To the Canadian women: Welcome to the forums

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by SardonicGenie, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Seems like we are seeing more and more of you joining these boards. It makes me wonder whether or not IR is some sort of trend up there in the Far North, or maybe it's just more normal and frequent, unlike here in the states...

    but, it's still all good. At least we are seeing more and more females participating in the forums nowadays, which gives me all the more reason to keep posting. :wink:

    But, has anyone noticed how there are MORE foreign women than American women in here, and how there are MORE American men in here than foreign men?

    Yeah, I know, it's obvious WHY, but I figured I'd ask and see who else could spot this anyway. :roll:
  2. Crystal

    Crystal New Member

    Why thank you, it's nice to be here!

    I'm not sure why you are lately seeing more of us from Canada exploring the site.

    As a Canadian, I know we pride ourselves on being a cultural mosaic, (even though I know we aren't perfect by a l ong shot) and some cities, especialy the larger ones and I suspect those closer to the US border, e.g. Windsor etc. do have a higher proportion of the population being blacks. But in a lot of places, we dont' see a lot of you guys in person, just not the populations density.

    Even in my town where there few black people per se, I still see quite a lot of IR, with blacks and asians (we have quite a bit more of an asian population in my city but also in the larger centres like Toronto)

    Maybe the media has piqued our curiosity? More exposure in films and TV and maybe even partly the Hurricane in the New Orleans area which we all watched with horror and dismay has sparked our attention???

    Maybe a new trend , but not a fad, though, at least, not from my perspective. :smt052
  3. Princesa

    Princesa Banned

    I think it may be because IR is more normal and frequent. The majority of my friends have had at least one IR experience. Both my cousin and I have mixed babies, and all our family has accepted our relationships with open arms. Even though there still are lots who disapprove, in general I've found people are pretty accepting of IR, which makes me very grateful I live where I do. :D
  4. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I only ever met tolerant people in Canada, who were comfortable with multiculturalism. The only hot racial issues seemed to be between indigenous natives, and 'modern' Canadians, which are of a slightly different nature than black/white racial issues.

    Wish I could say the same about all Americans (or even all British) - in both countries there are so many tensions, contradictions and things left unsaid. Probably a lot of residual national guilt as well.
  5. TorontoGirl

    TorontoGirl New Member

    Thanks for the welcome ;)

    As my handle implies,I live in Toronto.IR relationships are the norm in this city,how could they not be?Toronto has such a diverse population.

    I grew up in a family that led by example,we always had family friends whose ethnicity was non European.When my parents divorced in 1970, my Mothers first boyfriend was Iranian.Only makes sense that I would date whoever caught my eye ;)

    I have been reading this board for a couple of years now.I remember when it got spammed by some nasty trools,I decided to wait before joining. :lol:
  6. TorontoGirl

    TorontoGirl New Member

    The issue you are referring to involves the Native Canadian's trying to get what they deserve.When the white man (I'm white by the way) arrived on the shores of Lake Ontario, they chose to poison the people they met here with alcohol. Then promptly declared that they had discovered this Country!

    I attended school with a lot of Native Canadian's, and the way they were treated was shameful. The Canadian government routinely removed children from their reserves, in an attempt to "whitewash" them. These children,often as young as five,were placed in residential schools where they had no contact with their parents or their heritage, often for years.

    The rate of alcoholism and substance abuse among those who were displaced is higher then the national average.Unfortunately there are many Canadians who don't remember what happened to these adults when they were children. Many people pass judgement on the Native Canadians,they seem to forget that they were here first, and in reality, we live in their country! IMHO they deserve whatever restitution they request.

    Sorry for the rant.
  7. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Good for you - I'm on your side, as are my Canadian family. It just seemed to me to be an interesting parallel issue, one which isn't part of life in the UK. Canadians shouldn't feel like they're on their own though: the treatment of indigenous peoples worldwide is appalling (Australia, US, South Africa...).
  8. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    America had the European Slave Trade, South Africa had the apartheid, and Ireland had Bloody Sunday (just to name a few), so old values will still live on if people are accustomed to the culture surrounding it from it's origin.
  9. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i found many Canadians far more accepting but thats just the ones i met
  10. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I have also found Canadians to be more accepting of IR. I even went down to Canada to visit a friend. Her parents invited me for dinner and we had such a good time.

    Given the prevalence of artificial divisions in our societies, it is easy to forget that we are all just people. Interacting with people that are different serves as a reminder that we are all still connected.

    I think I would choke without feeling this way once in a while.
  11. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    At least YOU would only just choke.
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I would say that Canada is probably the most tolerant out of all the other white nations in the world, though there are assholes everywhere in the world, in fact, most of the Internet scams out there tracked down by the FBI are from Canada.
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member


    Welcome Canadian women to the website. I hope to see more of your comments. I don't know how extensive the love for Black men there but I hope it is like Europe.
  14. Princesa

    Princesa Banned

    Well Jerome, you are right, there is racism in Canada, I'm sure not going to deny that, but I disagree with you on some of your other points. Sure there are some girls that only want that hot black man, but we are not all like that. I would much rather date a BM who is less attractive but loves and cares for me than one who is gorgeous but doesn't have those same feelings for me. I have dated guys who my friends thought weren't great looking, but I found them attractive and didn't care about what others thought because these men cared for me. I've also dated beautiful black men, some were amazing and some I never want to see again, but it had nothing to do with their looks.

    As for WW calling BM the N word, I've only ever heard one WW say it and I was appalled and told her so.

    Canada is not perfect, I experience it on a daily basis having a mixed little girl, but I know if I were living some place else I would have much more to deal with. I'm sorry your experiences have not been positive ones, but there are good WW out there who respect BM for who they are and not what they look like. I hope one day you'll have the pleasure of meeting one of us.
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Glad that you wrote in, Princesa. Like I said before, no place on earth is perfect (assholes everywhere) and what Jerome has experienced doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Canada or all Canadians, since young black men in any part of the world have been through similar things, and more often than not, WORSE THINGS.
  16. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Wow!! This topic was started a little while ago..... where have I been??? :roll:

    I just wanted to say thanks to you SG, for the warm welcome and also I wish to also welcome my BM-loving canadian sisters!! Good to have you on board! (and to have re-inforcement!! hehe 8) 8) )
  17. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    I think what you described happens more often than people know or want to admit. I read about an African guy who can only love white women having a similar experience after his relationship deteriorated. Supposedly the ww and her father (who never liked him anyway) both started openly calling him the N word and it wounded him deeply to be viewed like that in their eyesight. I've also heard of women married to jewish men making similar comments when they fell out of favor. Now you have many biracials who feel the same disdain towards blacks and the parents are increasingly troubled by this. People are going to have a whole lot to think about in the coming years.
  18. malachi

    malachi New Member

    Canada's tolerant enough.

    It all comes down to how you live, not where you live.

    There are young blacks guys from there who haven't had any of your experiences and never found themselves with feet of the trailer trash you find yourself putting up with. I'd quit going to the clubs if i were you and start going where people with some self-respect and class go.
  19. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Good advice, malachi. I never go into bars and clubs.
  20. Crystal

    Crystal New Member

    PearlGirl, you are a sweetie! :smt039


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