Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    as long as they keep it real and not try to raise them up deluded, im good

    fact remains skin color = stigma
  2. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I have read some forums online and it is remarkable how sick some people are.

    You have people asking why is the media showing that one picture of him.

    How he is actually this big, scary 250 pound black teen who is past puberty and the media is covering it up.

    How he is shown in other pictures flashing gang signs and therefore a black thug.

    How he was probably going to grow up to rape white women and rob so Zimmmerman did a favor.

    Of course the infamous wearing the hoodie argument.

    Pretty remarkable that these are folks that we may encounter every day in our lives who think this way. They may smile in your face but inside of them something is not put together between their hearts and minds.

    As a black man is all it takes is for me to be walking, minding my own business and someone accosts you because they view you as a threat and instigate a confrontation by approaching you and then you are shot to death while trying to defend yourself.

    You have to wonder. :confused:
  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Yep you can never walk around naive in this world.

    I deal with folks on an individual basis but I also realize their are repugnant individuals out there who will judge you just from looking at you.

    No matter how respectful, polite, disciplined and well meaning you are as a black person, there will always be those folks that don't like you because they just see skin color and their mentality doesn't allow them to see past that.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    when i first started working at my hospital, i was getting so many looks

    one guy looked at my employee ID and just looked so disappointed and disgusted

    black woman on the elevator looked at me after he got off, and said 'did u see the way he looked at u?'

    i said yeah and she went on about how things didn't change at all

    i was wearing medical scrubs and looking very professional, mind u, and still got the hate

    bottom line some of them feel very threatened by us. we're not this stereotype of dumb, uneducated gang bangers. if you want to piss off a racist, get an education and a good job. trust me
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I get so tired of having to explain my posts. Not to you necessarily..but just in general. Like having to explain the why behind why I used the word baby instead of young man, for instance.

    I'm a parent. So I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that my children are far from angels. But they are GOOD kids. Just like I'm sure Trayvon was a good kid.

    My oldest daughter has pictures of her posing like she's in the act of killing someone. Not literally, on purpose. It's just her and her friends getting together and fucking around. Her boyfriend has a fake noose around his neck and she's pulling on it. It's a joke. Kids play. It's what they do. She's not five so it's not with teddy bears and stuff. It's more seriously stuff. There is also a picture of her posing with a huge gun with all sorts of add ons? What are they saying in that pic? That they are ready for the impending zombie invasion.

    And so what if he posed with gang signs? Was he actually affiliated with any gangs? did he walk around shooting innocent people like zimmerman? Did he stalk and find trouble just because he could?
    And he played football right? Soooo....if these idiots on these boards that post such rubbish had more than one brain cell between the lot of them...they could probably deduct that he might be a bit built. As opposed to the fat fuck that shot him dead.

    People can JUSTIFY ANYTHING if they try hard enough. This kid never grew up to rob or rape women. Which he wouldn't have anyway, im sure. Why? because he was murdered by a racist fuck that grew up and killed him in cold blood.

    Edit: Let me clairify that some more before someone decides to point this out as well. I'm not saying he would have grown up to rob people or rape women. I'm saying he didn't get to fully grow up at all. Because he was killed by someone who was clearly racist and killed him because he was black. So these asshats have a lot of balls to say that Trayvon would have grown up to be those things strictly because he was black. Ok? Ok.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I don't think those kinds of people even pretend to smile in your face who are straight team Zimmerman.

    I've read similar grumblings..."why did his parents shutdown his FB page as the case went national"...but even so if true, kids do stupid gang signs in photos all the time, they write silly's clear the kid wasn't a gang-banger...again with their victim bashing.

    And so what his size? Zimmerman was a 250 pound Hispanic looking adult male thug to Trayvon.
    (which is more-likely bull anyway because while Tray was tall, he was nick-named "Slimm").

    Obviously we're aware that in some pics he's very young and they aren't current, but even if he looked his age and was 350 pounds, HE WAS INNOCENTLY WALKING HOME. That's an ACTUAL FACT.

    Like Trayvon's parents are saying, "it's not a Black thing or a White thing, it's about doing the RIGHT thing.
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    But it can't happen because of Florida's law in place, in addition to the other 23 states in America that have it too. First, the law might have to get overturned/repealed by the Supreme Court before anything can happen. So right now, Zimmerman's attorney uses the law to defend his client, saying that he's innocent for that reason alone.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    True Mikey, and while the case may have started out that way (Castle Law), I have felt from the start that while the Law initially appeared to be on his side, it wouldn't continue to save his ass if ballistics/bullet trajectory, eye-witness testimony and/or 911 calls don't corroborate his version. We already know following someone isn't illegal, however we then learned via the 911 that he gave chase. That invalidates the threat part of the law. Getting a bloody nose after you give chase does not constitute utilizing the Castle Law.

    If anything, as the facts have come to light, Tray running for his life from a gun-toting cowboy...if he had killed Zimmerman, the Law was designed for his scenario.
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I just read that Mr.Z is afraid for his safety according to his friends. One quick solution:Turn yourself in.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Right, it's time for him to step down. The longer this goes on, the worse this thing gets, it's like a strain on the country right now that consumes us. I even heard on the news that the loss of Trayvon Martin could overtake the importance of the 2012 presidential election.

    I think Zimmerman deliberately hurt himself in the scuffle with Martin. He just did it to create smoke and mirrors within the case. And since we only have one side of the story, that complicates the problem.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Since there are no charges as we speak (pending is another story), it means he would have to confess.
    I think he should - it will save everyone involved for both families a lot of heart-ache. He can still do the right thing even though he began this doing the wrong thing. His conscious just has to be eating at him.

    Eh Mikey we can't be pulling a Zimmerman here and injecting lies. He also had a gash to the back of his head and there were eye-witness to the two wrestling. Nonetheless, Zimmerman indeed created smoke and mirrors from the beginning with his fake "suspicious" version of Trayvon...we hear it ourselves on the 911 tapes.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  12. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    Probably only worried about his well- being
  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Obama is getting criticized for his comment. He should have stayed out of it, but if he was going to make a comment he should have said this a great tragedy to our nation, I beleive it is a state matter but the federal govt will assist with anything to facilitate the investigation and to bring about justice, rather than saying if I had a son.... who cares if he had a son, this is not about trying to politicize a murder and trying to garner the black vote. This is about a blk kid who got murdered like a 3rd class citizen in his own country by some loony vigilante fanatic who failed basic arithmetic and english course and was unable to join the police force so now he has to walk around with loaded gun to doll out street justice, fucken douche bag!!!

    The country already appears to be divided with lots of race issues and the last 3 yrs of Obama has helped a little for race relation in fact BO has made it worse, so he should have been tactful when making comment especially after the beer summit crapola.....

    Damn, I did not know that Travyon’s family filed a missing person report to locate him, & finally found him lying in the morgue, unidentified, for more than twelve hours, with a gunshot to the back of the head! Damn that fat fuck is a cold blooded bastard, now I hear he can’t stop crying & has gone into hiding for fear of his life, FUCK HIM, cry me a fucken river. Nobody told you to chase down an innocent teenage and gun him down cold blooded.

    I am happy several ppl at my church wore hoodies. This hoodie thing is getting folks to stand up around the country.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    how exactly do you shoot someone in the back of the head, if they have YOU on the ground?

    im not a forensics specialist...or even blood-spatter Dexter....but damn if that shit sounds fishy

    unless that was some move I haven't learned before..where you're beating someone silly while they have you in back control from the ground

    damn Travyon must have been a black belt in jiu jitsu or some shit
  15. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I tactfully have to disagree with you about the Obama statement. I don't think that he's trying to garner the black vote. And I think he was really just trying to say that racism is such a problem in this country that you are targeted just for being black. Since Obama is black it could have been his son. The "he would have looked like me" maybe have been a way of saying that just because Trayvon was black does not mean he was a menance. Our president is black and he's not a menace.

    Of course I really don't know any of this for sure. But I think he was trying to highlight the fact that people are STILL being killed in our country because of skin color.
  16. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    GREAT question. How exactly was he "fearing for his life" if he shot the kid in the freakin back of the head? If nothing else (not the 911 calls or the girlfriends report of the call between her and Trayvon) this fact right here should point to his killing the kid in cold blood. SMH
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    To shoot someone in the back of the head. I'm not any of that pro stuff either but to do so they have to be facing away from you. Which would indicate that they were walking away not coming toward.

    I hope prosecution takes all the evidence and shuts the killers pie hole with it.
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Nope he is an opportunist, typical politician.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i bet would-be prosecutors are chomping at the bits over this case

    this shit is too sweet to pass up

    i can imagine a prosecutor trying to re-enact this shit, asking everyone how can you shoot someone in the back of head, if you are 'getting beat up'
  20. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Ok fair enuff. But I hope the next time rushy or lizard boy says something offensive about this....all the people who follow them will say they said it bc they are opportunists as well.

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