Why does a toaster come with a setting, that burns the bread to charcoal? anyone else have something that makes you wonder?
Hehe you can do that.Yes.Is my Yahoo showing up in my profile here?If not let's meet in the chat room here and I ll share my Yahoo with you.
Why are they having all these "tea-parties" across the country and nobody saw fit to invite my black ass? I like tea.:smt102
Why do air conditioned cars come with sunroofs? I have air conditioning and a sunroof, when it's warm i put the air condioning on, therefore totally pointless to open the sunrooof? but because it's there you sort of want to. Why oh why.
Yep.. Like the TV commercials for trade schools and other educational programs.. They are always so GREAT and you get a job right out of 6 mo of school and a VERY well payed at that.. So why is it that the people answering the phones in the commecials dont go to said school??????? hmmm!!!!????