Tiki Barber & Traci Lynn Johnson

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Kid Rasta, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    That cartoon in the Post is cold.
  2. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    By all accounts from Tiki himself, Ginny was a wonderful wife and mother. They have been featured in various articles as recent as last year if I'm not mistaken, but he was obviously screwing around even then. Now I'm expecting other women to come out of the woodwork too.
  3. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    Wait til you see the one depicting Tiger's dad lying in bed with four women asking him "What have you learned?" Hilarious!!!! I'll post it once it's available online.
  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I, for one, am a little discomforted by how utterly delicious the world seems to find infidelity amongst Black Men and White Women. Garcelle's story has no traction -- nobody even knows her husband's name. She and everyone else compare every cheater to Tiger. People act like Tiki's done the worst possible cheating ever, but he hasn't.

    John Edwards has. But nobody remembers the White guy who cheated on his dying wife, had a baby with the side ho and even started planning their wedding while his dying wife suffered and supported him in the media.

    Nobody remembers Newt Gingrich leaving his wife on her deathbed. I mean, leaving your pregnant wife is bad. But leaving your dying wife is surely worse, no?

    But it seems people find these stories much more fun when they have a "dark" villain. It's nauseating.
  5. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Folks ARE going HAM on John Edwards and Jesse James.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    make no mistake that lippy is not giving john edwards a pass...but it seems inapproriate to talk about him here because he is white man...it probably seems like only black men cheat if you read these threads because that is what we talk about most...the article about garcelle i won't even touch because some of the bm here seem to be enjoying it just a little too much for my taste...i think they stoop to the level of the bw that bash bm/ww when they feel the need to pounce on her misery
  7. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    For sure. Rielle Hunter is appearing on Oprah soon.
  8. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I've got the tv on while I work most days. Jesse James headlines always come on about 10 minutes into the average Inside Edition. Tiger always leads.

    John Edwards is forgotten. Why did Garcelle compare her husband to Tiger & Jesse, and not Letterman and James, or Edwards and James? Because Tiger is the story that sells. Better than Jesse James, better than John Edwards, better than any of them.

    It's like OJ. How many famous people have actually been proven to have killed people since him? Nobody cares. OJ is what people reference when they want to make a murder analogy.

    The Black Villain is always more interesting to American audiences.

    ...and @ Lippy, I do see your point about why things get talked about here, but it's not just here. In the media at large, Tiger is the biggest cheating story out there. He had many mistresses, but apparently so did Jesse James, and still Tiger gets top billing, despite the extra nazi stuff in the Jesse James story, which *should* make it a hotter story.

    People just prefer it when the bad guy is Black.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about? Taking pretty pictures doesn't mean things are going well. Have you ever lived in the suburbs? Plenty of people desperately trying to project a picture perfect situation. We the public definitely have no clue.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn I gotta cosign that. But I think in terms of Jesse he's not the famous one Sandra Bullock is so maybe why he's not the focus.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Very true. The media really does suck. The could care less about being accurate anymore.
  12. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    i do agree that the media finds the black men who do bad things more salacious than the white men who do bad things. however, in the case of why is tiger getting top billing for his affair over any other current cheater in the game, i think it's mainly because of tiger's power. his financial status and world recognition compared to jesse lames is like comparing an elephant to a boar. which one makes more ripples when pushing through muddy waters??
  13. chicity

    chicity New Member

    That sounds reasonable, but then one wonders why Edward's scandal didn't cause the same amount of traction. There's only one woman with him, but he had already booked the Dave Mathews Band for his wedding with her while his wife was still going on tv supporting him and wondering how long she had to live.

    But when you think "adultery" from the past year, will people remember Tiger or Edwards as the biggest villain? It's not gonna be the white guy.
  14. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    wurd up. jesse lames was a bad remix on mr mom. tiger has international corporations eating off his plate. the hype around jes is cause people feel so sad for sandy.
  15. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    are we talking about edwards the politician? nobody ever cares about politicians and cheating. it's almost a given. it ruins their career, but it's so cliche. the bigger story there is what politician is actually NOT a filth bag? (and i sooo hope obama keeps his nose clean in this department. he will trump all these clowns put together if "ever-ever, ever-ever?!" there is a sniff of badussy around him)
  16. chicity

    chicity New Member

    You must be kidding. For years all any reporter or comedian talked about was Clinton's affairs. Hell, some people are STILL talking about Clinton's affairs.

    Lemme think of a powerful White Male celebrity...Johnny Depp. Or Brad Pitt. Or, say, Michael Phelps. If any of them were discovered to have been running trains at the Bunny Ranch for the last 3 years, who do you think would be the more notorious adulterer? Them or Tiger? It's still Tiger. There's no White Man you could pick that would excite the media, even with an equivalent adultery story, as Tiger.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think its more about him being a golden boy than anything. Michael Jordan is more recognizable than Tiger in my opinion and him cheating on his wife was no big deal in the public.
  18. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Well, that's just because Jordan's a God and if anyone talks about him Chicagoans will rise up and wreck horror and pestilence upon the land with a fury never before seen by the likes of man.

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lmao your damn right too unfortunately. To this day I would swear he sold his soul to the devil lol
  20. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    yep. just pretty much touched on what i said. it was friggin humorous. nobody gives a crap about Slick Willie being a womanizer. it's editorial commentary with someone putting a spin on it. entertainment.

    and as far as white guys that were totally trashed in the media for adultery...
    anybody remember this cat, and the sh!tstorm that surrounded him?

    jimmy swaggart

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