This is my issue with guns in a nutshell. Pussy ass muthafuckas start walking around like they ARE the law and are entitled to say and do anything to anyone, damn the consequences. Assholes like this go LOOKING for trouble, because they know they're packing. If Zimmerman wasn't packing, his punk ass would've stayed in his vehicle. Dudes like this don't carry for protection, they carry to be a threat to other people and make themselves feel powerful. Just because you have a permit to carry doesn't give you the right to murder a teenager who punches you in the nose. So if I push a guy down to the ground in an argument who happens to be packing, he's legally entitled to scream 'I thought he was going to kill me?' and blaze my ass?? Please stop the bullshit.
There are plenty of ways to avoid shooting an unarmed man, why would this lead to a scuffle if TM was the aggressor? All GZ had to do was keep some sort of distance, and draw the gun if needed. There is no reason he would have to use it because he was the one following TM, which means he set the pace of it all. If GZ don't have the common sense to know that then he should never have had a gun in the first place. His story is obviously bullshit.
I understand what you are saying but In just have a problem with everything about it all. especially from the begining. people called tray a thug from out the gate. I had a discussion with a dude and he said tray was a thug ecause he got suspended over being late to class, spray painting a wall and carrying a bag with earrings and a screw driver and showing guns on his face book. really? my come back was are you a thug when you buy large amounts of guns from a guns show or how about those gun magazines....if you buy them are you a thug? also zimmerman beat his wife and fought a cop in a drunken state. zim is 28 and tray is 17. who is the thug?
also as we see....he didnt challenge zim's backround and niether did he ask ...."why is this mofof carrying a gun with his violent back round?" shouldnt they have done a gun back round check on zim?
And thats how the pussy could have avoided shooting an unarmed man as well as avoid the possibility of an ass whooping. Man the softies these days, cant take the thought of getting an ass whooping from a fair fight. If thats the case the muther fucker should have stayed home, thats it, anyone that afraid of getting their ass kicked should stay the fuck home instead of shooting someone unnecessarily. Its punk muther fuckers like this that give gun owners a bad name, I don't know why the fuck you are you taking up for this shit.
I am non violent myself, but If I must defend myself I rather it be hand to hand combat. Bullets are a last resort for me. I certainly will not shoot an unarmed man. That's the pure definition of a punk. When you have this bigger guy on TV stating his right to shoot someone while admitting he is a pussy. There is something wrong with that picture. Not only that but you have people saying he is in the right.
Where is the blood on the concrete from zimmerman's head getting slammed? That's all i want to know... I have yet to even hear it mentioned.
Where are the stitches to the back of Zimmerman's head if he was really the victim of a life-threatening attack?? Guys I've seen who were really busted upside the back of their heads bled out a river and needed stitches to close the wounds. Zimmerman had scratches on the back of his head and a bloody nose.:smt120 None required emergency medical attention. But this muthafucka swears he thought he was gonna DIE that night.:smt017 Thank God this punk NEVER ever became a police officer.:smt068
I dont think it happened like that Fam, dont expect it to be mentioned. I think GZ was just fed up with the shit that was happening in his neighborhood and killed TM out of frustration which makes him a cold blooded killer. He is just playing the role of a punk mofo in court, because it is not only acceptable to be a punk but it is encouraged in todays society. True enough he is a pussy, but cold blooded killer is a more accurate description.
You mean repeatedly as GZ claimed to police, right? Because the responding EMT on the stand said his head wound didn't appear to be major, which is consistent to a head being slammed once... because if it was repeatedly slammed as GZ claimed, there would be blood splatter after at least the 2nd slam. So the first and only slam sounds more like it since, while it caused the wound, explains why there is no blood because his head never touched the concrete again, as well as jiving with the EMT assessing it wasn't a major cut. Repeated slams would certainly have bust that wound wide open and left a trail of blood.
I mean not slammed at all.. no blood evidence on the pavement where his head was DNA evidence whatsoever... If they don't mention the ABSENCE of blood on the pavement,then I know they didn't want to properly prosecute this case in the first place.
If you are a pussy you should not be able to legally own a gun, but unfortunately your issue is with the guns themselves. Other than that this is a good post. I wish you would have omitted the first sentence, so I could rep it. :smt033
self inflicted because he knew he needed an alibi for shooting an innocent 17 year old boy to death based on "i was attacked". I understand people don't want to think it's an open and shut case but what else is it if not that? He followed a "thug" in a dark neighborhood that had just been robbed or whatever. With a gun. And no provocation other than what was in his head. When he confronted Trayvon...Well, he was the big bad ass samaritan with the gun and when Trayvon fought back which is a reasonable thing to do, fight or flight and all that, he said he attacked me. Trayvon only attacked because he was being threatened. That's the only case the prosecution has to make to make Zimmermans SYG defense invalid. But then there are a whole slew of other things that add to the fact that Zimmerman is not what he appeared to be that night according to his story. Case closed. But in red neck Florida? Maybe not so much.