The term "Bi racial"

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Kushton Slater, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I personally hate the term biracial (just like I hate the term latino because it gets used improperly). First reason being that most "biracial" (more specifically black/white mix) people are NOT biracial by blood. But socially speaking they're biracial. Perfect example would be Quincy Jones daughters, because anybody with common sense knows that Quincy aint 100% black. Therefore how can his daughters be half black/white unless, and thats a big unless, his wife has a admixture that would balance his admixture. Second reason would be it just teaches ignorance to use terms out of there context. And when you throw in the fact that there are ALOT of "biracial" people now that are straying away from the ODR (One drop rule) it causes even more ignorance and chaos. Because very few of them are truly bi racial but in the same sense classifying them as black is a injustice also.

    I'm a FIRM believer in applying rules as whole or not doing them at all. If race becomes more fluid in the US like it is in Latin America then the US needs to reclassify everyone. Because the majority of black Americans arent 100% black (which is funny because alot of people that are socially called black are really biracial by blood) which makes them bi/multiracial technically. The same thing goes with white Americans also. 1 out of 3 white Americans has black blood and a huge amount of white Americans has Amerindian/Indigenous blood in them. Which makes them technically not white, perfect example is Heather Locklear. Who is suppossed to be somewhere around 17% black.

    Race in general is hella fucked up cause at the end there is only one race which is the human race. All this other bs like negroid, caucasoid, mongoloid, and (a debateable 4th) australoid are nothing more than social constructs. And if you go back far enough in your family tree youre gonna find someone of different race there. Which would technically make you mixed race. I was wondering what are your opinoins on the subject. I would much rather multiracial be the term used than biracial because it would be more accurate. But at the same time then wouldnt we all be technically be mixed race (being the fact that using the Out of Africa theory we all come from Africa).

    Sorry for the rant and idk if this is where something like this should be posted or if it should of been posted in another section or not.. What are your personally views on race?
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Interesting thread.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    For the record, you get to choose what race you want. It is people that self govern the races. Meaning a lot of black people despite the fact that they have other ethnicities, will choose black on the census or employment forms.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  4. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I've always found this topic to be kinda silly. Like Archangel said, isn't race ultimately how you choose to identify? For someone who's of mixed heritage, who the hell is going to argue about what percentage of each race they are if that person chooses to define themselves a certain way? Isn't it highly insulting to that person? And what does it matter to you??

    I know for Australian Aboriginal people, it is HIGHLY offensive to suggest that someone isn't "fully" or "100%" Aboriginal. If a person identifies as Aboriginal, and is recognised by the Aboriginal community as such, then it doesn't matter about the colour of their skin or what percentage of their heritage is white. I know a girl with pale white skin who identifies as Aboriginal and you wouldn't dare tell her she's not "properly" Aboriginal.

    And really, the term "bi-racial" purely means they have a mixture of two races, not that they must be an equal 50-50 ratio!
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I wz just gonna say that.
    I also agree w Arch and you that people need to decide for themselves if they identify as bi-racial or other. Its not my job and it would be offensive if I did.
  6. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Just because you can classify yourself what you want to doesnt mean that others view you the same (and its very human of people to want to be accepted by others). If you look like Flava Flav and say you white you look ignorant as fuck even though by blood you could have a decent amount of white in you. My main purpose of starting this thread was just to get a gist of what everyone elses views of race are. It was in no way, shape, or form to offend. And to your comment about bi- racial purely meaning be mixed ith 2 races is true to some extent but at the same time ALOT of bi-racial people are tri-racial in all reality. Also whats the purpose of having terms if there not used properly. And to a better extent race in general is just completely fucked up I mean, in one country you might be black in another you might be colored and in another you are considered moreno. Why not have a universal racial classification that way people that immigrate to other countries wont feel out of place due to being classified differently then what there used to. I know a shitload of afro latinos that go through some kind of identity crisis when they leave there country and were used to being able to call themselves white, then come to the USA and realizing there just looked at as spanish speaking niggers by alot of people.

    My main argument is we as humans over classify shit too much and give exceptions when we see fit which just makes everything at the end of the day come off as one huge ass contradiction. My main ? is, do you or anybody else on this forum think humans in general just over classify shit, instead of just acknowledging it (in this case people of different races) as an extention of themselves?

    Ps Im not trying to argue with people on here. Im just trying to have a friendly debate with some on here. And as a whole just see how everybody else views shit.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    This is true but how often is Flava Flav asked about his race. The other question is how much do you care if he says he is white. little to none in many cases. Lastly, he gives the last word at the end. He fills out the census and job applications.

    First of all, each country decides on how to do it. Most countries don't want others telling them how to do things. That idea of having a universal race classification is gone by just that measure. The other issue will be how to classify them. Another nightmare. The scientific community is using ethnicities since that is better use than this race word. It should be dropped because it serves no purpose much like the word Hispanic. Race has been worse for people in Africa(I mean real black people and not the mix ones) because they have the most diversity and it just clumped them as just one in many cases. This doesn't even began to include mixed people of sub-Saharan descent(you and me for example). There are way too many problems in clumping people together like that from a medical stand point which is very important in saving people's lives.

    I don't think we classify enough to be honest. We generalize too much. For black people in particular, we are said to have high hypertension and many other issues. The stats always come out as black people are more likely to [insert bad thing here]. The question is why. What activities are being done that cause it? then you go and classify it instead of just saying black people are more likely to do this or that. That's from an outside of dna stand point.

    Inside of dna, there needs to be more classification of the locus and alleles. It shouldn't be a case of Multiple sclerosis being more likely of white people but of more likely of people with this type of dna. Saying it is more likely to be with one race or ethnicity may allow people to drop the ball on checking such as the case with Richard Pryor who had it and is precieved to be black by many people.
  8. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    When alot of people argue or have debates they try to get people to agree with them instead of trying to get people to understand where theyre coming from. I REALLY like your answer as a whole. I understand where you're coming from but I agree and disagree with some of it. I kind of approached it in a general manner I really didnt try to get specific. But I completely get what you're talking about when it comes down to people dropping the ball about illnesses. By trying to say this race is more susceptible than this race to catch this or that.

    Ive heard people before make the argument that black Americans and African Americans are not the same thing. From the people that Ive heard make this arguement, there main stance is black Americans are a monolithic racial group and that African Americans are a highly mixed race group who are descendants of American slaves. With African Americans its just crazy because you have those that are 100% negroid (very few people are but there are some out there like alot of Gullah people) and then you have white/black (to various degrees) white/black/native(to various degrees) and black/native (to various degrees. crazy thing is native american are considered a subgroup of asians). Sometimes I feel like people just like to pidgeonhole groups (especially African Americans) into being this one thing "black" when in all reality we're extremely diverse.
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Race ain't "fluid" in latin america..

    Blacks are at the rock bottom.
  10. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Race is EXTREMELY fluid in Latin America. They dont have the ODR so instead of being just white or black, you have moreno oscura, blanca, canela, etc etc. Most people down there that would be considered black in the US, call themselves a wide range of things (some because they honestly like every mixture there made of and others out of pure self hatred). Whites are on top down there and blacks are on the bottom. But what we call black and what they call black are completely different. In the US you'll meet some of the whitest looking black people in your life and in Latin America you'll meet some of the blackest looking white people in your life lol.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The one thing you are going to learn about flaminghetero is that he spits out a lot of B.S. Most of the b.s. is based on his perception and not facts.

    For example, this guy

    would be black under the one drop of blood rule. He is also not at the bottom. He is president of a country. It really doesn't get any further from the bottom than president.
  12. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    Although I can be classified as multi-racial, I find the term highly offensive. I am AFRICAN-AMERICAN. I am a descendant of a noble people who have prevailed against racists who have tried to dissect and analyze us according to our skin color. Kinda like what the two racists going back and forth in this thread are doing...
  13. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Im taking it youre calling me one of the racist, hmmmm. First off Im not fucking racist dude. Second I love being African American. And third you need to check yourself with that ish you talkin about, IDK WTF makes you think I'm racist.
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    First of all, I'm not racist. Secondly, The idea of painting everyone as one monolithic block is a nightmare. People are different. I don't think you understand what a racists is to throw around like that.
  15. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    I think you like hearing yourself talk - even if you have to create an alter ego to justify it. You guys are transparent...
  16. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Anten7, you have been here since aug 2010. You barely know anything about the forum and are ready to accuse a member that has been here for 5 years of making an alter ego. lol

    [sarcasm] I've waited 5 years. That's right 5 years so that I could this. Part of my master plan[/sarcasm]


    I don't think you are going to be creditable at all as a novice. Espy can always tell our locations if you want more proof but I don't have to prove anything to a newbie.

    Why don't you accuse me and LA of being the same person since we registered on the same date while you are at it?
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Anthen knows an awful lot about the board and its members.
    Such as Andrae and why he left and stuff that relates to that - even though it happend before he came here. Also seem to be awfully clued in on who supports who etc. right off the bat.

    Just saying.
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if this is sarcasm. lol
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member


    its not even something you could throw sarcasm at.

    Im acctually scratching my head at your conclusion my friend.
    I just stated an observation.

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