okay...i dont want to gloat but... http://finance.yahoo.com/college-ed...e-tops-recruiter-rankings?mod=edu-collegeprep take that you ivy bastards
Shit, one of those comments was saying how dude had two degrees and couldn't find a job until he met somebody through his company and that some other dude got the exact same job with his experience in the Air Force. That's a big "fuck you" to that guy. :smt081:smt081:smt081
lol prior work-related experience can substitute for a degree. for instance, if you have been doing computer programming on a job for 3-5 years, many companies will consider you, even if you don't possess a degree. You can't tell someone that's been in the field for so long, that they didnt possess the skills needed, right? As for the Ivy schools, sometimes you dont need to shell out 25-30k a year to get good job prospects. PSU in 2000 was 6500 dollars per year. If you picked a decent major, you were set for gold. It's a public university, but it's also an excellent one at a fraction of the price you would pay for university of penn. /end rant p.s. yes that was a big FUCK YOU, who cares how many degrees you have lmao
Perfect. I'm gonna be doing my job for 3 years, so I'll have plenty of experience when I get out. Of course, I'm still gonna go back to school since I'm getting free money for that mufucka. :smt042
im serious if you look for government jobs, or any job for that matter, sometimes you can substitute a degree with your hands-on skill. Or, they may waive the 4-year requirement, and do a combination of everything you have. So, for instance, you have an associates degree + 3-4 years in the field. You would be in consideration for the job like the guy who only has 4-years of school and no real hands on experience.
im not saying avoid school...but im saying you will have options even before graduation, since you're getting training in the Army + applying it in practical settings. Actually, people go into certain fields in the military just for their long-term goals outside of it. which is why you got the ones who avoid hard MOS like infantry, or something like that...because it's hard to translate that into a real-world job, other than security or law enforcement. be smart about it. think about your future.
Just curious, what kind of pay do they offer after you complete four years of service? I hear its pretty good.
Yeah, my friend is going in as infantry or some shit and I'm wondering what can he do after that. He's gonna work on his BA through UCLA(because according to what he told me, in the army, you can go to damn near any college you want), but I don't know what he's gonna major in. He doesn't really care about what he majors in. He just wants that officer ranking so he can stack major bank. :smt036
The pay depends on what ranking you are as well, so it could vary. http://www.us-army-info.com/pages/ranks.html This one is outdated, though, but it just the general idea of what people make. I'm going in as an E-3, once I submit my transcripts and do some other shit, so I'll be making around 1700 a month, minus 100 dollars a month for the school thing or something.
make sure they put that in writing i heard of high school ROTC cadets not going in as E-3s, even tho they completed multiple years within the program, which is supposed to elicit higher rank. taken from department of the army JROTC letter "Enrollment in JROTC has other benefits as well. JROTC experience is recognized as positive leadership experience by college admissions offices, and it also confers an advantage if a student desires to attend one of the Military Academies, earn a scholarship through ROTC, or even enlist in the military (former JROTC cadets who have completed 3 years are promoted to E3 upon enlistment)." they could have been bullshitting me, but I'd just try to see if they could put any rank advancements in writing, so you dont get the banana up the tailpipe from a recruiter lol. as for the officer route, if you're looking for money and military service, you can't beat that. You'll still have a degree if it doesn't work out, and you will make more if it does. I'm still wondering why you didnt sign up for Military Science in college.
I hope they ain't gonna bullshit me, but I'm already in, so I can't do much, now. I don't think my school even had a Military Science class. Doubt they could afford the program. :smt081
the Army sponsors the programs, so I don't see why not. You don't have to pay for anything. You get issued a uniform, shoes, boots, fatigues, caps, etc, all paid for by the government. even if you dont join, it's still a fun program to be in...and you learn a lot which is what school is about. The instructors tho...maybe the colleges have to pay them lol
When you go in as an E(x) or higher, do they promote you later on or is it set in stone once you're enlisted?
promoted upon enlistment, quoting the jrotc standard. so, you would think as soon as you sign all the paperwork and get sworn in at the MEPS. Worse case scenario would be after basic, but that would still be good. It all works in his favor, because he is going the extra mile with school. You expect a little reward with that, you know. Like I said tho, i'd just make sure that everything was official (meaning there was a written Army policy which reflects it) like X-amount of paperwork submitted by me would entitle me to rank advancement to Y, for example. I wouldn't go off word of mouth.
I'll go to my recruiter tomorrow and ask about the whole ranking thing. They also told me down at MEPS that I'd go in as E whatever once I had done what I was supposed to do, so I hope it applies to me.
just see if they can point to a specific policy which guarantees it, provided you complete the necessary steps. http://www.navycs.com/navy-advanced-paygrade.html this is from a navy website, but I'm not sure if it's official. The same theory applies tho, X-amount of credits advances you to Y-rank, provided they are from an accredited institution. dont let me scare you, I just want to make sure you get everything. You'll thank me later.
Don't worry, my shit is accredited. I don't go to Everest College. :smt043 But yeah, I fell ya. Gotta make sure everything is straight and settled before I ship.
dont forget to READ the contract..that's where everything should be lol especially the fine print btw i heard everest was Top in the Nation late edit - after digging around, rank advancement when you enlist should be somewhere in your contract or with it...which is why everyone says if it's not in writing, you might get piped.