This is NOT my opinion but I want to know other people's thoughts..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by LittleBird, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You didn't write this.

    I'm being punked I know it.
  2. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    You know what YRMA? Whatever.

    You keep on trekking along as you have been. And keep twisting what I say to try and make me out to be a dickhead and an ignorant person. I'm neither and all your talking down to me and insulting me is not going to change that. But heck, if it makes you feel good, yay for you.

    I dont want to be anyone's champion. If you have read any of my other posts, I have always said I dont believe whites can actually truly get racism, simply because we ARE white. But we're responsible. And we're part of the earth that it's fucking happening on and the people it happens to are no different to me. And I think it's wrong and fucked up. I also feel responsible for trying to change shit around me when I do see that it is wrong. This goes for many issues, not just this one. I may not be able to, granted, but I think it is ALWAYS worth trying.

    I believe talking about shit is the first step in making ANY change. I dont believe in simply dismissing the views of others because they are wrong, slapping a label on their forehead and continuing on my way. And if talking about it doesnt change anything, so fucking what? I think you still have to try.

    So good for you. You have insulted me, belittled me and patronised me when all I tried to do is talk about something in (what to you is stupid and pointless) the simple hope of getting input from people who actually know about it to then educate myself on those other people's points of view and then also talking about that to my housemate in turn.

    Good for you YMRA.
  3. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    I dont know about the other stuff but that last sentence is true
  4. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    I disagree entirely. I have absolutely no concept whatsoever of what it feels like to be on the receiving end of it. I know what it is, yes, but to bear the brunt of it? Over years and years through history and with the continued effects still playing a role in life today? NO way any person not on the receiving end can actually understand that. Empathise yes, see that it's wrong, yes. Understand from personal experience? No.

    I watched The Event, it's a racist social experiment by a former Ohio school teacher (cant be bothered googling her name now) and it was really eye-opening for me. It made me realise I truly have no idea of what it'ss like when you're on the receiving end of racism.

    But then you'll probably find some other way to twist what I'm saying here to try and make me look like a twat. If it will make you feel better mate, go for your life.
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    When you seek to educate yourself, you shut up and listen. Anything else isn't a searching for learned truth; its a debate in which you try to stand your ground. I'm actually SHOCKED the pseudo brain trust hasn't come in your defense.

    I gave you input. 100% raw and uncut, and you can take what I said back to your housemate. He won't get it because he's an idiot. A weak left brained racist idiot.

    Sometimes idiots have gone their whole lives never having been told just how fucking idiotic they are. You don't debate with idiots. You can't reason with a twit who thinks that skin color denotes those intangible traits like, respect, honor, shame.

    Really? And you want to reason with this idiot? Talk to him? Teach him? That makes you as big of an idiot as he. "Awww he's just a little racist but I'm working on him"

    You have to start with a certain level of intelligence and respect. Your housemate has none, and trying to debate with a person like this is a waste of any sane person's time.
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I didn't say "LittleBird" I said "Whites can understand racism" You are thinking micro while I am speaking macro. And I think you missed the difference in what I was talking about. Whites can, do, and have, experienced individual racism. Racist speak, racist act, discrimination. But institutionalize racism, no.

    I would never twist your words to make you look like a twit. I don't have too. And thank you for your continued well wishes for my life.
  7. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Maybe not where you've traveled, but my neck of the woods, 100% guilty! Oh, and just for the sake of it, I add that this won't be a limitation to one group, as do all in that fringed group are guilty of this.

  9. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    And maybe there is a politer way to speak to people. Name-calling and aggression is bullying. It may work in some cases, but in others it just pushes people away and closes them off. But it takes more than one bully to do that with me.

    (I am yet to see posts like this from you. Maybe I haven't seen them.)
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    so the challenge is over? lippy is going to go bump your thread...i am curious what your reflections of the 7 days of nice meant to you:smt061
  11. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Yeh, for me it is.

    I have a limit of how much name-calling and disrespect I will subject myself to. I dont appreciate bullies. I think no matter what, there is a way to talk to people and this is not it.

    I really wanted to be able to discuss this in a manner that didnt make me feel like I was sitting in a corner being yelled at and called names but I guess that kind of communication isnt possible.

    Way to open lines of communication and get healthy dialogue going between people for some maybe, but not for me. And yeh, for me learning is not sitting in a corner being lectured at. It's discourse and dialogue and discussion, exchange of opinions and respect of other people's even if you dont agree.

    I can revisit the topic at some other time with someone who is willing to speak to me like I'm an person with good intentions instead of ridicule and belittle me.

    I'm done.

    Other folks can take the thread where they want it and I thank everyone who shared an opinion.
  12. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    That doesnt mean decency between two individuals goes out the window. Not for me anyway. I'm done. Lippy asked me what I had to say about it, I replied just before you wrote this I think.
  13. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    "You have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later"


    (I still dont get this rep thing dammit, I swear Im not repping willy nilly lol)
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    actually i was responding to ymra...he has another thread where he proclaimed a 7 day challenge to be nice to others...i noticed that his challenge must be over...i really don't think you should take what he has said seriously...yeah, he might have meant it but more in a shock value way...he will fall in love with you in another thread topic and you two will be good as's the internet...thicken your skin a'll be fine:smt077
  15. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    I saw that thread just now actually :cool:
  16. wolfboy

    wolfboy Restricted

    As a woman it is easy to hook up with a man.
    The popular men are more wanted by women.
    It is therefore not surprising that they cheat.
    I do not cheat.
    Who wants me anyway?
    The above sentence is something for the mind.
  17. Ymra

    Ymra New Member be honest, it was more of a challenge IRL than online. Online I'm acidic just for the sake of it. And really folk give me more credit that I believe I'm worth. Its pretty easy to shut me down....LOL....just don't give in. You can't throw snow balls at someone who doesn't throw back.

    ...let me find out I piss you off
    ...pretend to be the victim

    The dudes are more fun than the women, but then the dude's are harder to umm..."motivate" (not including the thugs....they are the easiest)

    shiiit I'll respond until I get bored.

    IRL I found it took me a lot longer to make a point, and most of the people that knoww me kept asking me "are you ok" "was there a death in the family" "are your kids ok"

    Pros: People smiled around me more. My Soldier's were a bit more at ease. I think generally people were more relaxed.

    Cons: I personally was more stressed out, My soldier's did dumb shit like show up to class late, show up not wearing the proper uniform. It was like WOOO HOOO PARRRRRRTAY!

    I didn't have any life changing the end, one has to be who they are, they have to be themselves. And I'm actually not as bad as people think I am, nor am I as good as I believe myself to be.
  18. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Hey I just don't carry shit over form one thread to the next. If you say something dumb as hell in thread A and say something amazing in thread B...

    TO had nothing to do with the other. I pay more attention to what was said, rather than who said it.
  19. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I am NOT a bully! Jerk! Asshole! yes...

    ...bully? Me? Never?
  20. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I agree. I've noticed that some people will judge a whole race of people based on a few they have met. It's really crazy and, it seems like these people are stuck in that way of thinking no matter what.

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