....these VICIOUS, BARBARIC ASSAILANTS are! http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-02-12-girl-arrested_x.htm And the AGE of the RINGLEADER???? :shock: Pretty much scares the hell outta even ME!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@yahoo.co.uk
Ever stop to think of where this behavior comes from? I have a few ideas. Woman are taught at a young age that looks and attention from males is the THING, and if you don't have it, you're nothing. Lord I am not going to open this can of worms with me, casue y'all don't want me to get on my soapbox!
I'd say men are taught something similar. I don't think we need to be taught it, it's natuarl for most people to want attention from the opposite sex, or the same sex. But some people carry it too far--they think they are the Gods' gift to men/women, and everyone should love them. Maybe that would happen in a perfect world, but not this one.