The term "Bi racial"

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Kushton Slater, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    This is a super-educated thread. Props goes out to the original poster. Its funny because I look sorta like Flyinggeek, my feet look like Espy's feet, the bone structure in my legs resembles Inner Beauty's legs, etc & etc. I can go on and on. The only difference that I have with them is that my skin is mocha and their's is vanilla. This combination makes for a good ice cream shake doesn't it? *Laughs*. The point I'm trying to make is that people have more differences with each other genetically than the do racially. There are Caucasians in the world with fat noses. There are indigenous black people in Africa with skinny noses. There are some asian races with nappy/wooly hair. The body evolves into different body types depending on what part of the globe you live on. Its an evolutionary word we call "survival". Different climates and environments promote different body changes. We have more differences genetically than we do racially. And we are not all that different genetically honestly speaking. Question: So what does that tell you about people of different races? Answer: We are all human.
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    That sucks. :smt012
  3. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    Now THAT is ironic. I still can't tell whether or not you are a man or a woman. Not only that, but your foot looks like a size 12 men's. I didn't want to go there - but you started this...
  4. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Do you listen to Aesop Rock? Just curious, I noticed your name.
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Having seen a pic of espy, I can tell you she is all woman from the pic with very interesting eyes.

    How you are able to guess the size of someone's foot without anything relative to it in a pic is beyond me?
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Thanks Archangel for verifying my gender, though I suspect since your identity is also in question by Anten that your word won't be sufficient, which is fine because Anten's peace of mind isn't of any importance to me. As for the shoe size comment, that's just the standard playground deflection move that you use when you're trying to redirect attention away from yourself and what's obvious. If you don't want people to question who you are, cast doubt on who they are, like I said some people are just perpetually immature. But it is amusing to watch. :smt005
  7. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    You started this mess by saying I'm like a middle aged woman stuck in high school, and now you're wounded? Your perception of me is not only wrong - but it hasn't even dawned on you that the crap you've been saying about me paints a very scary picture in my mind of who you are. You're way off the mark and you don't even realize it...
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    No actually I'm on mark right now, thanks to you and your rambling. You seem to think this is a competition or a debate, that we're competing for something, or maybe you're just into games. Regardless, it's clear you take the forum far more seriously than I do. Nothing you've said has any impact on me whatsoever, so wounded is a serious stretch. I honestly don't give a moment of thought to anything that goes through your mind, why would I? The opinion of some faceless stranger from an online forum with a penchant for games, and an agenda really means absolutely nothing to me. However I know it's distracting for people to wade through this senseless back and forth, so I'll do us both a favor and put you on ignore...history repeating itself...and please do feel free to do the same. :smt006
  9. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I have heard this too. When I first heard it I was like nah, that doesnt sound right. I believe it now though. A Black man could be more closely related to a chinese man, then a fellow Black.
  10. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    What's the problem?
  11. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I don't see anything wrong with the term biracial, multiracial or mixed. I think there is a big difference from AA's having a little white blood and biracial person having alot. Most African Americans are at least 75% black. Sure when they have kids the kids tend to be more like 60% white rather than 50% but I don't think that is much different. Only like 2% of white Americans have a mixed ancestry so that is not nearly the same.

    As far as Latino or Hispanic for that matter I use both words interchangeably but I do understand why some don't like it and I would not use on a individual level if I'm aware about their distaste. Hispanic originated in Europe. Northern Latins called southern Latins this. These people were white and in Latin America the term was used for white Hispanics not black or native so it can been seen as offensive. It was the US that called all Latino's regardless of race Hispanic. I also understand why some are offended by Latino. Latino is short for Latin Americano and this offends some Natives from Latin America. They are not native sometimes not even speaking Spanish and yet they are called Latino. Their land was took and, there people were killed off, and yet they are grouped in with those Latin people also being called Latin. So that I get.
  12. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    More than 2% of white Americans are mixed. 1 out of 3 white Americans has black blood, thats not including the white Americans who also have Native American admixture. Latino and Hispanic are not interchangeable.

    Latinos are anyone who speak a Romance language such as :
    French and a couple other languages.

    Hispanics are strictly anyone who speaks Spanish.
  13. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    According to DNA test to test admixture. ONLY 2% of white Americans are mixed. You can look up the testing they have done and it will tell you so.

    Those you named are Latins not Latino's. The word Latino didn't come into play until After they colonized America. Latin Americano shortened to Latino. Again you can look that up and it will tell you so.
    Hispanic goes back to the Roman time. It was a name given to people of Hispania. Hispania is the Iberian Peninsula. Again if you research why some Latin Americans do not like to be called this like for example natives in Latin America their reasonings is b/c these term was for the Spaniards NOT them. The Spaniards were white. They were native.

    I noticed a mistake in my original reply. I meant 40% not 60%.
  14. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I agree with alot of what you said... Im trying to find a link to the report I read on 1/3 of white Americans having black blood, but it seems like there all down. Idk if you google it you can read secondary stories on it but not the main one that Im looking for. And with the whole latin europe vs latin american thing it really depends on peoples on thoughts on it. I know alot of people that take my stance on it and I know alot of people that take your stance on it.

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