Staycation, because I just want to save money and read for about a week straight. German women or French women?
You picked the right one lol. No disrespect to any French women who might be reading this. Bacon all day. Pork chop or steak?
Medium rare steak cooked in garlic butter slathered in spices and garnished with hoisin sauce and steamed asparagus. BMW or Merc?
Goddammit, now I'm hungry. I don't know what the Australian word for 'hungry' is lol. BMW. Irish accent or Scottish accent?
Hahaha the Australian word for hungry is hangry lol. Oh jesus both are as thick and hard to understand as each other but I'm gonna go Irish Supreme or Bape lol
I have never heard of either of those things before but a quick Google search tells me Supreme lol. Tightie whities or speedos?
Oh God thanks for the visual lmao Can I say neither? Both are equally disturbing to the human lens!!! But if a gun was held to my head and I had 1 second to live I would confess through clenched teeth.. Speedos. Kabana or salami?
I'm not all that sure what kabana is but I know I don't like salami so I choose Kabana lol. Online shopping or brick-and-mortar stores?
It's basically the equivalent of comparing a black man's manhood to an asians lol What in God Mary Joseph and Jerusalem is a brick-and-mortar store? Now youre gonna make me do the googling! Shit shoveler or incontinence caused nappy changer?