The radical British plan?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Madiba, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Very cleverly put but im not willing to concede just yet !!!
    But its not about brushing teeth or sexual health its something much more important civil liberties the freedom to do as we choose and have the right to be treated equaly in every enviroment consistently regardless of race or gender unless theres an evident of the moment!! issue.

    To do what your suggesting would be to technically go back 50 yrs in an equality sense!!! and that is what im talking about you cant just turn things on there head to do this one thing !!! the point is we can not pick and choose what fits in at what time or whether its just for one thing.
    Think this through if this was allowed or intergrated into the system just imagine what else could happen !! it could be allowed in different areas not just education once you've open the stable door its hard to stop the horse sure you know this but having allowed something of this ilk it would in theory open the door to not so beneficial reasons!!
    But having opened the door JUST THAT ONE TIME! would lose the protection of the door forever...... You need to unfocus from this particular issue and see the bigger picture. There are other ways there is always another way something will be done just( I hope ) not ever this.


    Last edited: Nov 7, 2008
  2. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    This hasn’t got anything to do with equality, it appreciating the differences and taking a different approach. Black boys wouldn’t get a lesser education. They would be taught slightly different, that all. Just like I said earlier, not to dissimilar to a dyslexic child. So you can throw the equality line out the window.

    Its fine to have entire schools segregated by religion (loads of Jewish schools), but when it comes black children having an education tailored for them there is an outcry. And the way this would work, is it wouldn’t be detrimental to any other race. So when you say this takes race relations 50 years back I think it’s a major exaggeration. Black children would still mix with other children its only a few lessons where they would be separated.

    And yes I see the bigger picture. Black boys are failing miserably with their education, and most things have been tried, and not worked. At least this is an idea. Its better than people sitting on their deck chairs and saying pump loads of money into youth programs, when this clearly hasn’t worked in the past.. Its also easy for people to sit there playing devils advocate, with out any tangible solutions…
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2008
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
  4. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Right, think there are major misunderstandings here.. so Im going to make this my last response to you..

    Okay, I never said Jewish schools were state run anywhere on my post.So dont know where you got that from.I was just trying to point out how well accepted schools segregated on religious grounds are...and when a plan that intends to advance education for black people by separating them in few classes there is an outcry.

    Again it appears there has been a misunderstanding.When I was saying its not about equality, I meant that everyone is getting an equal chance at education, and the standard they will receive will be the same.Thats what I meant about throwing the equality line out.No ones education is going to suffer.

    No, dont have kids..but when I do, I will do whats best for them to reach their potential.

    Right, never said there was anything wrong with religious schools if that what you meant...actually im kind of lost here..

    BNP...come on now...I'm a black man
  5. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Right, never said there was anything wrong with religious schools if that what you meant...actually im kind of lost here..

    BNP...come on now...I'm a black man[/QUOTE]

    I know you never said anything about jewish schools being state run but you used them as an example for a proposal about state schools thats why i had to put it straight a ton of americans read this stuff and i wanted to be pointedly clear.

    And i personally feel that barely nothing has been spent on youth funding for teens bored teens get in trouble teens in trouble dont concentrate and around in circles !!

    And the BNP thing its definitely an old favourite off theres to want either white schools or black schools but it is an OLD!! line and yeah i know your a black man but isnt the BNP just one great big doulble standard.
    It wouldnt surprise me if one day they pull out an ,by there terms an all BRITISH black man but only one of course personally approved by them.

    I mean look at there old pal Kilroy Silk with a name like that does that sound british to you lol couple off generations away from imigrants i should imagine like we all are!! bunch off idiots. :shock:
  6. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    know I said I wouldnt repsond again ..but:

    I dont think you fully understand, the intention is not to have separate schools...white and black schools. Its to separate in some lessons...white and black would still mix and go to the same schools...

  7. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    UHHMMM actually i dont think you fully understand separate classes to me means the same as separate schools.
    And yes yawnnnnn!!!! theres obviously no making you understand.
    And i can see the angle your getting at ie you think that black youths are hard done by because they dont have the choice of separate education!!
    That white kids are the only kids catered for in inner city schools.

    I did hope that it wasnt the old familiar hard done by thread but obviously i was wrong !!! Yawnnnnn!!!!
  8. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    DAMN...definately wasting my time here...

    The operative word is some(classes)

    Twisting things here...but thats not the angle I'm coming at all. I am actually saying(for the billionth time) A different approach would work better for them..You seem to see things that arent there..pointless debating with you!

    :smt102 How could you draw that conclusion from what I have written.. geez..

    But its not...:mad:
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
  9. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Swazi: just a question- could some of these differences in scores be because some of the children don't have sufficient skills in English? The article you're quoting mentions for instance black Caribbean children, so it seems to be first generation immigrants we're talking about here.
  10. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Surely, the immigrant children are gonna do worse, but the problem is universal as it applies to black boys everywhere, even in the States.

    I think the problem lies within the low expectations and the neglectful attitude towards the black boys. They need to raise the bar and set higher standards for them. They need to motivate them to become exceptional, instead of writing them off just because they feel they have no hope for them to actually achieve things. And they have to do it at an early age, because otherwise it just starts a negative spiral.

    They should look at the good examples, and IF there is proof that special schooling or separation has worked, then maybe they could do it, but there's got to be other ways to socialise and motivate them.

    And... as long as there are no involved fathers, I don't believe this can be resolved. Or at least male role models or mentors.

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  11. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    And btw this problem won't cease until blacks have some real power in society, the same goes for the jail problem.
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    As someone that was a black boy very recently in these classrooms...I can attest to some of the problems in the schools. Older and more experienced teachers seemed more comfortable in dealing with young black boys whereas younger instructors (generally white, female and inexperienced) didn't always know how to harness the energetic and often more aggressive young boys.

    I was a good student that was never behind academically in elementary school...and yet I spent my fair share of time being escorted out of the classroom after misbehaving....oddly...when young white boys and white girls talk too much or act out...they are told to be boys are always sent outside and generally reprimanded individually as opposed to as a group. I know this because I've seen it firsthand.

    Segregation isn't the solution because the problem often starts in the home. When you combine that with elementary school teachers that don't know how to appeal to black boys...and..well you see problems like we have in the educational system.

    I've often wondered why there aren't more men teaching at that level...I think a lot of young black boys would fare better if they had someone they could identify with...teaching them early on.
  13. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    No Ronja.In the UK, they like to break the black population into two groups: Caribbean an African. When they say caribbean, they referring to British born black boys of caribbean ancestry...

    Side note: The former British caribbean colonies tend to speak English as their first language anyway.
  14. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Can anyone - I guess the black guys on here - explain WHY black boys do so much worse in both the USA and UK?

    Assuming that its an education system problem - are these same issues faced by other minorities? Just thinking from home, I don't see any problem with the Asian, Indian, Vietnamese, Lebanese populations..(as mentioned a hundred times, we have no "black" population to speak of so I can't make a comparison)...

    My immediate observation is that its a sub-culture thing...But, I don't know whether that's too simple. I don't think it's anything to do with colour, per se...I would imagine that it's a cultural identity, socio-economic, family support thing. IE - a larger proportion of the black popularion come from lower socio-economic areas and have a larger proportion of un-stable home environments....Like I said - this is a total observation, just throwing it out there for some constructive criticism...If I'm wrong, please explain why...thanks.

    And, what are your opinions on why SOME men do well when so many are doing poorly. Do you think being a minority has a lot to play?
  15. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Black boys that come to school well prepared do just fine...the ones that are 'average' or slightly below average get left behind because most early education teachers don't know how to discipline a young black boy. Generally speaking, black mothers know how to control the fire inside of a young black boy...most 20-something white women don't know how to speak to a 10-year old black boy (particularly one from a rougher upbringing).

    I'm not castigating WW teachers...I'm just saying that many of them don't understand how to handle BM pupils. Rather than drawing a distinct line and demanding discipline...the WW get frustrated when their young BM students don't respond to soft reprimands..."DeAndre, please be quiet"...doesn't work on many black boys. When these young teachers get frustrated...they subconsciously give up on the boys..even if they don't really want to give up on them.

    That doesn't mean that young BM need or want to be scared of their instructor...but most BM that I know aren't interested in learning from someone they don't respect. Young teachers often think they should be respected when they walk in the classroom....which would be ideal...but it doesn't work that way. You have to both earn and demand respect...and be unflinching.
  16. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Actually afffro carri is used as ie off affro carri decent not as a term for first generation or otherwise any black child unfortunately is termed as affro carr decent my son included.
  17. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Not every black child is called afro-caribbean..geez...if thats what you saying.If its what sayin its very ignorant! I'm actually struggling to make sense of your writing becauses you dont like using fullstops or comas.

    If this was the case why when you apply for jobs in UK are given the following options to tick:

    Black African...or Black caribbean..or Black other...Have a look next time..

    why would they have these options if every black was lumped as caribbean?:roll:
  18. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Man your a twat !! thats all i can say im not even convinced your black !!
    And since when did you hear someone come out and say on t.v or in a newspaper that the person or persons in question are (Black other)

    You dont have any kids have you ever filled in an application for nursey, school or after school clubs.

    You are the biggest bag of wind i thank god you have no real decision making power and your just spouting off on a board.

    And yeah my puntuation is lacking i rarely bother unless its for coursework !
    But just because you dont like what you hear does not mean it isnt true.

    NUMPTY uhm is it cus i is black.
    Separate this separate that! a very narrow mind.
    The parents need to take a hand in this education issue or if there to ignorant then teach the parents.
    A single parent family is no excuse.
    Actually i dont know why i commented on this thread you obviously only want those who agree with you to post!!

    Just because you read The Guardian it does'nt make you broad minded.:?
  19. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    And i suggest you read through every post you have made and then you might realise how youre coming across

    no puntuation whatsoever just for you

    ps been waiting ages for you to finish your reply maybe your to busy looking up the correct grammar :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  20. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Yeah..Im actually a white man, thats why I posted a picture of my white-self on the picture thread!

    Okay...Let me explain silly, what happens if a black American or Aboriginal applies for a job in the UK.GUESS WHICH BOX THEY TICK? BLACK OTHER..see its better then having several options for black people from diffrent parts of the world. So instead they split them into the two main black groups residing in the UK and 'Black other' .Hate getting personal...but you need to read!

    Geez, I dont need to have a child to know not all black people in the UK are lumped as Afro-caribbean.Common sense and my education tells me that!

    Could say a lot about you...but I wont..

    Oh, well good for you.Do you want a cookie...

    Never said anything to the contrary.. I was actually looking for intelligent debate..not personal attacks..unfortuantely I mainly got the latter..

    Go on...twist it..never said anything about this.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008

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