This forum has a massive thread dedicated to discussing the psychology behind internet trolls. It's rather interesting, though only a collection of opinions on the subject. Stanford study related to internet trolls Article written by a troll fighting superhero For those of you who haven't participated in message boards or chat rooms often (or at all) aside from this one, this "phenomenon" isn't really that rare. Every time a forum or chat room gets a lot of traffic, there are trolls. Look at Youtube comments and you'll see it there, too. Anywhere people can say something freely, they will, and the trolls will come out of the woodwork. The only difference here is that a lot of ours are specific to the topic. But that happens on other sites, too. In a chatroom about comic books you'll get a ton of those ignorant children talking about how "comic books are gay". Juvenile, but true. If the above articles are not interesting enough, google the topic. It can be interesting to read about.
The reason why trolls are here to attacking, because we, individuals, love to have interracial relationship to one others. That I can understand. Four words: Don't feeds the trolls!
The trolls on this forum know who they are. They stick around because they must be really bored and somewhat sick in the head.