The Zombie Crew

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by The Dark King, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The Zombie war we have all been waiting for has just started and you need to survive which forum four forum members would you have on your team?
    You have bookbag with three items, what would they be?
    And for arguments sake you're about 15 miles outside of the city nearest you and you have no vehicle and it's fall. Every team has to have at least two women including yourself. Also include what you think makes you valuable what do you bring to the team?

    My team would include
    BA- for his military experience and overall fitness

    Athena- military and medical training not to mention I'm going to need someone hot to look at lol

    Tarshi- her overall fitness and nutrition knowledge will be vital if we have to forage for food.

    PO- overall fitness and hand to hand knowledge will be good against not just Zombies but asshole humans

    What makes me valuable is I'm an amateur prepper and hunter so I usually stock up on gear and always have a go bag ready. I also know how to hunt small game like wild turkey as well as know how to clean it.

    My three items would be a machete, a solar powered lantern/canteen/compass, and a bottle of vodka for relaxing and/or treating infection.
    Honorable mentions
    MS- overall fitness level and engineer but I think would be one of the first to crack under the strain and that wouldn't be pretty
    Archman- Engineer and overall fitness but too much time with that dude wouldn't be good for the group

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