The Ugly Duckling Syndrome!

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by 7Seven, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Yes, but how do you define a 'lesser white man?'

  2. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member

    This discussion is ridiculous. Started off well, but ends up with seven chasing down women with his car & rifle. Seven, I have a feeling that the "race" thing is the least of your problems... lol

    Why should a woman turn down a "better" man of whatever color? (Especially if he's from her own culture?) We can't assume that all people are movitated by the same set of complexes & such as us here at

    If a ww can find what she wants among wm, you can't fault her for choosing a wm -- obviously. Living IR is hard, plus not everyone is ready to risk bringing "mixed" kids into a racist society... And whiny, slack ass black men sure as hell aren't about to do much to challenge the racist society... (or pretty much anything else...)

    ..So all in all you should be happy to get whatever love your personal assets & drive can bring you... If all that's stepping to you is fat, ugly ww, then maybe you should consider why you're not going for black women, & fix that...


    These discussions really make IR (and the bm who gravitate to IR) look bad sometimes...
  3. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    This discussion is going in a bad direction now. Another part of the problem with interracial relationships is that people over-analyze them all the time, which then drives the couple themselves to feed into the negativity that naysayers give off to them, which is a method of naysayers who try to make the relationships fail. Maybe we should just get back on topic.
  4. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member


    Good insight there...

  5. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Oh yes, the shaming language begins. First, why would you assume the only type of ww stepping to me is fat and ugly? All the while assuming I do not find black women attractive. Yes, again, twisting my words to fit one's perception; but, I will not get into this.......That is hardly the case. I am never one who complains he can not attract attractive women. The case IS they have unrealistic expectation for their black male partners. They would never have these own unrealistic expectations in Fortress Caucasia; which is what I have been discussing thus far in the Ugly Duckling Syndrome, an cause and effect of natural selection. Again, let me reiterate what I stated, Ugly Duckling Syndrome is a subconscious state, meaning, they do it unknowingly. I am just shedding light upon the situation. It is time for black men to start recognizing the programming of these particular women. Unless they enjoy being mentally controlled by both white and black women. Women with the Ugly Duckling Syndrome do not know they have it, and they have it because they do not fit the standard of "white beauty" as Tessa stated. Again, since humans are ONLY PLEASURE BASED and seek conformation, look for a culture which validates their existence.

    Yes, I am getting to the heart of the matter of Ugly Duckling Syndrome, deep into the psyche of such women. Since I know you are a human who believes in free will, you have two choices, either you can accept the fact that black men have taking the place as "second option" to other men, or, you can do something to change it. I have taken the latter approach.
  6. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member

    Okay, though I might not completely agree with your opinion (and certainly not your solutions lol), I have to give a modicum of respect to any bm with a "do something" attitude toward our problems in the racial equation. That's something that's woefully missing among bm...

    Please pardon my derision, mister seven. :smt003 Carry on!
  7. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Less physically attractive, less financially inept. You know the infamous 'Nice Guy.'

    People talk about free will, those who are not analytical, are slaves mentally, economically, and biologically/natural selection. Those with the Ugly Duckling Syndrome do not exercise their free will, they are just slaves to biologically. Do not be fooled, this is real, only 4.7% of humans exercise free will, and this 4.7%, is ALL men.

    It is not that people over-analyze bm/ww relationships. Such a thing can not exist. BM/WW relationships have an negative allure because it is fixated with sexual overtones and innuendos. Or violent masquerades, in tuned with racism and such. People retort to shaming language to defend their preferences; which does not help the current situation, it only exacerbates a situation already disagreeable. I am sure you know the type, just like the women with Ugly Duckling Syndrome, "white men have unrealistic expectations of beauty", or "black women are this and that, unnurturing and such." I do not ever hear of bm/ww relationships building future and estates for themselves and for other bm/ww couples. If you want to go on the white men oppressing both black men and white women for so many years, where is the intellectual development between such? Truth is, deep down inside on a metaphysical level, white women do not see us for no more then mere entertainment.

    I can get REAL technical and go deep into the psyche of such women if you like me to. But I digress...........
  8. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Nahhh! The Ugly Duckling settles, the only thing she despises(snobbery) is white men standards of beauty. She is made to 'feel' inadequate physically by white men. She then becomes the Serial Duckling who despises white men for their standards of beauty. Which is why she may "never go back", because she found a culture of men who 'adores' her i.e a culture who validates her existence. Why would any women want to give up that kind of attention? Think about!

    Do you ever notice WW who are now dating BM say, "BM are noticing them more." :lol: I do find those statements assuming. BM have always noticed her, she just never noticed it because she was never interested in BM before she became the Ugly Duckling. :p

    Damn Psyche Majour 7Seven should be charging for this info. :lol:
  9. ghostgyrl

    ghostgyrl New Member


    How psychiatrists come up with these made up "LABELS" & "SYNDROMES" are beyond my comprehension. And the people who use the labels need to realize where they come from....the deep dark corner of a neurotic mind!
    Why do people constantly belittle others? I often wonder when I read
    some of the posts on here, of the mindsets of some of you??? Are you that perfect that you should be a judge of others likes & dislikes, preferences, and most of all, just the way it is.......
    So you like what you like....So what, I also know what I prefer :wink:
    But you will never hear me berating something or someone I don't!!!! (Unless it is something I need to defend, like this forum topic!)
    When we as a group on these forums start forum subjects that are hurtful or whatever other demeaning subject, it defeats our real purpose of being on this site. I believe it deters those of us that are beyond that superficial mind sickness. IR, true IR has nothing to do with "LABELS & SYNDROMES"
    But, I guess I'm just in that small minority who really believes that it's not about all that "psychobabble" :? IT'S MUCH DEEPER THAN THAT.......
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I'm with you.
    As far as belittling others, I have another priceless quote on the topic, by a Russian man who dates black girls:

    "I also can't stand it when people pollute the space around them, be it with food left overs, feces, uncensored language or ideological diarrhea... Just stupid and disgusting... as if a pack of cooking yeast was thrown into a pile of shit."
  11. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Wow! Such shaming language. Who are these subliminal messages directed at? The bigger question is, can we have a simple discussion around THE HEART OF INTERRACIAL DATING WITHOUT EMOTIONS GETTING INVOLVED? Such a typical female response I must say. You do not like what is being said? Then pay this topic NO MIND, it is that simple. I would like to discuss a REAL topic that EFFECTS REAL PEOPLE who are in interracial relationships at hand to the more intelligent individuals. THIS IS AS DEEP IT GETS. :p
  12. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    Oh, 7. It's been so long since you have discussed the superior intellect of men. And now ONLY men exercise free will, albeit less than 5% of you. (Do they have a smiley for rolling one's eyes? - typical female emotional response)
  13. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    The bigger question is, can female behaviour face scrutiny without shaming language? Women never want to question their own behaviour. When I do, I get two types, the femicunt: she tries to rationalize female behaviour with incoherent arguments and shaming language on the behalf of all women. Or, I get the female who is completely illogical and emotional, all the while those men who are brainwashed and/or are mentally controlled defending these said women irrationally. Know one, I mean know one, can argue a point logically, there are very few people who can be objective. Take ghostgyrl and Moshvica for instance, not one, will argue a logical point, just subliminal messages directed at me. My take, just two more women who lack the necessary intelligence to endeavour their own behaviour, most importantly, they lack the intelligence to look at this situation: The Ugly Duckling Syndrome logically. This is a very important situation which needs to be discussed, which DOES indeed effect NOT JUST WHITE WOMEN, more importantly, it also EFFECT BLACK MEN and other men of colour.
  14. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Not really. Some of these 'nice guys' are physically attractive and financially well-set, but a lot of them are gay.

    To me, it would seem that those who either are or aren't analytical, are exercising free-will, but in their own individual way, in fact, even following someone else's lead can be an act of free will, depending on the reason for it, and as for your percentage of men being more free-willed than women, well, you lost me there, since there are so many men who are just as wishy-washy as women are in general.

    Yes, they do. There is always a controversy behind black male/white female relationships, and it usually effects the couple's social, political, and economic status, because of the stated message you've written below:

    This one.

    Yes, I am aware, in fact, I believe just like some of the other posters in here, that you shouldn't have to answer to anyone about it at all, in fact, if I am recalling the conversation correctly, you were one of them.

    Yes, I do know the type, and although I do agree with you on this part, I don't believe that it would be this cut-and-dry for white women and black men to get that 'sexual deviants' monkey off of their backs.

    Go on.
  15. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    Yes, I do agree that it is difficult to have a logical, coherent conversation with someone who uses shaming language or irrational emotional "logic." This occurs with women and men...and often with our residential philosophy and psychology professor.

    I am not attempting to argue with you, 7. I will admit that, at times, my beliefs and debates are based on personal accounts, and therefore quite emotional. I will also admit that in the scheme of all attainable knowledge, I know little. And, what I do know, how can I say I "know this," how can I say it is fact?!? I am confident in what knowledge I do have, yet more confident that there is the possibility that I may be wrong.

    Every human being comes with a very different set of experiences. I will never tell you that you are wrong. And yes, as a man (and even a man of color) you biologically have a very different attack at knowledge and experience than I have. Someone who disagrees with you is not making a personal attack. HOW they disagree may be one, though.

    You have often been in full agreement with Moskvichka and have even told her that she may find you irresistible. Now she disagrees and she "lack(s) the necessary intelligence to endeavour (her) own behaviour"??? Is that fair?
  16. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

  17. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I missed this one earlier...

    VERY TRUE! But, I would rank this synopsis up with correlation, at least to SOME degree, wouldn't you say? If the Ugly Duckling 'settles' for black men (or any other men) :roll: because she despises the set standards of beauty of white men, (which I don't necessarily agree with them on myself, but tomato-tomoto) and decides to 'never go back' to them, because of her new found adoration from non-white males, who will shower her with loads of love, attention, and affection, solely because of her skin color, and knows all of this, then wouldn't you believe that this is a bit of correlation of her part? This type of behavior itself is a form of snobbery, if you ask me. Self-delusions, denial, neurotic-ism, closet insecurity, and such things maybe mixed in, but still snobbery, no doubt.
  18. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    But why do men allow this??? I believe that you cannot be tricked, manipulated, seduced, etc. unless you let yourself be. And yes it is snobbery and whole lotta abuse of white privilege!!!
  19. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Psychiatrists are paid to come up with labels and syndromes for people who display any sort of erratic behavioral pattern, or have a specific erratic behavioral pattern in common.

    Do you feel belittled when you read through these threads? I would certainly hope not, because they aren't necessarily directed at you. Free speech is also encouraged by the webmaster.

    Why do feel the need to defend it? It's just a discussion about why white women who 'settle' for black men decide to 'settle' for black men. Like you said, people like what they like, so why does it matter to YOU what THEY say?

    This part of your message says a lot about your character. You feel so hurt and demeaned by a subject of a discussion online, which wasn't necessarily meant to offend you, until you just denounced the whole thread. Once again, free speech is encouraged by the webmaster. That goes for you and anyone else, whether we like what they say or not. As for it being deeper, please elaborate.

    No one ever said that IR altogether, was any kind of syndrome.
  20. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Sorry I missed this one at first...

    It's allowed, mostly by black men, because of things like white privilege, the American media's Eurocentricism, the aftermath of slavery, and the societal infamy of black people, that has been a huge milestone of America for centuries, which many of us are still oppressed to in this day and age (along with the fact that blacks are oppressed worldwide all the time, but I won't digress) and in addition to all these things that equate the white race with 'gods and goddesses' and equate blacks with 'animals, monsters, demons, etc.', a lot of black men are usually at their wits end (sunstorm knows the type) because everything either seems hopeless to them, or everyone makes it seem hopeless for black men to succeed or be happy with themselves and their lives, because of the ingrained hatred of fear of black men, which clashes with their so-called civil-minded, and tolerant views of black people. I said in a previous thread that most of the time, when someone who's racist, claims that they don't hate black people, most of the time, they are ONLY talking about the women, and I already explained why. Too add to all of these problems that the black man has in the world with racism, unemployment, crime and such (due to his conditioning of course) is all the stereotypes about black men, which contradict one another. For every black man who reflects any stereotype about black men you can think of, there is always another one who doesn't, if not more than that (expect for the big manhood thing) and since black men are made to feel that manhood is all they have to offer to the world, (and sometimes according to what you'll see when you do an interracial search of any sort on the net) they allow themselves to be treated like the way you described above. I reiterate, a lot of them are at their wits end, because of their own insecurities and ingrained habit to be people-pleasers all the time.

    Knowing how you feel about black men, I'm sure that this bothers you a great deal, but this site has shown you more than enough times that there are plenty of us who aren't like this.

    Also, keep in mind that to young, straight men (of all colors), sex is like oxygen, and as much as I suffocate sometimes, I stay strong enough not to cave in to the evils of white privilege.

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