There Goes the Neighborhood...

Discussion in 'In the News' started by pettyofficerj, May 18, 2012.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you know, it's funny how fiction becomes platforms of prediction

    first it was Jules Verne and his concept of the submersible watercraft

    now its GI Jane (the movie) and their concept of females going through traditionally male elite-infantry training

    my how the times have truly changed

    I wonder if there will be co-ed open showers like in Starship Troopers or Battlestar Galactica
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Haha Starship Troopers is a clownin movie.
  3. Redeemed One Jr

    Redeemed One Jr Active Member

    A comment from the site on the subject:

    "Besides being just plain dumb policy, what will happen when someone's daughter's naked body is dragged through the streets in some town in some 'stan and televised worldwide? It's bad enough when it happens to a brother, son or husband - when it happens to a sister, daughter or mother, it will be a different story. We need to consider this carefully"

    That's definately a horrific thought, but I do find some truth within it. While it is terrible for anyone, of course to be witness of a man going through this, there is something more tragic about a woman potentially going through the same thing. My initial reaction would be that the wound would cut a lot deeper for people. I know I'd hate to see my brother or any other males I know go through this if they were in the infantry, but then picturing my sister, niece or mother going through the same just incites feeling of rage/sadness. I suppose there is an innate feeling as a guy, or at least for most guys to want to protect females. Come to their aid, watch over them, save them. So...I can see issue with this when coming from this point of view.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i dont know

    just seems like an experiment if you ask me

    as the others have said, as long as the standards are kept the same, there shouldn't be a problem

    but you shouldn't look to water down a unit such as the Regiment, just to please some liberals

    hold them to the same standard

    as a side note..any female crazy enough to sign up for that training, is probably crazy and bad enough to actually make it
  5. Athena

    Athena New Member

  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Doesn't always happen tho

    Last time I checked women were graded on a different level when it came to fitness tests

    doesn't meant that you don't have any that don't get the sane reps or quick miles

    Being around athletic women in bjj puts lots of guys to shame

    I'm talkin about ones that do Hindu pushups in ridiculous amounts

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