Thoughts on marriage (ladies please respond)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Loki, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

    Yes... My mother had to deal with enough crap from married people, from ostracism to condescendence and pity (when she was perfectly fine being single), and "oh, how are you gonna raise this poor child on your own"... while they had no idea what their own children were doing behind their backs (drugs, abortions), oh, man, if they only knew! Some married people treat singles like leppers or charity cases, or like they are bad influences.
    I can't say I had the perfect childhood, but I would be ungrateful to say that I didn't have many very happy moments... none of them related to the time when my parents were together. My mom raised me all alone and she did a great job. And I'm sure many other single parents are doing a great job, even if it's harder.

    I, for one, don't think religious couples have it any better just because of that (maybe many fake it better, but that's a different topic), but I agree that all the other factors that are important. And even religiously, I think the spouses should be in a similar place.
    Loki, how can you control "the rate of divorce in the family before marriage"? I didn't understand that. I think happiness is too hard to assess in numbers anyway.

    Cookies: oatmeal and raisin, cinnamon, lemon, chocolate chip, peanut butter, walnut, you name it. :)
  2. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I, for one, don't think religious couples have it any better just because of that (maybe many fake it better, but that's a different topic), but I agree that all the other factors that are important. And even religiously, I think the spouses should be in a similar place.
    Loki, how can you control "the rate of divorce in the family before marriage"? I didn't understand that. I think happiness is too hard to assess in numbers anyway.

    Cookies: oatmeal and raisin, cinnamon, lemon, chocolate chip, peanut butter, walnut, you name it. :)[/quote]

    Hey Jolie, what time is it there in Romania? I would agree that religion is not a "cure all" for marriage, please forgive my igonrance on the matter, but given the communist past in Romania, are relgions freely practised there? Here is another link that I found that also mentions religion as an potential indicator of a happy marriage.

    The study I mentioned in my last post used "the rate of divorce in the family before marriage" as one of the factors to indicate likelyhood of divorce in their kids. Happiness is indeed hard to quantify in numbers, however I do find some wisdom in these studies just based on my own experience of human nature.
  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

  4. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

    Hey Jolie, what time is it there in Romania? I would agree that religion is not a "cure all" for marriage, please forgive my igonrance on the matter, but given the communist past in Romania, are relgions freely practised there? Here is another link that I found that also mentions religion as an potential indicator of a happy marriage.

    The study I mentioned in my last post used "the rate of divorce in the family before marriage" as one of the factors to indicate likelyhood of divorce in their kids. Happiness is indeed hard to quantify in numbers, however I do find some wisdom in these studies just based on my own experience of human nature.[/quote]

    That link was funny. I'm not saying these studies are all wrong, but they usually come up to common-sensical conclusions (but after spending a lot of money to get there). Of course we should wait until we are mature enough to marry, of course education and a good job relieve a couple of some worries, of course we should wait to consolidate as a couple before having a child.

    Yes, religions are freely practiced now in Romania, but, sadly, there is a lot of corruption and incompetence within the Church. It's 23:00h now here.

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