Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Exactly that perception that got Trayvon killed. It isn't just "unfair" - its deadly.

    Plus the perpetrators of this so-called black on black crime care nothing about racial solidarity. They care about money, drugs, corners, colors, women, their brand new Jordans. Why use race as some sort of nostrum when they clearly don't care?

    I'm suggesting race is not the heart of the problem. Nor is it any way to address solving it. Only when their conditions improve will we ever see anything resembling this much desired harmony.

    I'm telling you the whole vicious cyclical "black on black crime" motif actually has a negative impact on the majority of blacks who ain't violent criminals. We saw that in the housing crisis. Why are blacks 50% more likely to at least try and start their own businesses but are denied loans at higher rates than whites? Who would venture to rule out negative stereotyping?
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because poor people in any country behave this way regardless of race. Describing it as black on black pushes the blame on a biological predisposition to be violent when its more a circumstance of income. Hispanics are dying in droves in poor parts of Mexico as well as whites in Ireland.
    So if you want to heal this thing then stop denying its more about economics than race.

    And the reason I care what people think is because a misdiagnosis of the problem wastes precious time focusing on shit that's not there. Quit being so micro and think on a macro level.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn a least someone gets it :cool:
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Are you serious Ref...20 yr old kid? Gunned down?

    It's a terrible tragedy that the 20 year old Man was killed, but he snuck into an unlocked enclosed 3-season porch..Do you realize those are pretty much exstentions of homes? If I hear a noise at night and I encounter face-to-face a man hiding in my porch, I'm probably going to shoot too! Why should I go to jail for protecting myself and my family?

    The homeowners sound very distressed at what happened. They call for an ambulance, they beg for the cops. Surely you are entitled to your "WM protected under" opinion but not to the facts. I thought you understood the law based on your "correctumndo" post.
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Ayo, don’t get me wrong, I am for stay your ground and for the castle doctrine laws. When I initially heard about the Morrison case, I took the same position that you are taking but the more I hear about the case the more I’m thinking that the home owner could have exhibited some self restraint. From what I heard in the media today, apparently the home owner is the neighbor of where the party of the underage drinking took place. Supposedly he is the one who actually called the police on them, so he kind of knew what is going on in the neighborhood. It is not like in the middle of the night all of the sudden he is awoken by some noise coming from his porch…

    If Morrison ran 5 doors down street and hid under someone’s porch and that porch owner gets awoken by some ruckus that is coming from his porch, goes out and sees Morrison & raise his weapon and takes him out, then he is completely justified by the castle doctrine. Oh well….
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well obviously you and TDK don't, lol.

    I don't know who coined the term Black-on Black "motif" but again, so what? Your attempt to slippery-slope it to discrimination in Black business loans is a red herring. There's a plethora of racist reasons banks deny, but I highly doubt "black on black crime" is the "excuse" they employ. Otherwise they wouldn't be doling out loans to the Koreans.

    You say the 'racial perception of violence' is what got Trayvon killed...that it's 'deadly' ....but then say the killers of Black men in my city don't care about race? Tell me then - how many Black men die from the "perception" - compared to killers who don't even factor in the perception? Deadly indeed.
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    getting more concern for the extermination of black men at the hands of their fellow brothas, from a ww, than you get from black people here

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Come on Broad St. wake up
    Black on black crime as you guys call it would suggest that the perpetrators of these crimes have a racial motivation to kill each other when its purely economics and geographic proximity that creates these situations. I gave examples of this happening all over the world, btw they don't call it Asian on Asian or white on white when it happens in their respective countries, but you and Bliss boil it down to something as overly simplistic as two black guys killing each other. Why isn't poor on poor crime? Most of these crimes happen in urban inner cities where crime happens as a result of poverty not racial bias so when you use terms like black on black it excludes the real problem of what's happening pushing the burden on all blacks, not just the poverty stricken, as something we are the only ones conflicted with because of our DNA. It's never called hispanic on hispanic crime and those dudes kill each other like crazy too. I wonder why?
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I admire your passion but you seriously just don't get it my friend.
  10. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Most homicides are predominately killed by members of their own socioeconomic group. I just got home, so I'm not getting into this one, lol. :D I'll just go heat up some popcorn. Have a good one, everyone!
  11. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member


    I'll say it again: black on black crime is a platitude. Nobody deserves brownie points railing over something so obvious its uninformative, and even indirectly feeds into negative stereotypes.

    I remember a study done by Princeton sociologists that found, in NYC, white males with highschool diplomas- along with criminal backgrounds - were 50% more likely to get hired over black males with highschool diplomas and no criminal background. What's to say stupid shit like "black on crime" doesn't feed into this? It gives the impression all black people are alike. There's some extra-American problem unique to friggin' African biology. It totally misses the point and leads to neanderthals like Zimmerman concluding, gee, that kid must be dangerous.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  13. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    The fact of the matter is black on black crime is plaguing the inner cities.
    This article was released in 2009 but its still holds true on how big of a problem it is today
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This article is purely opinion based with no facts to support it. It gives a false perception of what's going on.
    If I were to say white people have a higher graduation rate than black people do you think its simply because they are white or because the sample used had more opportunities?
  15. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    okay but what about this article?

    It focuses in on Cincinnati

    Also here is a recent Yahoo article with some facts and commentary.

    In 2009, completed law-enforcement investigations showed that 352 African-Americans were killed by known whites — a category that includes Latinos — and 4,094 African-Americans were killed by African-Americans, according to FBI data.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That is because the majority of white America could give a fuck. If we're honest.

    Shit I'm black and even I say on occasions what is up with these dumb ass mofos. Running each other down and shooting one another over turf and gang colors.

    As you said the overwhelming majority of crimes by blacks is against other blacks.

    Many white folks have next to no direct relationship with a black person in their personal life.

    Until blacks as a people in America place value on education, doing the right things, focus on betterment of our idea of what makes a real man and woman then these issues will continue.

    No one else is going to give a damn about blacks, it starts with our own actions, values and accountability.
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, Mikey. If only it was that easy.

    We would still have murderers, rapists, drug dealers and users, alcoholics, child and women abuse, wars, etc.

    In Africa they are still about tribalism and will chop each other up over who won an election, etc.

    In Brazil you have a sky high crime rate, drug gangs patrolling through their piece of their favela with firearms and killing each other nightly.
  18. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Very very true. Good post
  19. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    No one can even argue that, this has been well known since the heroin and crack eras in urban inner cities and still it falls on deaf ears.

    The worst thing you can be as a black man is another statistic for the system. When you do that you fit right in with the expectations and assumptions.
  20. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    While I agree that to box it in as black on black crime, is rather simplistic, and doesn't tell the whole story. Nonetheless it is an issue that is occurring.

    Whether it is the effects of the drug trade and gangs, poor family life, economic issues, educational issues or combinations of those listed.

    I've seen old clips of New York City during the 60's, 70's and 80's with the run down, abandoned apartment buildings, graffiti trains, etc. You know an image straight out of the opening of Lean On Me.



    or like the Cabrini Green Housing Complex Chicago got rid of thankfully, where gangs, drugs and violence were the norm rather than exception.

    Gangs like Four Corner Hustlers, Gangsta Disciples, Black P. Stones, Vice Lords all roamed in that place for generation after generation.


    or the Love Murdering Gangstas gang of Lemoyne Gardens Projects in Memphis. Some of these cats talking about they miss the projects after it was torn down by Memphis Housing authorities.

    When in reality the projects, gang and subsequent criminality was all that had meaning to them, outside of that they had nothing in life to look forward to.


    To be honest I don't know if this shit will ever end.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012

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