The Israeli Arab who tried to skip the country to return back to Israel after attacking 19 (perhaps more) black men and one white male is one hulking mother. I had to search to find more about this story in my local newspaper. It seems to me that the news media seem to be downplaying this story. I think this story is uncomfortable to many because of the racial aspects behind this case. If it turns out that this guy hated blacks in particular how will the media play this one. When a black commited horrendous crime like last week it was fully analyzed for days on all the networks. Oh well, some will argue crime is crime. So it is I guess.
It is going to be hard to prove it was a hate crime with that one white guy. Any how, he should be prosecuted for assaulting all of them.
Lets wait and see if there is more info. I just want to see if they try to prosecute on a hate crime.
He's a Mossad intelligence operative. Israel's trying to create this huge racial divide in the USA to de-stabilize the Obama administration and ensure that he doesn't win a 2nd term. They want a right winger in the WH to guarantee military U.S. support when they attack Iran in 2012-13. Dude was just hours away from boarding a plane to Israel((??). COnnect the dots, people.
well if the Israeli didn't do it, another black person would have... black on black violence and all for those of you who can't read between the lines, i'm more worried about being attacked by my own people..once we sort that out, then i'll start worrying about the Mujahideen
C'mon petite-officer:smt043 WHAT KIND OF BITCH-ASS-LOGIC IS THAT??? MOST people are attacked by their "own".. Those middle-easterners are BLOWING ONE ANOTHER UP...but I bet they wouldn't CO-SIGN a Black dude stabbing them to death. "so what if a Black American is stabbing our people...I'm more worried about getting blown-up by one of my own" That's something you'd NEVER hear.
We rarely if ever serial kill our own. I have to agree with Flame that's lame logic fam. Yeah there are a lot white males who rape women but if it were on the news that there was a serial rapist who was a Asian targeting white women I guarantee every white woman would look at Asians a lot more closely.
He's an Israeli Arab. Which means that, for one, he ain't doing shit for Israel and Israel ain't doing shit for him. If Israel did want to create a huge racial divide in the USA, they would have done it better. They would have sent someone dark skinned to shoot a tea party member, or someone light to infiltrate the tea party and ramp them up even more. Killing a number of Black people in a tiny town in a failing state really doesn't seem to have had any political impact at all, nor would anyone expect it to under the current administration. Obama never talks race, even when he should, so it's not like the killing of Black people would enrage him to the point that it would bug White people. Nor are Black people likely to start talking revolution while he's in office. Nor are White people suddenly going to start getting excited by this. Usually, when Israel sets out to do something militarily, they err on the side of the hawk, not the dove. If they wanted to create a huge racial divide, they'd be doing a better job than involving themselves in this.
If Obama is very smart, he better keep an eye on those Israelis. Because I tell you, they'll be gunning for him. And I mean that in every sense of the word ...
I have heard the above exact statement several times in the past few months.... thing that makes go, hmmm
Except the guy wasn't supposed to get caught. He was just minutes from getting away with it. The more Obama's opponents can make him look like the 'Black President', instead of just the POTUS, the harder it will be for him to get re-elected. Whoever this guy was, he killed people in Maryland, Michigan, and possibly Virginia. Either he's an insane muthafucca with dual Israeli citizenship and a passport, or something about this whole drama doesn't sound quite right. If this story takes a weird Tom Clancy turn, remember you read it here first.:smt118
I've been hearing about it non-stop. I was in Alabama for the past week and I kept hearing about it on CNN n' shit.
As Black men we are always at risk of being "targets" for any extremist group/individual. All the more reason to make sure you are in the best physical shape possible, know how to defend yourself/martial arts, and have some degree of legal weaponry training.
Step 1: Grip n' rip Step 2: Kick them in the nuts while screaming "That's my purse! I don't know you!" Step 3: Celebrate Everyone from Chuck Norris to Bigfoot will submit and cower when you unleash this level of ass stompery.