The Younger Days: Tales of Naiveté

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sir Nose, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Something I’d like to share -- this is a tale from my high school days-- a looong time ago.

    I was watching “Lost in Translation”, the other day with a good friend, and I was awash of memories of how much I’ve enjoyed Bill Murray’s movies over the years. In fact, it led me to recall the very first Bill Murray movie I saw. The memory is a very fond one, but also paints a picture of the excellent environment for WWBM relations in the late seventies West Texas suburbia that I grew up in. More significantly, it highlights my extreme naiveté at that age when it came to women:

    It was June of 1979, and I was 18 years old. I had just finished a great High School Career and I had the summer to enjoy before beginning my Freshman year at University. I had been a multi-sport athlete, made good grades and had a great time in school and lots of friends and memories. I had also been on the Yearbook staff--I was the Sports Editor. The Yearbook staff consisted of 80% women. Beautiful, smart women. Mostly white women. And I spent time with them everyday, working on copy, cropping pictures, but most of all, making them laugh. I was however, scared to death to ask any of them out. I would get hints all the time, received flowers on Sadie Hawkins Day, Valentines Day, etc. I went to the Prom only because one of the Cheerleaders asked me to go with her (she was a cute black girl).

    Somehow, by no doing of mine, it was arranged that two girls who were friends--Kim and Susan--asked me to accompany them to dinner and drinks at the mall (drinking age in TX was 18 then). We went, had Mexican food, and laughed out loud so much in the restaurant that people stared in either annoyance or envy. Both girls were white, brunette, and had fantastic, curvaceous bodies. Kim had an unusually large nose and a bit of acne and was less pretty than Susan but had really a perfect body. Susan had kind of a flat butt but huge doe eyes, and a very pretty face, huge tits and a loud, infectious laugh.

    Here comes the painful part: We decided to go see a movie---Meatballs (Bill Murray’s first starring role when he was at the peak of Saturday Night Live fame) was in it. I had my Dad’s Datsun (now called Nissan) pickup truck, which had a shell on the back but no panel covering the tailgate. We got some beer and went to the Drive-In theater to watch the movie. It was dark.

    We went and watched the movie, sitting on the tailgate much of the time, but we talked the entire way through it. In fact, it was a double feature but I couldn’t tell you what the other movie was, and I don’t remember much about Meatballs. What I do remember is the way both women were looking at me, and the compliments they were paying me. I kept them in stitches the whole time. We laughed a lot at all kinds of things--school, teachers, fellow students, etc. I have spoken to both women at HS reunions since and they both expected me to make a move. I took Susan home first, and she told me later that she assumed it was because I only wanted Kim, and that we were going to get together after ditching the 3rd wheel --didn’t happen. All we did that night was talk and laugh like crazy and had a great time until the wee hours. When I took each girl home, I kissed both goodnight---on the cheek. What I realized only many years later was that I could have leaned back in Dad’s pickup truck and enjoyed an enduring, double make-out session with those two AND received my first two blow jobs in alternating succession. Instead, I had a fantastic time with two great people that I will never, ever forget, but I went home with the worst case of blue balls any man has ever had.

    It wouldn’t be until three years later---at University--that I lost my virginity. It would be many years later that I fully realized how naïve I was at that age. I laugh when I think about it sometimes, life is strange. But I know that I was raised in a certain way, and people have to discover things in their own way. When I asked Kim and Sue about that night years later (haven’t talked to them for several years now, I need to look them up), they both say: “we were good friends, and it was obvious sex wasn’t on your mind, and that’s okay”.

    Okay, there it is. Maybe one of you young bucks can learn from my naiveté.

    I wonder if others here have shocking tales of Naiveté?
  2. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    lovely story, you were just a boy still & obviously raised to be a gentleman - says volumes about your upbringing...
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's rare that men like you these days exist. I'm happy for you, bro.
  4. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Yeah, and I swore not to do that to my own sons. I wanted to teach them to be cads, but Mrs Nose intervened. Now they are doomed to the same fate of some missed opportunities. :smt087
  5. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    I strongly suspect that as they achieve manhood (if not already there) they'll more than make up for lost time - I'm certain you did when given the opportunity... :smt045
  6. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    :smt045 :smt045 :smt045

    Still, most men remember the dropped balls.
  7. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Thanks Big Bro and (late) welcome to WWBM. Nice lid. :cool:
  8. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    LOL!! Conflicting interests :p

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