This Is Why I'm Hot!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Malik True, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    When it come to self esteem you had to show your best and be positive. Being honest helps.
  2. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    I say you cannot dance to save your life but you find men who can insatiable.


    Number one is true because I find that mad sexy so I'll go with the Michael Jackson quirk
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Love it about the MJ quirk! Too funny.

    #2 is a lie - I don't have my tongue pierced.

    As far as training llamas goes - Chi you are absolutely right... the skills I learned are very helpful in many areas. Probably not in the way that most would think. Llamas are very intelligent you can not *make* them do anything. So while they are very easy to takes someone who's able to tune into them really well. Hmm see some similarities?

    I'm soooo tempted to list another 4 now!

    Bosox - I'm going with that you don't play the sax.
  4. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Malik---I can dance :D

    Chi- No sax for me :wink:

    WW- I am going with the llama thing

    Here are 4 more, to ponder............

    1. I play the guitar
    2. I cook wonderful Mexican food
    3. I graduated summa cum laude
    4. I can sail
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    You know one reason is supposed to be a lie. Right?
    If so, my guess is that you can't cook:D
  7. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    cute thread.. I love it..

    I don't think I know most of you any more (must have been a lot that have signed up since my absense).. so I guess I'll just watch..
  8. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  9. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    Who is in the photograph after your profile. Is that Ricardo Montalban with someone?
  10. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  11. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Go for it anyway! Several of us were new and jumped in :)
  12. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Ok I'm going for another round:

    1. I can orgasm without ever being touched
    2. I'm a concert junkie
    3. I have a tat of a former lover's name on my arse
    4. I'm a "soccer mom" in the burbs with 4 children
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    orgasm w/no physical contact?...atleast admit that it is me, youre thinking about during, before and after hitting the big O

    1. Im hot cuz im fly
    2. You aint cuz you not
    3. This is why, this is why, this is why im hot
  14. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    I'm hot because...

    1. I once had dates with Condoleeza Rice and Jamie Lee Curtis in the same night (but not at the same time).
    2. It's about 87 degrees in my apartment (the air conditioner is broke!).
    3. What woman can resist a dvd collection upwards of 400?
    4. I was laid off in July from a company with whom I had 9 years tenure and already I have 4 new companies dying for me to accept their offers.
  15. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    BTW - the tat is the lie
  16. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    I'm wondering how you accomplish number 1?
  17. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I'm wondering the same thing, but with much envy!! :lol: Well, maybe it's better I don't know how, seems like the temptation to practice might ruin my powers of concentration in other areas of life - like paying attention in class, for instance!!
  18. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    Come on Funny, surely a woman of your intellect and abilities can multi task.
  19. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I know Im Late but didn't even see this one really.

    Im hot cause

    1. Im the man in Free-For-All (football)

    2. Former Street pusha'

    3. Im an excellent poet.

    4. People think Im some hot rapper.

    I made it real hard.
  20. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    It's been a while since I checked in on this and I have been on vacation for a minute anyway I will re-post the original thread just in case someone missed it or the most important part about why you are hot!

    In honor of that catchy ass song, I'd thought it would be cool to start a fun light hearted thread with us each listing 4 reasons why we think we're hot except I want you to add a lie to the list to keep it interesting with a little twist...

    I'll go first

    I am hot because...

    1. I have a 10 inch sledgehammer.
    2. Chicks dug my arrogance and cockiness. 3. I am funny.
    4. I have the gift of gab.

    Well which one is the lie?

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