So much arguing over sh*t that has no bearing on anyone's life on this forum. ALL celebrities, if they have a brain in their heads or a good enough lawyer NEVER MARRY without a pre-nup. Who cares WHAT she walks away with? It's not going to change your life whatsoever if she walks away with a billion dollars or one dollar. Regular people are too entrenched in celebrities' lives.
AMEN! Yes, he screwed around on her, so have many people who are famous and not famous on their wives/husbands. She doesn't deserve half of anything. He did the work, he worked his whole life to be where he is today. Should he take care of his kids? Yes! Should she make bank cause she married a rich golf player? HELL NO! Forget pain and suffering and humiliation, hell every person man or woman famous or not famous goes thru pain and suffering and humiliation regardless of if they're famous or not in regards to a break up especially one that includes infidelity. She was a damn nanny before she married him. He will take care of her kids and no doubt she will get a large settlement but as for having half of what he has worked so hard for. Fuck that noise.
Tiger's wife deserves a nice big chunk of $50-60 Million dollars. That's it. Shit, that's fucking rich. Stop being greeeeeedy!!! SMMFH
Do you really think men consider that IB. Pre-nups cover that for people who have enough to worry about, so I wouldn't think it would be a big consideration. I also don't believe either party is entitled to half of anything. They should get a percentage equal to what they brought into the marriage. If he makes 70% of the income, he gets 70% of everything in the divorce, and vice versa if she's the one bringing in the higher percentage of income. Of course adjustments would need to be made for children, one partner quitting work to stay home with kids, etc. But basically splitting everything 50/50 is rarely equitable IMO. As for Tiger and Elin. Why would anyone need 760 million dollars? That's excessive on any level. I would think if their pre-nup doesn't have an infidelity clause, she's only getting whatever she agreed to when she signed it.
Well the house looks wow. Very big and I bet it will be furnishes very nicely,too. As fas as what Elin will get from the divorce.....there probably is a pre-nup. I would indeed find it very weird if she got half or more of what he's worked for his entire life.I'm all for some type of compensation but that would be clearly too much.
I disagree Esp. I think that the fact you have to think of a prenup leaves a lot of men bitter and for those of us who don't have a lot of assets... yet, its the thought of if it ends I've got to pay this other person a fricking stipend just because we had sex for a few years and the courts think her time was more valuable than mine.
We're talking about marriage here and you say "just because we had sex for a few years". Interesting. I'd say to most people to get as far as getting married to a person there's way more than just sex. In the case of Tiger Woods they have kids together.I got no idea in how far she raises them or nannies do but I'm sure she does what the schedule allows. Being married with someone who's in the center of the media brings responsibilities,too. You have to think 10 times before doing something and make compromises because there will be paparazzi and next thing you know it's in the news.Also many publicity events,photo shoots,etc etc. That's what's expected of those people. Even if you're married to a non-celebrity marriage is more than just having sex. Housework,kids,time spent together,mutual support,compromises or sacrifices for the sake of making it work,......
As if men don't make compromises and sacrafices too? Again you absolutely don't deserve a stipend just because something grew in your womb and fell out. You agreed to it, it was your part in the compromise. Since marriage is treated like a business, tell of situation where two business partners part ways and one is indebted to the other for the amount of time they were partners. Its pure horse shit.
Wow at how you downplay pregnancy.I am not a mother myself but I've seen their struggles. It's not as easy as you just pointed it out. Maybe once you get pregnant and carry out a child 9 months and then raise them to be respectable adults you show more appreciation.
But it doesn't make your contribution to a family more important and doesn't make a woman more deserving. You can't scream about equality when it only suits you.
Who is raising the kid that resulted? Who has custody? How is the custody divided? Why should one of the two persons who had sex that created the child bear the burden..... Burden being providing financial support (food, clothes, medical, sports fees, school fees, childcare/babysitters and the list goes on) and the day to day care which means cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, bathing. I bet if you took a survey just of our little corner of the world (WWBM) of who has a child with a man they are no longer with what percentage of the child rearing is bore by who. I will guess that the woman takes most of the responsibility. And I believe that is reflective of the real world not just our little corner.
Well personally I don't think like that Andrae, and I've experienced what you describe first hand but in reverse. I really don't intend to ever marry again, but if I did I assure you I will have a pre-nup. I don't think you have to a lot of assets to have one, it's just good to use common sense at a time when the two of you can actually think fairly and presumably you like each other, and often people possess neither of those traits in a divorce. Okay there's a little more to it than that Andrae. It's not an automated process, it requires active participation on the part of the mother to bring a child into the world. While I don't agree that anyone deserves a 'stipend' just for being married to someone, that's not what child support is IMO. That's not something for the spouse, that's for the children, who are a part of both parents, and both parent's responsibility. I have my own ideas about child support as it applies to my personal situation, however those don't apply to the rest of the world. A lot of divorced single parents simply cannot support their children solely on their income, and that's the purpose of child support. You were contributing to the child or children's support while you were married, why would you stop just because you are divorced. Whatever your issues are with your Ex-spouse, you children aren't responsible for them and they shouldn't suffer.
I suspect you're right Jordan. However you know someone will likely bring up the fact that men want to be more involved, but the women keep their children from them. Not saying that doesn't happen, and I do think that's despicable, but I know every case of father neglect isn't due to them not being allowed access to their kids.
What you're talking about is child support not alimony. I'm one hundred percent in favor of child support. Those are your kids too