I'll let you draw your own conclusions.... http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/28/us/arizona-ethnic-studies/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
To this day, I still don't know what that class was suppose to teach. Because of that, I remain neutral.
Arizona. The state that gave us the great Evan Mecham. The man who as governor of the state back in the 80's rescinded the MLK holiday and didn't see anything wrong with referring to black children as “pickaninnies”. So this is not too surprising for them.
I didn't know he was a Mormon. And "no" not surprised by his views even if he were not a Mormon. You're from L-Zana, so I know you've probably seen your fair share of stupidity from certain folks.
I live in a part of Louisiana that's fundamentally conservative. Well, almost ALL parts of LA is conservative. As for stupidity? It's a nice way of putting it.
If it doesn't matter to you, why should you care about what I think? My opening statement was "Draw your own conclusions"....