Portugal bend North Korea over and fucked her in da ass 7 to 0 with no KY gel. If I was a North Korean soccer player, I would not go back to that country. I am afraid Kim Jong-il might line them up and shoot them cowboy style. To him a 1000 lives is not worth as much as an ugly Chihuahua
da fuk is going on the french team? On blogger is writing like this about them "The french are french, quitters, whiners, and complainers. When my son asks me if i know any french I respond "i surrender" thats all I will ever need to know" Les Francais get your act together.
I think its karma.. The French cheated the Irish out of a world cup place. They should have never been there.
did i hear the news correctly...??? did australia beat serbia...??? AND WE'RE STILL GOING HOME...!!!!!
yes tarshi, sorry. you were 4th in the table and beating serbia only moved you to 3rd cos of goal difference