Holy crap the police hit a man with a car. like something out of GTA 4 [YOUTUBE]THTg9KpGS7s[/YOUTUBE] edit: The man is still alive.
You know it. The man who killed the guy on the ground may have forged training records. done deal on this lawsuit. The police department traded whatever creditability they had for cars and money to get this guy on the field. http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/16/us/tulsa-shooting-robert-bates-training/
You know it... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ands-agents-man-forgotten-San-Diego-cell.html Talk about job security.......I don't know any other jobs where you can lock someone in a room without food and water for a week and NOT get fired/thrown in jail
I seriously find myself avoiding the news sometimes because this shit with police is so depressing The fact that bad/racist cops aren't being locked away makes it worse These guys aren't exactly average joe down the street talking shit
It seems like I have to avoid everything these days just to have a little peace. Its pretty much all Netflix Hulu and video games as far as entertainment. I can't even enjoy FB outside of the very specific fitness groups I belong to because everything else is either way too optimistic or depressing for my taste.
Well it looks like San Fran Police are no better than LAPD. They are "progressive" as long as you are not black. Anyway........can we go back to pretending all the bigots live in the south and all the loons live in Florida. It's more fun that way.