The Problem with Tiger...

Discussion in 'In the News' started by jellybird, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    This is a continuation of the Jim "MO-FO" Brown Thread. (I love that name! Dan Le Batard gave it to Jim Brown out of his admiration for Brown for his activism and dominance during his playing years...but anyway...)

    My problem with Tiger is that he's spinless, self serving, always about the money, two-faced rat! (I hope I made my opinion clear?) Ill explain.

    When Tiger was on Oprah's show he said...and this is a direct quote, "It bothers me when people say that Im black." Now, if you dont consider yourself black...fine! (Although if he wasnt just plain Eldred and tried to play at Augusta or any number of other private courses they would tell him to take his "black ass" to a municipal public course.) If you dont what to get involved in debates or public or social issues...thats fine too. But dont be "black" when it suites you. Dont get involved in public spats when it puts money in your pocket. Let me explain.

    Tiger, who isnt black, makes a Nike commercial talking about how there are courses he cant play because of the color of his skin (Nike "Hello World" commercial). He also made a Nike commercial with Calvin Peete and Lee Elders talking about progress and black golfers. So you ARE black enough to make a Nike commercial to capitalize on your black heritage, huh?)

    When the NAACP asked him to not play in a tounament in SC in protest to the confederate flag, he said "Im a golfer. Thats their problem, not mine." But then pulled out of the SC tournament saying he was "exhuasted" and said the flag flap had nothing to do with it. (At least Venus and Serena had the "balls" (figuratively speaking, of course) to publicly say they wouldnt play there because of the flag.)

    He doesnt get involved in public issues, but he comes out and makes a statement in direct support of the striking writers of the Screen Actors Guild. Why? Because if they can get the strike resolved, he can get back to making commercials and making more $$! If you dont like to get involved, then sit your black ass down and keep quiet.

    Tiger's problem is that he doesnt consider himself non-black. He almost sees himself as white. Threre are alot of examples but the worst is that he (quietly) supports private courses excluding women. What the fuck? So you dont mind discrimination as long as it doesnt interfere with you playing golf?

    I would love to hear others opinion of Mr. Woods.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    venus and serena are some chocolate sistas, so I can't blame them for pulling out...



    he could be about that money, like you said..

    playing neutral is a safe way to attain "most" of his fans...

    if he went out on an anti-racist tangent, he would run the risk of losing some of his white supporters, but would probably gain a few more black ones...

    It's like when two sides are at war... You stay neutral until you know who the victor will be, so you don't fu*k up what you got...

    or you man up, and take a side, and ride it out no matter what..

    the "I'm a golfer, and it's not my problem" line has me a bit disturbed tho...

  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Seems Tiger has not woke up yet.
  4. Freejames

    Freejames New Member

    If I were Tiger Woods why would I get involved in the continuously fucked up non-stop racial debate that engrosses America... especially if I'm multi-racial.

    I, like Tiger, am bi-racial (mom was white, dad was black)... I see racism from both sides and I see tolerance from both sides and I gravitate towards those who look past my colour and I am wary of those who want to make my colour an issue. I'm not black enough for some people and I'm definitely not white... and I could care less. I'd rather be me than "black" or "white" or what ever colour you want to paint me.

    Tiger Woods can fight any battles he wants... he can avoid any issues he wants too, especially if his heart isn't in it. In the end, he's just a golfer... a damn good one. I think he prefers to focus on that for now, instead of being the anointed leader of fucked up non-stop racial bickering in the good ol' USA.
  5. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Tiger has said many times, including Oprah that he does not consider himself "only" black, he has said that he embraces all parts of his background. Look I don't know what is truly in his heart and mind, he has gone on record stating that he was tied to tree in his childhood and taunted with black racial slurs, as well as still receiving hate mail calling him the n-word. The fact remains that he does immeasurable good through his foundation for children of "all" colors, and deals with racial situations in his own way. There is no "black person litmus test" that all must pass, Jim Brown in entitled to his opinion and activism as is Tiger.
  6. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Also Augusta does have Black members. I do find it funny that they rejected Bill Clinton for membership. Although there is still a great deal of racism still embedded in golf and private clubs, there is progress being made.
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Also,the Thai community has not accepted him.
  8. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

  9. Darryl1954

    Darryl1954 New Member


    Excellent, intelligent post. Void of irrational emotionalism, or political correctness. And I agree, it is humorous that Billy-bob Clinton was rejected for membership at Augusta. :cry:
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I bet Tiger gets more hate mail from whites than blacks..Waaaayyyy more..and when they slur him they call him N*GGER...

    Not Honky

    Not Gook

    They call him N*GGER

    All that being said..

    I don't blame him for not commenting about every single foolish remark some obscure mofo has to say..

    Who has the energy for that bullshit?

    Tiger sticks it to them everytime he steps out on the green
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They'd accept him if his Dad were White :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Sorry ass-lickin' mofos..
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    he's a rare bird....he definitely "looks" black...but is genetically more Asian than anything since his dad part chinese.....Thai's don't accept him huh?......They don't have racial pride..because if he was Thai and white....they'd love his ass....Asians, Latinos etc...try to pretend they have pride in their race/ethnicity..but actually they suffer from thinking that "white is right"
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    It's all a sham..they're racial pride mostly comes from being closer to Whites than Blacks..

    Latinos and Asians suck more ass than a fuckin tapeworm.. :lol:
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    which is so ironic..because after 300+ years in the US....genetically speaking....American born whites and blacks are actually more similar to each other than to Asians, Latinos etc.....remember that the avg. "black" is around 18% white....while 1/3 of whites have a recent black ancestor....within the last 150 years or so
  15. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Iam in complete shock and still have a hard time believing this even though I saw it all over the internet, only person I didn't hear from is tiger even though a lot of biracial people act this way, Im still shocked....and I say all that because this man loved his black father, like I have never seen a son love is father so much, because usually fathers & daughters usually have that close of a relationship.
    So it's a shame, shame, and I know this is harsh to say, but his father must be turning over in his grave.
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Dont try to blow smoke up my ass! Agusta has ONE black member!

    Can you say, "token?"
  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    No one is asking him to be Bobby Seale, just have a spine and comment on something. If your not black, fine. But dont stand beside "true" black golfers when it suits you to make a commercial.
    Because he is black! (Why do you think bigots still taught him by calling him, "nigger?) The same reason why so many of us "average," every-day, black men get involved. Because we owe it to those before us who fought for the rights that we now take for granted. I dont expect everyone to be a leader in the black community, but fair or unfair, Tiger does have a responsibility as a black man to take a stand. Thats what a true role model would do, not throw money into some bullsh*t foundation and call that "doing good."

    As black men, and as black people, we have a proud history of being strong and standing up for ourselves. I wish Tiger wasnt black because personally, I think he is a disgrace.

    Kenny G is right! Tiger's dad must be turning over in his grave.
  18. Darryl1954

    Darryl1954 New Member

    Ladies, I'm curious, do posts like these make you FEEL comfortable posting at this site? :roll: Do you feel like these are representative of the kinds Black Men with which you would like to interact? Please, voice your opinions. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR THE LADIES OPINIONS ONLY. Thank you for taking the time to respond, Ladies. :wink:
  19. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    And you say that Im a whiny bitch?

    Tuck in you skirt, Daryl.
  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Tiger would make the haters rich and famous by simply responding to their comments..

    They stay broke when he ignores them :lol:

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