberals aren't winning at all! But within the Democratic party, since the election, the group that has done best for itself is the "Bernie" side of the party. For example, the party has begun to adopt medicare for all more broadly.
All candidates endorsed by Bernie Sanders since 2016 have lost. http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/11/all-of-the-candidates-bernie-sanders-is-endorsing-are-losing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/68fnfw/is_there_a_list_anywhere_of_berniecrat/
We're a dying breed. Centrism is the way the US system was designed. Extremists can never get anything done.
These dudes are literally outsourcing the job of fucking their women to black "bucks". Only a matter of time before the white woman looks to cut out the middleman.
Obama is saying: I'm a corporate owned shilled that picked-up where Bush left off.....fucked over you dummies and sacrificed the Black community on the alter of illegal immigration....I'm out ya'll.
The cuckold game is popular because the white men think all black men want to take the white man's wife--and do this for his entertainment as he watches or films. It's really strange when you think about it.
^I know, black people are white people's BIGGEST cheerleaders, we give all our money for Jordan's and material things owned by them.
You're not being honest. The Establishment Democrats didn't support them like they did with Osoff in Georgia.