This Is Why I'm Hot!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Malik True, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I didn't comment on where I'm from ;)

    I'm genetically a mix of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish actually. Growing up, I lived in all countries as well.
  2. fexo

    fexo Member

    Re: Mine

    This stuff ain't bad, either :D :D :D
  3. fexo

    fexo Member

    Some of the best looking women in the world...
  4. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    Re: Conversations/This is Why I'm Hot.

    OHOHOH I know ... I know...LOL
  5. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member


    1) I'm a red head.
    2) I am kind
    3) I can belly dance
    4) I look good for 35
  6. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Lap dancing is not synonymous with belly dancing... :lol:
  7. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    I am going with number 3
  8. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    nope... i can belly dance..
  9. BlueStarlight

    BlueStarlight New Member

  10. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    yup I'm 42... i think i look pretty good for 42 as well
  11. BlueStarlight

    BlueStarlight New Member

    wow you go girl


    1. I'm a dancer of all forms
    2. I am 1 of 7 siblings
    3. I look great as a blonde.
    4. I speak French fluently
  12. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    This Is Why I'm Hot.Blue Starlight

    :D Je supposerai que vous ne parlez pas de français couramment

    But I could be wrong, and after all we only get one guess,LOL

    It's great to see you so active and having fun with the posts.
  13. BlueStarlight

    BlueStarlight New Member

    lol merci, vous avez raison.I don't speak French too well. just a little bit. Never paid attention to the lessons my uncle tried to teach me. :wink:
  14. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    This looks like fun. ;D

    1. I am kind to animals, little children, and old ladies.
    2. I am veluptuous and have a nice smile.
    3. I live in a condo with a beautiful waterfront view.
    4. I am an artist. I don't make a living at it, but devote much of my spare time to it.
  15. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    I'll go with the condo living.... We love animals at my house too :D

  16. JohnMP

    JohnMP New Member

    this is actually a clever thread .... everyone here is really funny .... i think you can tell what one finds sexy in others by reading what they consider sexy in themselves.

    for me .... hmmmm ..... i'm sexy because

    1) people say i'm funny and even witty. i tend to hold court quiet well.

    2) i laugh a lot .... A LOT ! my bar is rather low; doesn't take much to get me belly-laughing.

    3) i can be caustic in my jokes - once i know you .... gals find this funny.

    4) i have a butt that won't quit, and

    5) i'm a strapping very-dark 6ft-1in tall, 195-Ibs lad .... i realize one may not necessarily be sexy in spite of those numbers, but it does read well ...

    Which one of the above is flat-out false? it's the one that is inconsistent with the others .... hee heee ...
  17. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    ohhh you did 5.....I'll say 3...
  18. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I play this game with my students. We have affectionately named it one 3 facts and a crap.

    1. I can salsa dance
    2. I play the saxaphone
    3. My belly button is pierced
    4. I have swam with the dolphins
  19. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    1. I can knot a cherry stem with my tongue.
    2. My tongue is pierced.
    3. I've been dancing at hard core biker bars.
    4. I've trained llamas.
  20. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    John (look who's back lol) I would say 3 is the lie.

    WWlooking I say you did not train llamas, if you did tell us how, it may come handy in other areas :lol:

    Bosox, you don't play the saxophone

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