Today, when I was checking the comments for NPM for writing a letter to his family, I've had to read that he've had problems to access Internet. He was going to library just to have contact to people-us. What made me think , how many on here have a bad time, how many feel sad, desillusionated, frustrated. Why I write this.. it was like a knife in my heart at this moment, how do we treat each other sometimes.. let's try to be a family, let's try to feel each other. We are small, so plz, let's treat us with respect,,something everyone can expect.. No Need for any responds, just go in yourself and think about much do you need someone else, sometimes? How do you wanna be treated?
Christine, this is just beautiful. Someone rep her for me, please? I really do feel like people here are family. Some I like a lot, some, well, maybe I could like them more if I got to know them better. When I take a break, I often think about the people here, and I eventually make my way back. Being on this forum and interacting with the members has changed me greatly. I agree - each person here is special and deserves respect. Thank you for a thoughtful and heartfelt post.
Great post and I feel where your coming from. I stress this to people all the time at my job. Me personally I've just always been a lone wolf.... I like it better that way, don't have to worry about disappointing anyone.
Sometimes we all need a reminder about how precious life can be and take a look at the glass half full. There are others all around us who could use our love and support; before it's too late. Thanks for the gentle reminder, Chris. :freehug:
Good testimonial. MPM is close to most of the members of this site. Some are like sisters and brothers to him on a first name basis. For that group just keep close to one another.
Very true christine, we don't know what people are dealing with in their day to day lives. I see this site as a place you can come to forget your troubles. The site and people here have cheered me up through some tough times over the last couple of years. I count a lot of people here as friends.
I think anonymity on the Internet is to blame for some of the bad behaviour that we see around here. it's easy to forget that we are people with feelings and our own troubles and lives. I do view this forum as a sanctuary and have come here in both good and bad times to vent, laugh, amuse, lean on, to give and receive encouragement and generally escape what can be a tough existence at times. I do truly care for our little family and have grown to love the members for all their quirks and individualities, for opening my eyes to things I would never know of or think about...expanding my mind and horizons. I've developed lifelong friendships/relationships that I will always be grateful for. Thank you to all the members of our WWBM family for always brightening my day :freehug: Thank you to those who speak to me off the forum for your friendship and love :smt058 Thank you to you know who for you know what :smt050 And lastly, thank you Webbie for providing us with this little slice of heaven :freehug:
Very valid point! I often think the same thing. I agree with Tarshi on the anonymity making it so easy to lose inhibitions and show an ugly side of us to others,which in person we would not dare to reveal.
My goal here was to make friends and live harmoniously with all here. Everyone has their positions on issues. That is good. These are YOUR views. Just because someone is not informed or has an opposite view, doesn't mean that the person is dumb or even mean. I do not mind sharing my viewpoint, information or a story from my life. But, if you are looking for an argument, I'm not the person to do that. I'm not a coward. I hurt like everyone else. I am human. Sometimes, I am wrong and admit it. I have eaten crow a lot and gotten used to the taste. Sometimes I am close. Sometimes I am right. We all have our moments. I do not have a negative to anyone here on this site. Not one. You are who you are and at the end of the day, that is all you are going to be. I deal with this everyday in my life. I am sorry for going on like this. I just needed to get this off my chest.