This Is Why I'm Hot!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Malik True, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    yeah, I speed read, novels especially, it kind of sucks in a way, it gets expensive, you should see our room. Stacks of books. Non fiction I read a bit slower.

    I'm seriously thinking of getting a part time job at a book store so I can read for free. I know the ladies there, I should, I've spent enough money there, and this one lady I've become friendly with. She helps to pick out good authors. What I read depends on my mood.

    LMAO at the stretch mark thing. I feel lucky. My mom has them but so far both me and my sister have dodged the bullet :D
  2. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    You ever ready any WP Kinsella? He's the guy that wrote Field of Dreams, and he has a couple of other books about baseball, but they also have a wierd fantasy theme running thru them. I read them right out of high school, but the stories have always stuck with me.

    I also like James Sandford - back in the luxurious days before school when I could read what I wanted. Who do you read?
  3. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    Field of Dreams huh? Never saw the movie, although I am quite sure the book was much better. I hear you about time. Being in school means you never get a break. At least at night I can suck up a couple hundred pages. What genre does Sanford write, shot in the dark...murder mystery?

    I like just about anything, but lately I haven't read anything too heavy...I'd prolly like WP Kinsella as I like paranormal themed novels.

    I really enjoyed, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

    I stole some of my hubby's books to read, so I read Obama's autobiography, which was cool, he admits to smokin' weed. I found that enlightening as he actually you know inhaled.

    Monster Life of a LA Gang Member, scary.

    And Soul on Ice, real freakin' spooky.

    Now my dad's an English teacher so he's always trying to get me to read books that will get me caught up on Current Events as I refuse to watch the propaganda called news so currently I have, The West's Last Chance by Tony Blankley and Palestine Peace not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter. I keep putting them down b/c they are not entertaining. :shock: I know not very grown up of me but I'd much rather read Laurell K Hamilton's latest Anita Blake Vampire Hunter novel.

    I've read ever single thing written by Anne Rice, I love her writing. She's found religion again and is now writing a series on Jesus's life which so far I like.
  4. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Have you read Rice's erotic stuff - I can't remember the pen name she writes under for those off the top of my head...
  5. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    yeah I read those when I was a teenager :shock: *blushes*

    pretty hardcore stuff and they say laurell k hamilton is bad......

    She wrote the Beauty series under A. N. Ronquelaire...I think the spelling is right.....
  6. gmj

    gmj New Member


    1) I am a blonde with blue eyes, big boobs, thin waist and an hourglass figure

    2) i am comfortable with my body

    3) I am funny and smart

    4) I make good money
  7. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Re: Mine

    #1 is not true - b/c it just wouldn't be freakin' fair!! :D
  8. gmj

    gmj New Member

    I am afraid it is true. My husband would am new here btw.
  9. MistressB

    MistressB New Member


    1. I can make most people laugh and I'm freaking brainy. Sorry if it sounds arrogant but it's my thing!
    2. I'm generous and can make whoever I'm with feel like a million dollars
    3. I have juicy curves
    4. I can lapdance
  10. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    Re: Mine

    Heyyyy, Must be the money!!!!
  11. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    Is there a trend here? Are you ladies trying to make us men pick a lie from a list of things that we hope are all true? OK, I'm going to go with the lapdance.
  12. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    I believe the lie is you are not comfortable with your body?


    I will also co-sign the lap-dance as the lie
  13. gmj

    gmj New Member


    I believe the lie is you are not comfortable with your body?

    wow, my first day here and I am accussed of lying??? Not
  14. Malik True

    Malik True New Member



    Go back and read the initial post of this thread...sigh!
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member were supposed to add one lie so that we would have to guess which one isn't true...we really aren't picking on you
  16. gmj

    gmj New Member

    Blush...did not read that. i wasn't upset anyway as I am way too laid back for that. Ok, I F&%ked it up!! lol

    ok, no lies in there. How about I am a self-made millionaire???
  17. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I'm guessing the lapdance....

    Ok, let me try. I'm hot because:

    1. I'm a natural blond.
    2. I've got hair to my waist.
    3. In my spare time I do volunteer-work with mentally challenged youths.
    4. I reupholster my own furniture.

    So, wich one is a lie?
  18. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

  19. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I do reupholser my furniture. I actually like fixing up old stuff so much, that I hardly buy anything new. I've got tons of tools :)

    Being crafty and all, I can't really be blond though, can I? ;)
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Roja, so you are Danish blond. That is all good. If so you look better than Hamlet. Oh yes, Scandinavian brunettes are good as well.

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