The charge should have been will get no conviction out of this. The special prosecutor will then point the finger at the jury...of YOUR peers. Zimmerman will not spend a day in jail.
I know, right. But he basically dumped them. They wanted to still defend him. It's a defensive lawyer's dream case, in a way. (the exposure). . My suspicion agrees with GL's was time to pay the piper.....and Zimmerman is broke, so he went MIA. No-one knew who his lawyers were before the speech, so I suspect they grabbed a free-publicity opp for future clients/defendants, since they probably have done bu-ku investigative work for no pay so far., and George gave them the shaft.
They have to start high. Manslaughter might be on the books. I say he makes a deal to plead (it down) to manslaughter. If not, he'll waive a jury trial.
LOL, if that was the case at my college the whole campus would have been shot up. White dudes look forward to 4:20 every day to smoke pot They had bongs in their rooms. Kine buds, Dank buds, etc. Fancied themselves as part of Grateful Dead, Phish, Free Beer and Chicken, Pink Floyd Dudes were dealing pot from their dorm rooms and mommy and daddy had no idea what little Timmy was up to.
What's not being widely reported but I had read is that the school report also included finding 12 pieces of woman's jewelery in his bag, but since they couldn't determine how it came into his possession, they zoned in on the empty dime bag. No question Zimmerman's defense will bring it into play.
Couldn’t agree with you more. Wow…one sec….let me catch my breath from what I just wrote…OK…yes, I wanted to say everything you just wrote, but I’ve said it so much in this thread it would be redundant for me. I wanted to write that and also write; EVEN IF TRAY was trying to peek in a window - it was not Zimmerman‘s job, place, authority or audacity to approach Tray. Zimmerman WAS NOT in danger. He was told to walk away from the “danger“. He chose to ignore and ended up creating danger. That was never there to begin with. Blk, we here know it means NOTHING, but that’s not how defense lawyers work. His lawyers will abuse that report it to create an impression of Tray. I have said it many times….the victim gets it twice. Tray will also be on trial if it reaches trial, we know this..I mean, did you see already his ex- lawyers try to plant that Tray committed battery on George? Not Tray was defending himself- Tray was a batterer. UGH! But I do appreciate you not shooting the messenger. And thank you for calling me Bliss and not "lady."
Yeah, co-sign till I die. That's why I said I see a terrified teenaged Tray possibly feeling the same fear a woman might feel... .
Stop talking out of your ass. The fact that they brought a murder charge doesn't preclude the possibility of him being found guilty of manslaughter after a trial or the prosecutor using the murder charge as leverage for a plea to a lesser charge. The latter scenario happens all day, everyday in the criminal justice system. By claiming that the murder charge is unwarranted, you are ignoring the fact that this dude stalked Trayvon with gun after being told not to by a police officer. (Zimmerman called a police station, not 911, and was speaking to an officer on the recording that was leaked to the media. He could have also been charged with disobeying a police officer.) His story about shooting Martin while he was on top of him doesn't wash. If you shoot a person at close range with a high caliber pistol, you're going to get covered in blood. The original detective who handled the case thought that Zimmerman's self-defense claim was bullshit. Sounds like murder is an appropriate charge to me. Given your posting history, I'm not surprised that you're sympathetic to Zimmerman.
ROFL Bliss. Agree with how they will present him as this thuggish, scary, black perp on the loose, who attacked a cowering, innocent Zimmerman who was scared for his life, while he was the one with the weapon mind you. Hmmm.
I've seen the mindset and the rationale used to explain why a black kid who is heading home, minding his own business and winds up dead is okay to these folks. I'm the kind of person I believe right is right and wrong is wrong when it comes to black/white/whatever. This kid was doing nothing wrong and was heading on his way home, that is the bottom line. Zimmerman saw him, assumed he was a troublemaker and accosted him and we saw the results. But of course every concept not germane to his death will be utilized by those who want to justify the death of him because buried within them are the stereotypes and assumptions of what constitutes being a young, black male, negative connotations and pervasive assumptions that label one guilty before innocent. So if Zimmerman was Charles Bronson, Chuck Norris and John Wane, judge, jury and executioner all in one. To them that is A-okay, he did them proud.
I've been having this debate for sometime on fb with some of my more conservative minded friends and its plain and simple to me that when it comes to race in this country of immature morons we can rarely if ever find fair and reasonable. People have gone from let's wait till the investigation is done (something that never happens in any other child murder case. Ask Casey Anthony) or this down right vitrol attitude about the media covering up the real gang banging thug Treyvon. Like you said they act as if dude did a public service. Reason 1058 why I am trying to get a work visa out of this country. Its down right disgraceful that anyone would side with this man after what he did. I always ask the question what if it were in reverse. What if Treyvon followed Zimmerman under the argument of he "looks suspicious" (dude looks like every child molestor/rapist I've seen on tv) there wouldn't be a court in the south not pushing for an immediate death sentence.
Maybe you should re-read the case smart guy, before talking out of YOUR ass. The ONLY eyewitness in this story place Trayvon on top of George. And Zimmerman DID talk to a POLICE DISPATCHER, not a police officer. Since when do 911 calls go directly to a police officer smart guy? There's no way you have enough evidence to convict on a 2nd degree murder charge, and in these types of cases, resources are spent on getting a MURDER charge and not the manslaughter. Come back at me Ruckus.
Which just show the level of stupidity. As far as I'm concerned we should be concerned about all violence and the victims of it. But society has selective apathy about these subject matters. The reality is for me that Trayvon Martin's life was not viewed in the same value as if this situation was reversed and Zimmerman was killed by Martin. You would have heard everything beastly about Martin's actions toward an innocent Zimmerman, heck people are still trying to do it despite who is deceased, who had a weapon, who approached who and instigated a confrontation. Notice racists love to quote about how black men rape white women, black men murder white women, but notice how they never mention white males who engage in those behaviors towards white women. Hmmm. So their concern is more about the race angle than the actual victim. All those folks know is Trayvon Martin is black and thus by proxy had to be up to no good, whether he was or not is irrelevant to their train of thought. The easiest way for a criminal white perpetrator to shift blame in an incident is to say a black person committed the act, everyone's hair will stand on edge and take notice at the vile, black culprit being mentioned. Even when such person doesn't exist. It all comes back to the value placed on the life of innocent citizens. The only thing I can tell to young dudes is to educate themselves, no one can take that from you once that knowledge is locked in. That kid did not deserve this fate when minding his own business and bothering no one or seeking trouble.
Stopped reading at the bolded part. If you're not deliberately dissembling, then you got no clue about what the witnesses have been saying in the media.
Nothing about the comments is unbelievable. Even the most innocuous, irrelevant news stories about black people provoke racist comments online. I'm not surprised about what people are saying about this case at all. Now, there's the political factor. Whether or not Zimmerman should have been charged, which was the whole point of the protests and media blitz by Martin's parents, has been turned into yet another left/right debate. That means people are going to fall into line on party lines, and start regurgitating whatever propaganda about the case that the lying pundits that they listen on a daily basis for their political info are spinning.
I'm going to co-sign this with my co-signing abilities. Because seriously? WTF? Self defense is if you are under attack. Hence 'self defense' If you have to cry self defense it's most likely not because you started the fight first IMO, Zimmerman went after him. His self defense is crap. Why people can't see that I don't know. I know nothing about law but somethings are just common sense?