The R.I.P Thread..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Kushton Slater, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I just found out one of my close friends just got killed a few hours ago. It seems like everybody is dying. In all reality death, pregnancy, and addiction has always been around but, when your a little kid you dont even realise it because you're too busy enjoying yourself as a kid. When you become an adult you start to notice the harsh negatives of life. I mean I know in 3rd world countries you see death from a young age and all but it sucks how for some they see so much of it that they become desensitized to it.

    Idc how many times people I know die I just cant become desensitized to it. It makes you wish you couldnt feel anything. Part of me wishes I could become apathetic to it all, but the empathy in me wont die. Im not looking for any kind of Im sorry your friend dies or anything. I just figured that we have all these bs threads we might as well have a REAL thread for a change.

    RIP Patrick you were so fucking young and to find out you had a kid on the way breaks my heart man. You were just alive a few hours ago and now you're gone. I love you like a bro lil homie.

    RIP Foote its kind of ironic the last time I talk to Pat we wer talking about the good times we had with you, now you and him are gone. Fuck the Gulf of Mexico, she took you away from us at a young age when you never hurt anybody you were just a chill ass dude. I cant believe you're dead still after these 7 months.

    If you've lost anybody recently feel free to post them in here and a message about them if you want to. Times like these makes can male a person think why are we even here if all we feel is ups and downs and as of late its been heavy on the downs.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  2. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Kushton, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friends. You will be in my thoughts. I hope that you and their families can find some kind of peace in this difficult time. :(
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    hey kushi...i'm so sorry to hear of your loss. lots of love to you :smt056
  4. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Thanks :smt058 I appreciate it....

    I dont want this to turn into a pity party though I just figured with all these troll threads around that we could at least have a "real" thread. If you know what I mean. If anybody has lost anybody feel free to post.
  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    my grandmother passed away the day before i was to return to australia from the us. i was sad that she had passed away, even though we weren't close, but even sadder that i was unable to be there for my dad...such a horrible feeling of hopelessness and wanting to support the people that you love.

    as we get older, we will of course see death more often, as well as's the circle of life
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Kush, I'm sorry to hear about your friends. And you're right, I can't ever be desensitized when it comes to someone dying.

    I found out this afternoon that the guy who died at the Bears game yesterday was my good friend's cousin. I told him I was sorry and he said it was really okay. He said he wouldn't have even mentioned it, if it wasn't a big story.

    I'm a bit taken aback by his attitude. I'm thinking that it might not have hit him just yet. He found out when he watched the news last night. He said he wasn't really close to him, but he was close enough, but he didn't seem too shaken up about it. Very odd.
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    RIP Beth, one of the most talented artists I've ever known. Your death has become a joke now because everyone sees H1N1 as a scaremongering fiasco. You were not a joke, and I'm so sad that I can't talk to you any more. We never met in person, but you were a friend to me during some of the worst moments in my life. It's been over a year now, but I'm still waiting for you to sign back in on msn messenger. :(

    RIP Athena, my baby who never got to breathe.

    I'm sorry for your friends, Kush. It always hurts when someone is lost. Find a way to honor them, I feel that it helps. It doesn't take the pain away but it can offer comfort.
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I am very sorry Kush. I have not lost anyone lately.
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Nor have I, but I keep wondering if it's not going to happen in the next couple of years.

    My Mom lost her Dad when she was 9. She's the youngest of 5. I lost my Grandma when I was 9. I'm the youngest of 5. I've been having a very scared feeling that whilst my daughter is an only child, that she might lose one of her Grandparents when she's 9. Am I odd for thinking this? LOL.
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    RIP to your friend, Kush.

    RIP to Granny and Papa(Grandpa).

    RIP Charlie, Jasmine and their unborn child. Charlie was on another forum I used to post on. Him and his pregnant girl were found dead in their trunk in Chicago last May. It was weird as fuck because I talked to him a couple days before and was gonna mail him a documentary so he could rip it and post it up on the forum. His cousin turned his car into a lowrider because that's what he wanted.

    RIP to that little freshmen from my high school that died during soccer practice a few years back. It was like the 2nd week of school for him.

    RIP to that other kid from my high school and his dad who were shot on their doorstep for no reason a few years back.

    RIP Niner from who died about a month ago.
  11. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I'm really sorry to hear that, Kush. Unexpected death can be so shocking and so hard to come to terms with.

    Only a month or so ago I had a lifelong friend die unexpectedly in her sleep. We still haven't had results from the autopsy so no one knows what happened. I think about her and her family every day and I don't think that pain of losing someone you love ever really leaves you.

    My aunty died when I was about 13 and I still miss her very much. We were so alike and such good friends and I feel so cheated that we never got to spend my adolescent/adult years together. I know we would have had such great times together.

    Death sucks.
  12. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Sorry for your loss Kushton.
    I hope you will keep him alive in your memories.
    I feel you cause it was a year of losses for me as well.
    I wish you a lot of strength to deal with the pain that comes with a loss like that.

  13. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Im sorry to hear that Kushton Slater. I hope you will be okay man.
  14. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Id like to thank everyone for the condolences....

    Ive been thinking lately and I think I might give my mom my facebook password and a list of numbers of people to call just in case anything did ever happen to me. I dont want my friends that are spread across the states to not talk to me for a long time and think its because I dont like them anymore. When the reason I havent talk to them is because I died or something. Mortality is one of the few truths in life.

    Once again thank you for the condolences.
  15. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I've had a lot of online friends over the years and this is something that's always bothered me... If something were to happen to them, how would I know? I'd just think they'd stopped talking to me for whatever reason. I hate that idea :(
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'm so sorry for your losses Kushi; you're in my thoughts & prayers. :smt056

    I recently lost my friend Tony in a freak accident on his job. We'd been friends for over 30 years. I miss you, T & i love you, man. RIP.

    RIP to my son's good friends JD (17) who recently died in a car accident.

    RIP to my stillborn nephew (my brother's only son).

    To my other brother's friend Tanner, I hope your soul is resting peacefully although your family still has you on life support. He's brain-dead (from a drug overdose), yet they still can't let him go. My heart & prayers go out to his family.
  17. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    R.I.P. Brutus (my Doberman) who passed away yesterday. You were my most loyal friend who was always there for me. I will miss you my friend.
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry to hear that, Blacktiger. I lost my dog Pearl about 5 months ago & I'd had her for 10 years. The most loyal & loving friends we could ever have are pets, because, unlike people, the love they have for us is always pure & unselfish.
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    My condolences Kushton.
  20. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm sorry to hear that Kush as well as everyone else who lost someone or a pet.

    I also lost an aunt a few months ago.

    Last month was the death of the anniversary of my beloved grandfather. He was a great man. Love you Grandpa!

    This month is the anniversary of my uncle who died a few years ago.

    Although it's a part of life, it's getting scary losing all these people....

    I remember when I was researching information for my family tree, I looked up this dude I used to date and saw he had a death certificate. His birthday was this month.

    You all will be sorely missed. RIP....

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