Tiger Woods New $40-Million Pad in Florida

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1PQ3HnDGVNw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1PQ3HnDGVNw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  2. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You are an exceptional woman GG, unfortunately there are plenty of people out there, men and women who are looking to get rich quick off of others efforts, hence the sorry state of tort reform in this country.

    I think the reason we are all seeing such a strong reaction from men in this thread is that for the most part it is men that are getting the short end of the stick (or just the sharp end in the eyes) when it comes to the current legal system and divorce, especially when it comes to custody, very hostile and biased against men imho. With somewhere between 70%-85% of divorces, depending on the source, being initiated by the wife, and with the wide-spread use of "no-fault" divorce, the scary and unfortunate fact is that marriage places men moreso than women in a powerless situation via finances and custody without a pre-nup.

    Lastly I agree that the husband who dumped his ill wife and left her penniless is despicable. Let's hope that she can somehow hang on until some of the provisions of the recent healthcare bill kick in, then she will not be able to be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to raocha again.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Best post all day fam
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I agree on a lot of what you said in that post a whole lot. Just two things - Elin is not staying, she has filed for divorce - granted 760 mill is insane,
    but dude - that right there ^ in bold- disgusting - WTF.
  6. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    That was before her time so I doubt it had a speck of bearing in the divorce.

    As a customer of his music you don't have a say in how Paul spends his earnings or how stupid he is with prenups or not. After he earns the money from you he is free to do as he pleases. And he did just that. He can spend it on whores or who or whatever. So you are buying his music not owning him but I am sure he thanks you for your support.
  7. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I'm with you, he pretty much always manages something I find distasteful in almost every post. He just pretty much speaks of women in a degrading fashion in general though, so it's not a shock.
  8. Freejames

    Freejames New Member

    I wasn't aware that she had filed... when did she file and where?
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Why dont you do a simple search on the subject before you post stuff that simply isnt true such as her dragging the marriage out to get more money (granted she IS grabbing more than she deserve but she is at least not doing that).

    She moved out a long time ago, have you not followed the circus?
    I have not and I still know this, its impossible to avoid.
  10. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    no there isn't, it's a choice of course. it's unfortunate that you'll never be in the situation where you'll carry a child in you for 40 weeks, give birth to them, breastfeed them and then go through the heartwrenching decision of do i give them to someone else to spend all day with, so i can go back to work and keep my skills up. that other person will probably see your child do their firsts...smiles, babbles, crawls, walking, words. and yes i am speaking from emotion as being a parent is emotional, and the returning to work decision is hardly as black and white as you would like to make it out to be.

    don't even go there with me. no superannuation has been put aside for me over the last 7 years i was at home looking after the children.

    as always raocha, stellar post...!!!
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're right I can't understand that but I'm talking about equality. The years. You give up working is your choice just like having the baby is your choice. Seems like you want all the choices but none of the fallout but if a man chooses to have sex with a woman and she chooses to keep it a man is expected, and rightly so, to deal with the consequences of his choice and take care of the child. If he chooses to marry a woman that earns a significantly lower income than he does without a prenup he has to deal with consequence of her being able to walk away with half his assets. I empathize with hardships of being a single mother but outside of child support I don't think a man has any other obligation. If I am solely responsible for myself with no safety net why should it be any different you. Motherhood doesn't equate sainthood. I'm sure its a beautiful experience but it doesn't make one spouse more valuable than another.
    I notice how you guys don't think about the guys who miss opportunities by having families. You're not as mobile and companies like my own usually choose the younger guys who don't have families to do cross country and international deals. There's no compensation expected for that as there shouldn't be because you're a family and you make sacrafices for each other.
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    look we'll never agree on this andrae. i don't get alimony, never have, i get child support...the minimum. you do not seem to understand that the parent who chooses to stay home to raise the family (it's a decision both parents make btw) will come out of the situation a little worse for wear. that there is a fact, and it's something you really cannot seem to grasp. because of a choice my ex & i made he'll always be ahead of me financially. he'll have more superannuation to fall back on when he retires...the same cannot be said for me. now i've returned to the workforce i am in no way working in the position that i know that i should be because it would take me away from my children. the companies i normally work for expect me to work from 7am - 8pm onwards. i wouldn't see my children. so it is my choice to work lower jobs so i can work within school hours and at least raise my children. i'm aware that motherhood doesn't equate sainthood, i don't believe anyone has said that it does. but whenever you speak about money it's all about you & what you deserve...motherhood is about your children and what they deserve.

    oh and that stuff about men missing opportunities by having families...pulease....!!! i've been working in offices since i was 17...there have been more men with families than i can count that have traveled for work both interstate and internationally as well as relocated interstate and internationally. strike me, my friends who are married with children have their husbands out of town on business frequently. was speaking to one just the other day who's husband was in la for business. so that statement of yours is a load of hogwash.
  13. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Any truth to the rumor that Charles Barkley and Micheal Jordan got Tiger in this mess with all the women they were shoving his way? Tiger was seen as being too pure so he needed some "street cred" to make him more acceptable to many.
  14. Freejames

    Freejames New Member

    I did a search and couldn't see where she has actually filed for divorce.
  15. reggie2k8

    reggie2k8 New Member

    I'm late to this but I was arguing this with my girlfriend. It seems women more often than not side with getting half of the mans assets which being the Mr. Scrooge that I am, I don't agree with especially when are talking the type of money that Tiger has. She in no way deserves 3/4 of his billion dollar wealth. I'm sorry but two kids and 5-6 marriage isn't worth it $750 million dollars. She was a nanny before she met Tiger. No way she would have made $5 million dollars in her lifetime if she didn't become some man's trophy wife. That is all she was, a trophy. She had nothing to do with him becoming a world class golfer. I can see if she was with him before he blew up, helped negotiate business deals, and was married together for a long time. She had no influence on his career so why should she get that much.

    Women that marry successful men like that know the deal. They know there husband is cheating on the side. No man can turn down all that booty that gets thrown his way. Elin probably her share of men on the side. So don't act like its a normal person relationship when you expect your spouse not to cheat. ALL famous couples cheat. I guarantee it.

    She is showing her true gold digging colors that I always thought she was. She also doesn't deserve alimony either. Write her a check for $30-40 million dollars which includes all the pain and humiliation. She should also get $100,000 a month for each child. If she can't live off tell her to kick rocks and blow bubbles.
  16. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Black woman please!!!! :smt074
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Sorry, shoud have said - fileING for divorce - she has been out of the house for quite some time and has lawyers and is working on it - her lawyers were investigating filing in California due to the relguations here.. Its a done deal - she is gone.

    Does she deserve all that money? No, I dont agree with that - its crazy.

    She wasnt really a nany like many claims, she did an Au Pair stint as many European girls do, that doesnt mean she is a Nanny by occupation, at all.

    Gold digger, that is not what I believe - she came from pretty damn good money to begin with.... I bet you she is pissed, hurt, humiliated and wants revenge and this is how she does it. Is it right, no.
    I guess by default she fell into being a money grubbing woman by her dealings during her process to end the marriage, but I seriously doubt she was a gold digger and went with Tiger for that reason.
    Besides, some of the tags are truly disgusting - "ww wants your money" What the hell has skincolor to do with any of this?
  18. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I read that is how she met him. She and her sister were working as au pair for another golfer and he introduced her to tiger. Also, I have read over and over she was a swimsuit model in Sweden prior to that. There are plenty of pics and reports to support that. Who knows how sucessful. She wasn't that old when she married to have had the length of career.



  19. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Damn, where did this come from?

    *You must spread some dick reputation around before giving it to CanadianNiceGrl again*

  20. Toughsnail

    Toughsnail Restricted

    Hi Tarshibear,

    First and foremost, as someone that has been divorced, let me express my “understanding” of what you may have gone through and I would never wish it on my worst enemy. I was and continued to be told that when its over its over and its usually for the best – I will let you know when I get that feeling that it was for the best. My anger/sadness is not so much that I continue to desire to be with my ex but more the impact that it had on the world that I knew and the people most important to me – in particular my kids!

    My comments that will follow are not so much about your personal experience but you raise certain points that are constantly raised by women and society in general. For example, in general, when a relationship breaks down women (and in certain rare occasions men too) tend to be advised to hit the man where it hurts! The assumption is the pocket. The matter of child support can be addressed in many ways. In my part of the world, its not always assumed that “motherhood is about your children and what they deserve” but fatherhood does also matter AND so there are many circumstance that financial stability may lead to the man having custody of the kids. Also the other alternative is for the father to meet certain financial obligations, which ensure the children have the same lifestyle, directly to the provider of those benefits as opposed to write a cheque to the ex-wife and let her determine. From a personal perspective, I didn’t have the stomach for the “fight” and ended up: giving her primarily custody of my two girls, paying a mortgage in Sweden so that they have a roof over their heads (the house in which she now lives with her boyfriend), splitting our assets 50:50 (which am fine with although when you do the math she got more) and paying her 25% of my GROSS income until my youngest is 18. She makes sure that I get an annual assessment and bonuses are taken into consideration. I have no say how this 25% is spent!!! I see my kids, at my expense, in April and July/August, whilst December is with her approval but to be fair today she is less unreasonable with this – ie if I show up or am in London, she will come with them so that I can see them. Also thanks God for skype!!! My divorce was in Cape Town, when I was working in South Africa and I could have put up a fight, made the lawyer richer but at least an Africa deal for me not necessarily in the best interest of the kids but for my own selfish need. I didn’t fight, didn’t hide my assets and in the end not only did she screw me but actually my divorce was a major part of the reason why I left this city/country – easier to get constantly reassessed compared to where I live today. The fact of the matter is that the system is not fair and generally an aggrieved woman will take you for whatever she can and society will tell her/you that its OK. Rare for men to do the same – Jesse will not take half of anything from Sandra Bollocks…
    Next, I have a problem with how you discount how fathers miss out of the development/growth of their kids because of travel (or I guess any other legitimate reason). I was working as a fund manager for one of the investment banks in Cape Town, covering +20 African countries. Trust me – it was not fun. Most of the times the office/client want you in and out to save on costs. The reality is that the world has become smaller and in order to provide for your family you have to get onto the bandwagon. A man that fails to do this is called all sort of names by society and HIS WIFE. She would drive me insane when she said “come on, you are so weak – be a real man”. What in God’s name is a real man…even today I don’t know. Ultimately most men in a loving relationship want to go home as soon as possible to be with their unborn baby, baby mama and 2 year old baby. Despite me making sure that she had a nanny, part-time teaching job to keep her sane, amazing house, took her on some of the in-country trips but all I heard was how I was having a great time on the trips whilst she gave up her life to be with me only to find herself alone with 2 babies in Africa. Granted she ended up in Africa to be with me but at the end of the day it was her decision (years of therapy have now convinced me about this). In the end I did prefer to be on the trips or work longer hours to avoid confrontation. And yes in the end I did have an affair – no it wasn’t a stripper in a strip joint. The affair or rather the shag, from my perspective as a effect of our situation and not the cause and I remember my lawyer telling me that this was common in most situations. Bottom line, if the woman is offering a loving home and you have a good man – we do want to come home than be stuck in a hotel room eating room service or having dinner with a client discussing the same thing you talked about the whole day!!!

    So please do cut us a little bit of slack – am also not demanding sainthood but in this day and age is tough being a man. We also juggle similar issues as women and want to be the best possible fathers/husbands/providers without appearing less of a man! Much love…

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