good for him... but i hope he marries for love, to me there is too much internalized racism within him to happy right now. he needs someone his own age.
The picture above, depicts what Tiger is all about. Trust me. Tiger does not have a girlfriend...he has girlfriends.
I wonder why you still consider him black, it's not about being light-skinned or dark-skinned, he's just not genetically black, he's more Asian than black or white, I don't see him as a black man.
And why is that exactly?, because his father has some black ancestry? (NOT EVEN HALF-BLACK), give me a freakin break, I have no problems with light-skinned people being considered black but someone who's more than half-Asian? that's nonsense.
Just to set the record straight, his darker skin tone DOES NOT come from his nearly non-existent black ancestry, but from his mother's side who is half-Thai, half-Chinese. His father was half-Chinese half-"mixed black", see how insane it is to consider him black, I don't get excited over any women he gets because they don't see a black man when they date him and I don't see him as a brother.
ever heard of a thing called colonialism..........the whiyte colonists would have considered him him black, his whole life experience was as a black man. all the racism he suffered was because he was black.
"...She is the daughter of an executive at IMG, the giant sports agency that represents Woods..." LOL! What father in his right mind would lead his baby girl to the HIV slaughter house? I'll bet a (Tiger Wood's Inc.) golf ball she's for show so they can get their client back in the good graces of golf enthu$iasts.
it's not insane, you just have terrible reasoning. he is darker than ronaldo and ronaldinho, and they are considered black,just like obama.