...the same guy who partnered with Larry Silverstein in the WTC deal!! Are we doomed to perpetually eat shit and suffer the same cruelties of the same monsters again and again?? We are-until enough of us wake up and say FUCK ALL THESE FALSE FLAGS AND THEIR PERPETRATORS! http://karanjazplace.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-nairobi-westgate-mall-mindrape.html
Interesting part in your link ... hmmm BTW... (The 'other' 19 suspects...included in the count, Chaney and Rumsfeld) http://www.globalresearch.ca/anothe...tate-crimes-new-book-reveals-suspects/5339073 And.... http://www.911enemies.com/
You'll never guess the latest. The floors collapsed! The terrorists somehow had the time to lay explosives while hacking and shooting the captives and battling the rescuers. As of now the entire building is a hollow shell.
That is aweful...However we need to beware that kinda shit is coming here the plan is in the works..I love shopping but I hate it as well,because of situations like this.. I love going to resturants and dining out, but beacuse of these crazy gun toting bomb happy mudfuckers out here, I can't enjoy it,because I'm always looking over my shoulder for some bull shit to jump off..It's patheic!!...if they come at me and I'm ready ima take it to' em:smt071
the really interesting part of this story is that there were likely americans on the terrorist team. And a brit woman as well! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/kenya/10329803/Nairobi-terror-attack-Americans-and-Briton-among-the-gunmen.html
This day in swirl history: :mrgreen: Brit woman involved in the nairobi attack may have been Samantha Lewthwaite -- aka "the white widow" --so called because she was married to Germaine Lindsay, one of the suicide bombers in the u.k. "7/7" attack. Both she and her hubby were converts. hubby: Interpol is hot on her trail... http://world.time.com/2013/09/26/hunt-is-on-for-the-white-widow-after-kenya-terror-attack/#ixzz2g1aSD2lk http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/09/26/interpol-issues-arrest-notice-for-british-white-widow-eyed-in-kenya/
What a dangerous world we now live in. I think it's more dangerous than ever because of it's randomness. Saw the videos on the killings and the Nazi like executions based on religion (if not a muslim you die), children killed and thrown in freezers, adults had eyes plucked out, none of this reported in the U.S. press, yet the British press did report these horrendous crimes. Islamic terrorism will drive the western world toward unity to fight them or they will spread their evil here in time. Historically, it took one terrorist who set into motion the beginning of the First World War that changed the world forever. Question is, will or can it happen again?
You think most Muslims support these insane attacks?? You have radical elements attempting to hijack an entire religion. Good luck. Not happening. No different in their approach than the Tea Party in a very general sense, and look what's happening to them. These are political movements occurring in the Islamic world-all about POWER-and not religious ones. Most people of faith are not homicidal fanatics. ALso, if the attack in Kenya was a false flag operation, please tell me for what gain was it to kill all those people and raze a mall?? The insurance money???lol The dots have to connect for a conspiracy theory to have legs.
Plots so thicck that anyone with an idea, thought, suspicion or allegation becomes a conspiracy theorist.
My,my,my! Just read the link. Frank Lowy the mall owner was a WTC partner. He also owns the Marriott hotels,3 of which,2 in Indonesia and I in Pakistan have been blown up by 'terrorists.' Fyi,Kenya is been fought by the West,the Brits in particular. This is their long STANDING MO. Here's another explanation into international terrorism with a Russian General saying http://karanjazplace.blogspot.com/2014/05/remote-control-of-3rd-world-by-false.html