Ice [/quote] I like her. All of them are smokin'. However, I would have to wonder what their fathers are thinking about right now.
Bunz isn't white, she is actually a latina. I was confused a first too as to whether she was mixed or hispanic. But she is a thick one for sure. Have you seen her on myspace yet? Whooooo!!! she is a spanish trina.
Flav let the (some)ladies nae themselves and she just decided to name herself bunz. She does have nice ones to fit the name though. I mean damn!!!
u do know i was kidding right i looked at her myspace... she has a nice derrier she is built very a lot of latinas around hurr sometimes..they make you just wanna sit back and stare a girl on my job was like that... she was short and built very nicely... fukin' rediculous
DAYUMM!!! That gurl is fine. I been meaning to check out the show since it came on, but caught the casting special anyway. Some of those girls were straight freaks! But checking her webpage, it's no surprise about this girl. Her hometown is Houma, Louisiana. That's not too far from where I am. While I was going to school in Thibodaux, there were alot of fine girls from that town. It's very mixed.(white, black, hispanic...) And yeah, the girls are down for it. And she probably don't consider herself 'white' by the way. They don't care about that sort of thing in south La. really.
that's good to know I read about the contrary before, in some texts instead of filling out "hispanic" on forms, they would fill out "white" not that important... just an interesting bit about our society and how we view race.. then you have the people (black, white, whatever) who fill out "other" or "not sure," just to be an ass
Bunz is all good! If some of those brothers on the site are livin large they will scoop her if Flav drops her. I would.
One white lady gone, probably as she should be though "ICE" was eliminated because she got caught doing radio interviews on the phone then lied about it to flav, she said in her interview she looove blackmen, but flav is not attractive at all :lol: Pretty funny, but when she got cut at the end she broke down, started sobbing and said she was just starting to feel him, either she is a pretty good actress or those interviews are far apart and she tried to judge by looks and was feeling him when it was too late.