Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Stumper

    Stumper New Member

    And I will answer you thoroughly, as I have many previous times that you seem to conveniently seem to disregard....

    I have no investment on what people think in this matter. What I do care about is a person not being given due process, being convicted in the court of public opinion rather than a court of law, and relying to much on what CNN, MSNBC and what bloated gasbags have to say about the case and other things in the world.

    And again, I'm not jumping on anybody...I'm disagreeing with you, and you are presuming that I'm "jumping" on you. Funny how that works.
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Reality Check: Since when does disagreeing with someone else's opinion call for you or anyone else to constantly go at what they post?? I'm not in here to "debate" you or anyone else. I'm stating my opinions. Period. Why is it you and every Zimmerman supporter on this site are constantly trying to prove that anyone whose opinion differs from your own are somehow wrong? Because that's pretty much all you & other like minded individuals have been doing. If you disagree with my opinions then fine. But I would appreciate if you and others would stop trying to prove that my & other individuals opinions are wrong because they are opposite of your own. Don't cry about wanting other people to respect your opinions when you continue to disrespect everyone else's.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. It's pure speculation.

    I get what you're saying, and I'd agree with you, but that's not how the "other side" is treating people who differ from their point of view.

    See how that works?
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I see. Some people want to debate this issue & prove that whatever opinion they have on the matter is the "correct" one. Some people are just stating their opinions and nothing more, but are being "corrected" for having their opinions.
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Do you feel better now? :roll:

    By our own "shotty" legal system, had it happened the other way around, and Trayvon had killed Zimmerman, Trayvon could have easily (and probably would have) been tried as an ADULT.

    He was not a frightened "child". Give me a break. The dude stood at 5'11".

    And if you read the transcript of GZ's 911 call, he states that Trayvon ran and he couldn't find him. That sounds like he was out of danger right there.

    People are defending Zimmerman on this thread? Where?

    Are you referring to me? Because I refuse to get riled up and manipulated by the media and Sharpton? In my personal opinion, this is not a clear cut case of racism. There are too many things that are just unknown about how Martin and Zimmerman ended up fighting and one getting killed.

    And had Zimmerman been black, there would be no media coverage, no Al Sharpton and no President Obama speaking about Trayvon's death. They wouldn't even know about it.

    I'm just really tired of the hypocrisy of the "outrage" at this murder. Like Trayvon's life was more important than the thousands of innocent African-Americans being shot and killed on the streets of every major city in this country on a daily basis.

    But because they're shot by gang members, the media doesn't give a shit about them. They can't make money off of peoples' clicks on their websites with those stories.

    Remember Hadiya Pendleton? She made news for what, like a week after her murder? But the media stopped showing her picture because she was killed by a gang member. There was no Obama claiming that Hadiya could have been his daughter. Michelle Obama was not out saying that Hadiya could have been her 35 years ago. Why? Because she had the "unfortunate luck" of being killed by a gang member. So somehow, her death weighs less than Trayvon's.

    Their business booms if they continue keeping racial tensions alive and kicking.

    There are absolutely, without a doubt, clear-cut cases of white racism on blacks, but in this case, in my personal opinion, it's ambiguous at best. If Zimmerman had uttered a racial slur on the 911 call, I'd be more inclined to say otherwise, but I don't think it's that simple to just claim racism in this particular case.

    Am I defending what Zimmerman did? Not by a long shot, but I'm hesitant to jump on the racism bandwagon with this one. So therefore, my opinion differs from others. Last time I checked, I was allowed to form my own opinion on this matter.
  6. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    What a Brilliant and thorough dissertation of the truth. ..for the first time in this thread. ..a salient lady voice of reasoning...
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You sir need to stop with the petty attempts at promoting unneeded drama with comments like this. You kill whatever claims of credibility you say you're trying to present every time you do this kind of posting.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Arch wasn't saying this bullshit after the Casey Anthony verdict. Interesting how us blacks have to resign to the letter of the law and Stfu when we don't think justice was served. Some bm are so hell bent on being accepted into the white fold even if it means ignoring truth in the interest of being perceived as fair and open minded. Smh
  9. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    How relevant is Casey Anthony to this case. .The point here is that you now have a powerful opposing voice that you can't insult, you can't tag-team, you can't misconstrue. ...but you must respect. .....It is imperative that you and Ra go back and re-read her last piece. ..It might help you to face the truth in the broad picture. ..
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Let me point something out to you because you are totally caught up in "the truth" as how you see things. You do realize that almost every one of your posts in this thread alone has been either directly or indirectly some kind of attack on any & everyone whose opinion is opposite your own all the while claiming being a victim of everyone else's intolerance?
  11. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Come-on man, stop digressing....This is not about me and you. . Bookie's piece and concede that there is nothing in it that can be refuted....face the truth. ..
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Sir? Who are you to tell me or anyone what we should see as "truth"? If what you read in her post struck some chord with you, then so be it. You don't take it upon yourself to then dictate to others that they also should recognize something as "truth". Recognize the fact that this is not a church and you are not a preacher trying to enlighten the masses, so please refrain from trying to get others to see "your truth". Thank You.
  13. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    ......Re-read the piece Ra.......
  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Why? It's not changing my opinion on anything. Again if that's truth for you then so be it. Why are you so invested in trying to convert others to your views & opinions???
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    People don't seem to understand this case gained nationwide attention because Trayvon's admitted killer WAS NOT arrested that same night and allowed to go home....FREE OF CHARGES.

    When does that ever happen in a homicide???

    George Zimmerman was allowed to make up whatever story he wanted and the Stanford PD bought it whole hog.

    It was only after people became aware that George Zimmerman racially profiled Travyon as a potential criminal and followed him for several blocks in his car and on foot, knowing that Trayvon had committed no crime, that people became incensed.

    People didn't randomly pick this case out the clear blue to be angry about.

    When an armed adult kills an unarmed teen and isn't charged with a damn thing, most people think there's something fucked up with that equation.

    Like others have said, if that crime had happened in a state other than Florida, Zimmerman under the exact same circumstances would have been charged and absolutely convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

    That's where the outrage comes from.

    If that girl in Chicago's killer had been known and let go by the police on the claim of 'self defense', people would be marching in the streets for that travesty of justice too.

    This case is unique.

    It's not another statistic about another Black kid gunned down.

    If this case isn't something people want to discuss, let's cut this right-wing BS deflection crap.

    Trayvon's murder has NOTHING at all to do with the rate of crime in the Black community, or how many Black people are killed by other Blacks, or absentee Black fathers, or the incarceration rate of young Black men.

    It has everything to do with George Zimmerman, the state of Florida, Trayvon Martin, the Stanford PD, and the institutional racism rampant throughout the justice system.

    Which is why many of us intuitively know if you switched the races of the victim and the murderer in the Trayvon Martin case, there's no way in hell the outcome would be the same.

    Good luck to any 28 year old Black man claiming in court he feared for his life from a weedhead 17 year old White kid and therefore had to shoot him dead.

    People need to stop parroting what they're hearing from conservative news and think with their heads.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2013
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    No! This has everything to do with the overwhelming majority of black people in America having victim mentalities and too many white & non black people in America suffering from liberal guilt. Get your facts straight........
  17. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Just because someone agrees with you does not make it the 'truth'.

    The main issue that I see within this thread is that you have Camp A vs. Camp B, both with their own viewpoints and no room for compromise or level headed discussion between the two.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Excellent post, Bookie.

    Here, the Media call the continual murders of BM, "a cheap story". (and to some degree, the murder of a WM is not much newsworthy, either - they need that racial spin to profit from it).

    And why?
    Because they know it doesn't rile people to march on court-steps, it just doesn't. It is what it is and it's been that way for easily 25 years.

    What is also not lost on me is that President Obama and Eric Holder are also fanning the flames because it distracts from THEIR own problems - the IRS scandals, the Drones, Benghazi, the "Fast & Furious murder of the Border Agent, and the NSA spying on U.S Citizens, the Media, and our Foreign Leader Allies.

    Holder also knows he's not going to file charges and win a conviction, because the FBI did a thorough investigation on 'if GZ's is a racist' already, and gave the report to Holder. So what is the purpose to perpetuate otherwise, if not to distract?
  19. Preach!
  20. Stinkmeaner

    Stinkmeaner New Member


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