Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You are incorrect about the chloroform - which trial did you watch? Nancy wasn't wrong about Casey - the Jury failed the little girl, "based on the LAW'. Sucks doesn't it. The foreman said it sickened him to sign the not guilty verdict even though in his heart he knew she killed her child. And you "love to see her wrong" on getting a baby's killer to justice? Wow.

    She was not convicted on the murder of an innocent child (which is all that really counted). All she was convicted of was LYING to the police. Released with time served.
    Do you want Zimmerman convicted on lying to the police then? Will that satisfy you? Because if he gets convicted of what Casey did, that's not JUSTICE. We know EXACTLY who killed that child and dumped her in the swamp-lands like a piece of garbage. Tell me: do you know if Zimmerman was indeed defending his life? Because he says he was. A jury might wonder too, Like Casey's did. And you did. Casey blamed her dad, Zimmerman blames Trayvon. Anyone can play the devil's advocate in these cases.

    Do you not think the Black Militia wanting to go make an arrest on him isn't turning it into a circus? Right here in my city, we have murdered young Black youth whose killers freely walk the streets, never arrested, because witnesses WON'T SNITCH. Cops know their names, faces, but can't do shit. Where is that Group to come arrest these murderers that kill over and over with impunity?
    Intervention creating a circus? People asked President Obama to get involved. He responded with "No, it's a local and State enforcement issue." When you ask the President to intervene, the laws of that State become magnified, as does the protection of them.
    In our hearts we know Zimmerman is lying through his teeth, but it has to be PROVEN. You know, like in Casey's case. Somehow I'm betting if Nancy whom you hate wanted Zimmerman's head, you would hope she got it.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2012
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I see it coming..there are going to be a barrage of lawyers who will band around Zimmerman because it is becoming bigger than justice for a teen shot dead by a trigger-happy moron. Trayvon will eventually get lost in all this as the legal heads battle it out over the constitutionality of the Castle Law, throw in the gun-lobby, the sympathizers, the media....witnesses might either retract or embellish their stories...hello circus.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Despite public pressure, it took law enforcement months and months to arrest her.
    I just hope that the pressure in this case isn't causing investigators to rush or cut corners, and Zimmerman possibly walks on a technicality, or the State isn't prepared come court time, if/when it leads to a trial.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I still can't fathom how someone who was told to stay put and then found with a dead body is allowed to walk free and is taken at his word. Its ridiculous. I'm also disgusted at people trying to make this about gun control. The lunatic could have done the same with a bat or a knife. Gun control isn't the issue here, stereotyping mixed with a whole lot of crazy is.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I agree about the gun issue - completely irrelevant. Zimmerman would find anything to use in the form of weapon - probably even running Trayvon over with his car.

    Some other facts:

    *A non-verified pointer...Other homeowners had complained about him (Zimmerman) in the past.

    One more thing..even if he was arrested tomorrow, he would not be languishing in jail until his trial. He'd be out on bail and probably have to surrender his passport. It's going to take a minute but I really feel they will/are build a case that will stand the test of a trial. People have to be patient and understand the wheels of justice grind slow for a reason. There can be no more "errors" in procedure from here on out.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not arresting him on fears he might make bail is weak. If anything it ties him even more so to the area since not everyone has tens of thousands of dollars to lose on him fleeing the area and him giving up his passport is a good idea so he can't cross the boarders. Like I said I don't know of any other situation where there is a physical altercation, direct orders from the police to stay put, and a dead body where the person who disobeyed the police and had the firearm gets to walk free amongst the populus.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Him not being arrested for fear of him making bail? Where do you get that from? I was pointing out that there should not be an expectation that he will be in jail until his trial if it leads to that, since there is a high level of expectation that he should be in jail right now.

    The dispatcher's powers are limited. Keep in mind it was a non-emergency number he called...and it appears to be a request, not an order. A lot of people when they call 911 think they are talking to the police, but in actuality (most) dispatchers have no police authority, they are trained to (mostly) deal with callers emergencies or non-emergencies by putting out the calls or connecting the caller to the proper departments.
    Obviously, he did not feel compelled to honor her request of "Are you following him?" "Yes." "OK, we don't need you to do that." because following someone is not an illegal act in Florida, according to the cops. From what I read somewhere, Zimmerman took a CJ course in College and may have known his "rights" more than the average person. This is of-course my speculation only.

    I also remember reading that Trayvon apparently turned to Zimmerman and said "what's your problem" or "do you have a problem" so it proves Trayvon was clearly rattled by Zimmerman hawking him.
  8. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    As utterly exacerbating and emotionally wrenching as Treyvon's death is, given the circumstances surrounding his being shot and killed, Zimmerman has a legal ground to stand on...

    Florida has a "Stand Your Ground" law on the books that apparently makes it legal to do what he did...

    From a legal perspective, the police department may have saved justice to be served (intentionally or not) by exposing a law, that in and of itself raises questions, if not eyebrows... Spirit and intent?

    No matter how this incident is resolved, nobody will walk away from it happy. A young man, "armed with skittles and a soft drink" is dead and buried, labeled "suspicious" and "asshole" by his executioner... The puller of the trigger claims self defense and by "law" may need no other explanation for his actions.

    I am bias because I have witnessed similar incidents that were not treated as "leniently", with or without laws on the books...

    IMO, the real problem lies deeper in how we've come to address social problems. A law, probably well intended, shows that the blade has two sides, and that both cut without conscience. It's only in the aftermath that we see the errors of our ways.

    While I am emotionally angered and disturbed about how this one went down, I'm more concerned with how many more "laws", (enacted by elected representatives of "us") allow us to strap, cap, and answer questions later or worse...
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well you mentioned that him being arrested would mean nothing because he could get out on bail.

    I've been researching this Stand Your Ground Law and its fucking dumb. So basically all you have to do get away with murder is to feel threatened? Great job Florida take a fucking bow. Smh
    Here's a clip on it and it was pretty interesting but one thing I did notice is even the news people thought this was all bullshit. Seems like everyone is disgusted by this.

    Also found this. Interesting when its a black shooter dude had to do two years in prison while they sorted this out and he was actually being chased with a gun and wasn't allowed to walk amongst the community. Interesting.
  10. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    There's new testimony from a 16 yr-old girl who was on the phone with Trayvon while he was being followed. Saw it on Yahoo. Can someone post the link? I'm on my phone....

    They need to nail Zimmerman. I just want to cry the more I read this story. How terrified and helpless Trayvon must have felt...:(
  11. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Here's the link:

    Good catch Ches!

    As more bits and pieces of this tragedy come to light, the more it looks like Zimmerman was off on his own tangent...

    Taken from the report in the link above:

    Zimmerman violated major principles of the Neighborhood Watch manual, ABC News has learned. The manual from the Neighborhood Watch program states: "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."
    According to Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program, there are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, which police were not aware of at the time of the incident.

    hmmmmmmmm.... the plot thickens....
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2012
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you high? Nothing has thickened. Its the same horrific circumstances. An adult stalked and followed a child. Said tried to flee and was cornered by the stalker. Like any scared animal on earth the child tried to fight his way out and injured the stalker/would be attacker. So the piece of shit then gets to cry self defense? There is no plot here its simple. Black life innocent or not is treated like garbage by our legal system. This man killed someone and has been allowed to walk the street for a month.. is their any doubt had this child been named Tommy or Tyler instead of Treyvon this wouldn't happen. Even in actual self defense situations you are still taken to the station to be question. Dude was questioned at the crime scen and allowed to go home.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I've heard the Feds are going to prosecute this case as a hate crime, in which case Mr. Zimmerman, whose only reason for stalking Trayvon and shooting him to death was because he looked 'suspicious' because he was BLACK, is going to spend a loooonnnggg time in a federal prison.

    Zimmerman and the police can bullshit alll they want, the fact is Trayvon was not in the act of committing a crime. He was an innocent civilian who had a lawful right to be where he was.
    It burns me up that this asshole says that Trayvon jumped HIM.

    Like TDK suggested, this law is not meant to defend lethal force in the act of self-defense by Black men. If you're Black in the state of Florida and murder someone else claiming self-defense, your ass is going to be cooling it for a while in a cell before trial.
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    But why in the state of Florida do white Hispanic males not cool it in a cell before trial?

    Actually, I think that's been explained in this tread. So I guess I still don't get how that happens.

    We are talking about a young white Hispanic male with issues who defied a direct order by dispatch to not pursue. Who did anyway and bc of that a child ended up dead.

    I just don't see why the Feds need to be brought in. There isn't anything overly baffling or clouded about what happened here.

    Course. This IS floridah. And given what happened there in the bush election year with dear 'ole bruddah Jeb...

  15. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    TDK, I'm not high... and if you'd read between the lines, you'd realize that the plot was laid long before Treyvon fell victim to a bullet. You and I can argue perceived facts till the sun goes down. We can interject hypotheses thru the next millennium... Neither anger nor frustration will resuscitate the life taken.

    My mention of a thickened plot referred to the police department, who until now, did a half ass job of investigating a murder and letting a suspect walk free.... That it took a national interest in a travesty to bring Feds in... That a Froot Loop, licensed to carry a gun, is loose outside the breakfast bowl...

    I'm as enraged as you, given the "what we know", the "where we've been" and expectation of fair and equal treatment under the "law".

    The plot thickens because mounting evidence supports a darker picture that many of us feel in our hearts, occurred.... evidence that the police department overlooked or chose to ignore, maybe even support.

    Nothing after this will bring Treyvon back, nor will any intervention prevent a recurrence... Until we all arrive at a level of thinking that goes beyond "colors", this incident will repeat itself countless times...
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I wonder why the conservative talk shows arent talking about this ? HHHHMMMM
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Cuz it doesn't fit any of their agendas.

    After's not like black 17 year olds or trigger happy Hispanics are buying up gold bars for the impending zombie..wait...communist..oops, sorry, socialist apocalypse.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. yeah and then they have to get into the right to bear arms over right to live conversation and the national racists ooops rifle association will be on its heals
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    His GF says she told him to RUN.

    Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager who was shot and killed by a neighborhood vigilante in Florida, was on the phone with his girlfriend moments before the incident, new phone records confirm. The 16-year-old girl, whose name has not been released, told the Martin family’s attorney that Trayvon knew he was being watched, “so he put his hoodie on.” She continued: “I told him to run but he said he was not going to run.” The girl then heard the man—George Zimmerman—approach Trayvon before the line went dead. No charges have been filed, but the case is being referred to a Florida grand jury.

    Well her account blows a hole in Zimmerman's accusation that Trayvon jumped him.smdh

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