print greeting cards life started on earth after being transported from somewhere else via space debris... -or- life started on earth my some kind of miracle/accident....
Song B. Being proposed to at dinner, or being proposed to while havin' the BEST sex of your life?? (Only a female can answer this question).
traditional is fine with me. men that I've been with so far haven't really been on that wavelength, so actually any effort just to make me smile would be wonderful! walking or cycling
This! Sometimes the simplest effort is what wins our heart over! Cycling Swim in the pool or hang out in the jacuzzi
totally. my ex was a complete jerk and a nut job, but he did buy me flowers sometimes because he thought thats what men were supposed to do, and I did appreciate that effort (didn't appreciate anything else though lol) hang out in jacuzzi. sweet or savoury