Acura apologizes for seeking 'not too dark' actor. Acura apologized Wednesday for a casting document that called for an African-American actor who was "not too dark" in the car company's Super Bowl ad. The controversial casting call document, published Wednesday by the celebrity gossip site TMZ, "pulls back the curtain" on the widely known practice of casting based on skin tone in Hollywood, a longtime manager said.
Saw this on TMZ yesterday. Rappers do the same 'L/S or white' thing in casting calls all the time. Diddy was even called out for it.
What's new?? There's too few cultural and trend leaders,( those who have the access AND authority to put their vision of 'what should be' into the mass media), and too many of them are small minded. Dark skinned BM are SCARY!!!:smt106 :smt039
This ain't surprising at all. Anybody who watches TV knows what's up. In the rare instances that you see BM/non-BFs depicted in some sort of romantic relationship in an ad, it's always a super light-skinned brother. (No disrespect to my light-skinned brethren intended.)