Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Wrong is wrong and hate is hate. You can't say 'so what', because it was done on the regular to Black folk in the past. We should all be able able to recognize injustice on its own merits and not try to qualify it.

    About that Nancy Grace 'jack on this thread, if anyone on this board lied for almost a year about the disappearance of their OWN CHILD, and that child was later found buried in a shallow grave a few blocks from the house where you lived with your parents, 9/10 your ass is going to be convicted of first degree murder.
    Defense attorneys are paid to present alternative crime scenarios to create 'reasonable doubt' in the mind of jurors, but the depth and breadth of of lies told by Casey Anthony should have eliminated reasonable doubt in the mind of any thinking juror. Those idiots gave that bitch the benefit of the doubt when she didn't deserve any. If you think that little girl drowned in a pool and Casey's ex-cop father instead of calling 911 decided to bury his grand-daughter in the woods like a dead dog, you are a purebred IDIOT.
    There was no reasonable doubt in the Casey Anthony case because the defense theories weren't PLAUSIBLE.

    The Feds are going to take Zimmerman down. I truly believe that. But even more important, I hope the Sanford Police Chief loses his job over this and the 'Stand Your Ground' laws is amended. You don't have a right to use deadly force when faced with a bodily threat. You don't have a right to pursue your 'attacker' and summarily execute him, or randomly confront someone you internally perceive as a threat and execute them.

    Murder should not be a reasonable and justifiable response to a personal altercation.

    The NRA is out of control.:smt068
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The NRA has nothing to do with this
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It won't be changed.:smt012

    Also, you need evidence. Like i said before and a big reason why I point to oscar grant and this case. Heavy evidence. If you honestly thought she was going to get convicted, you'd be making big leaps over what is reasonable doubt of who killed the girl. Sure she looks guilty and probably did it but where is the evidence. That's how the jury saw it. Everyone can BELIEVE it. Where is the video like oscar grant?. where is a witness(oscar's friends)? That's pretty much how it was is and has gone down. hence why I knew they were going tack on small things like lying, fees, and fines. got to get her some where.
  4. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    If that is in fact true, they need to lock this fucker up with no parole for the rest of his shitty life.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Except with your exchange with Bliss I agree with you. I think that's something people keep missing. We need the federal government to still come in to execute justice in these backwards southern states. This shit is plain and simple. Kid chased by unknown stalker, kid tries to flee, kids is shot and killed. Why do they have to handle this shit so delicately? Because the perp said it was self defense?
    Well hopefully justice will be done but this yet another blemish on the face of the American fabric.
    We still social commentary and involvement for our system to handle the murder of a teenage boy as it would anyone else.

    Canada I can't get there quick enough.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You didn't hear fam? It's in this thread 2:19 in
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    lol This is again why that stupid law was made. Because you got people like that will run up on you in your car or your house and shoot. A couple years back, We had two guys go into this woman's house rape her and then force her son to have sex with her. :smt071
    That's why that law is there. It isn't meant for this scenario(zimmerman) but this scenario happens far less than what you just mentioned. This is just what happens when you have a large diverse population in a state. You look at the three states above and below and same mess.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2012
  8. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Actually they do. Florida's "Stand Your Ground" Law which was enacted in 05 was primarily passed because the NRA pushed so hard for it. It makes it "Lawful for individuals to use deadly force if they have a reasonable fear of harm or death to themselves or others" in the state of Florida, and it's a possible defense for Zimmerman to use. Not to mention it was one of the justifications for keeping him out of jail to begin with.

    I saw the entire law summed up nicely as basically being "Shoot now, be exonerated later". So while the NRA isn't responsible for any pulled triggers (and that's debatable), they are responsible for Florida's idiotic gun policy which basically makes homicide justifiable as long as a claim of self defense is made. After it was passed justifiable homicides tripled in the state. Fortunately this particular story went national so it didn't just get written off.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    100% right!
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This case is completely different. There are no suspects to hold hands over. In the Treyvon Martin case they know who killed him and dude is walking around free. I've been reading the hell out of the Stand Your Ground statute and it does not absolve a perp from being arrested or questioned further in an investigation. So there is absolutely no reason that he should be allowed to be free.
    In the case of this Coon kid what was done to him was down right dispicable but there are no actual suspects to hold accountable. His attackers got lost in the crowd but Treyvon Martin's attacker is highly visible.
    And the major thing I think a lot of white people in general seem to not comprehend is that we all (black people) get that anyone can commit a racist act. It becomes a real problem when its government sanctioned and protected. A government agency ignored the evidence and would have allowed a racist child killer to walk the streets had public scrutiny not be thrusted upon them. Its a fear and anger that's hard to conceive for most of us because we're all fed the bs that we're living in a post racial America when its clearly not the case. Motherfuckas in Florida act like its still the 1950s.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    We can't heal and move on from this shit if we can't be honest. Justice is disproportionate in this country. There's no getting around that.

  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The evidence was Cayley Anthony's skeletal remains found blocks away from where her mother lived.
    Reasonable doubt doesn't mean any possible scenario must be considered by a jury before convicting a defendant. 'Reasonable' means that out of a dozen or more alternative scenarios presented by the defense, which one seems to be the most likely or probable explanation for what occurred??

    People have been sentenced to death with less physical evidence against them than was presented in the Casey Anthony trial.

    It wasn't 'reasonable' to believe a pathological liar like Casey Anthony when she said she was so fucked up because her father made her give him a BJ every day before she went to elementary school.It's not 'reasonable' to believe an ex-cop is going to find his granddaughter accidentally drowned in the family pool, and instead of calling paramedics decides to bury the body in the woods. It's not 'reasonable' to think Casey's mother confused the smell of a dead body emanating from the trunk of her daughter's car with the smell of old garbage.

    At the end of the day, a jury has to decide whom they choose to believe; the prosecution attorneys or the girl who's described as a habitual liar by everyone who knows her??
    Those jurors were stoopid. You don't need fingerprints on a murder weapon to find someone guilty of murder.

    Back to the OP.
    The noose is tightening around shithead Zimmerman. I'm really curious to know whether or not Trayvon was shot through is chest, or from the back.

  13. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    He's probably a Jewish person who is half Sephardic/half Ashkenazi, hence the German Jewish surname with dark skin. Or perhaps a Latin American Jew, but who cares? Whatever race or ethnicity, he deserves to face justice and be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Just as anyone else who murders an innocent child.

    I hope they keep the pressure on him until he is tried and punished for his crime. The family deserves justice. Their child has been unjustly taken from them and it's disgusting that they have to raise a national campaign just to get the simple justice that so many others take for granted.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2012
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Amen sir

  15. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

    This^^^^^All day.
  16. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    I wonder if Mr.Zimmerman has identified as White most of his life. I've heard he's anywhere from 1/4 Latino to 1/2 Latino. Regardless the second he murdered that kid in cold blood he turned Brown with the quickness as far as a lot of people have been concerned.
  17. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    What does it matter? Right now, I only care if the law identifies him as guilty of murder.
  18. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

  19. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    But unfortunately, defense lawyers may spin a he's a poor white boy story.
    If they can in anyway get a judge/jury to sympathize with will help him get a lesser conviction. Or off entirely.

    You know the people demographics for a defense choice are going to be:
    Not black
    No mothers/fathers
    Childless people

    They probably won't get their ideal jury BUT even if they do end up with one or two who see it thru the eyes of Zimmermen..those two can hold the entire jury hostage until any clear and rational conviction goes right out the fucking window.
  20. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    It's just something I've noticed about how the one drop rule seems to work in this country. How you can be White/Biracial one minute, then the second you pull some crap like this suddenly you're Hispanic/Latino. I've seen that go both ways with biracial Blacks as well (ie: President Obama).

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