This Is Why I'm Hot!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Malik True, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    In honor of that catchy ass song, I'd thought it would be cool to start a fun light hearted thread with us each listing 4 reasons why we think we're hot except I want you to add a lie to the list to keep it interesting with a little twist...

    I'll go first

    I am hot because...
    1. I have a 10 inch sledgehammer.
    2. Chicks dug my arrogance and cockiness.
    3. I am funny.
    4. I have the gift of gab.

    Well which one is the lie?
  2. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I know for sure you are arrogant, cocky and chatty, so you obviously are not funny. :wink:

    I am hot b/c:
    1. I can kick your butt in a 10k and still get in a dress for dinner and make you drool.
    2. I am the queen of quick-thinking, smart-ass comebacks, and will keep you laughing.
    3. I have a tattoo.
    4. My laugh comes easy, even if it's too loud sometimes.

    Well which one is the lie?
  3. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations/This is Why I'm Hot.

    :D Okay, I'm going to guess the tattoo is a lie. It's nice to see you posting again, FSP.

    This is why I'm hot.

    1. Wedlock's album is coming out in October
    2. I have a foot and tickle fetish
    3. I have an audiobook scheduled to come out In October
    4. I'm a born again Christian.

    Well, which one is the lie?
  4. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    I agree with wedlock, you don't have a tattoo...


    I'm going to guess you do not have an audio-book coming out in Oct as well...
  5. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Crsations......This is why I'm hot.

    :D Fun thread Malik, but choice 4 is the lie.I'm an atheist,The other statements are true. This is a good thread my friend, let's keep it rolling.
  6. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I like this one...

    ok I think all the "lies" of previous posters have already been exposed so no comment there.

    I am hot because

    1) I am funny and smart
    2) I am a scorpio :smt112
    3) I used to be a competitive (not pro) speed skater
    4) 'Friends' and 'Love' are words I don't use lightly, if I say them I mean it and you have a friend for life.
  7. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Hmmm - Chi, you are no scorpio?? Wedlock - that was easy, I know you're an athiest from our previous conversations! :)

    OK - try these...

    1. After college I played semi-pro women's basketball.
    2. I have 2 tattoos.
    3. My favorite TV show is 'The Dog Whisperer' on the Nat'l Geographic channel
    4. When I gave birth to my daughter, I did not get an epidural.

    Which is not true?

    (I know none of those makes me paticularly hot - just random trivia! and my first one was too easy!)
  8. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations.This Is Why I'm Hot.

    :D :D FSP,You and I know that choice 4 is false, but it still counts as a "Which one is the lie?" For the thread, right?LOL.

    Anyway,I stand by my assertion that you do NOT have a tattoo.
    Chigirl, I am going to say that you were NOT a speed skater.

    Malik, this is an awesome thread brother, folks let's keep this one going.I already went once, so Designer, Bryant,JREM, She Devil, LipStick, come and join the thread.......
  9. designer

    designer New Member

    This is why I'm Hot:
    1. I'm Designer
    2. See number 1.
    3. See number 2.
    4. See number 3.
    5. See number 4.
    6. I'm not Designer.
  10. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    This thread seems like fun. Let's go.

    This is why i'm hot:

    I have a tattoo of a crown with my girl's name at the top 8)

    I can school anybody's ass in a one-on-one

    I thought of playing professional hoops

    I am the proud owner of a Lamborghini Murcielago.

    Now which is the lie, muhfuckas?
  11. designer

    designer New Member

    I'm guessing "I thought of playing professional hoops "....
  12. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Actually, the "Lamborghini" talk is the bullshit one. All the others are true.
  13. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    I will not reveal which I am lying about yet...

    If anyone else participates hold off on answering to which one is the Pinnochio so that at least a few folks can guess..


    You were no skater!
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    just got back from a business thread...

    this is why i am hot
    1. i am very confident
    2. pretty darn sexy for 43
    3. i competed in gymnastics...very flexible
    4. i'm bi-sexual
  15. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member


    When I first read this thread I thought, Malik is so not funny...LOL... :p

    designer you are SUCH a scorp.

    1. I'm outgoing and approachable

    2. I have my girl stuff pierced

    3. I don't have any stretch marks.

    4. I can read a 400 page book in a day.
  16. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Conversations.This Is Why I'm Hot.

    :? Okay, now it's possible that just by even trying to answer these last couple, I can get my EDIT (LOL Lipstick :wink: ) into a little trouble.

    Lipstick- I'll say choice 4 is false.I don't think you're a lesbian, but if you and EDIT are ever open to suggestions.........

    White She Devil-You're making this one hard.I mean ALL of those are certainly plausible, but I'll say choice two is false. I went back and forth between this and choice 4.
    Thanks everyone this is fun!
    Edited if I offended anyone here.I promise it was only in the spirit of fun, though. :D
  17. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    lipstick, I think it's the flexible one...I not sure....

    Chi, I guess I concur with the rest and it's the skater thing,

    FSP - I think basketball....
    edited to say:

    I just realized I picked all the sports stuff for the woman, now that's just plain wrong, I need to think some more and revise.....
  18. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    OK LIARS you are exposed right here

    Malik- you don't have a ten incher

    Fnny- I believe you didn't play BBall

    Designer- No. 3 is wrong (LMAO)

    Lipstick- you love men and their equipment just as much as I do... you are NOT bi lol

    SheDevil- you gave us a tough one I say you don't read a book in a day
  19. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Lipstick - you are not bi, puhleeez

    shedevil - after 2 kids if you don't have a stretch mark on your buff little body I might just stop talking to you!
  20. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    ok, I say lipstick isn't bi.....I changed my, do I reveal the lie yet?

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