The only religion that PROMOTES interracial marriage

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by BronzeSaint, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Good point...and, I guess too, you have to take into account cultural aspects. It may not be so much a man or woman's faith that encourages such a thing, but their culture discouraging it.

    The Ba'hai couple I know are interracial. She is Iranian and he is white.
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    My first college roommate was Bahai'i. I'd never heard of the religion until then. I thought she was making it up. LOL.

    At one point, though, she had to fast - she couldn't eat anything during daylight hours for a month or something like that. That part, I wasn't too fond of.

    As I was looking at different religions, trying to figure out what religion I might fit in best with, this is the one that really stuck out to me.

    However, I'm not really sure that any religion will work for me. I'm still trying to figure that out.
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Actually that is the message of the thread idiot and if you read it again, you'll find that it is the sole intention of the person who started it. My contention is that Bahai'ism creates a false impression in the minds of people who aren't followers that it aspires to create a post-racial utopia, and to that I say "whatever" because religion, in any form, is incapable of such a mandate.

    And FYI, there are plenty of mixed marriages in other faiths as well; the true test for humanity comes when people choose their partners without advocacy from their imaginary friend in the sky.
  4. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    "This is the dumbest post to the thread I've seen so far."


    :smt043:smt043HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

    That would have been enough. But then:

    This is stupid and not the message of the thread.

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! - You sound like the Scottish nun I knew as a kid.....This is HILARIOUS!!!! Then again, you sound like an African-American woman that has a point to make......OMG...I could pay for this!!!!!


    This is TOO fucking funny.....sorry for my French....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Angela, I don't who you are. But, what a great start...LOL...with (I guess?) your first post!!! You have to be from the East Coast.....New York maybe or Philly...maybe Boston???

    Anyway, GREAT POST. And, yes he was far from the real subject of the thread.

    You actually "hit it out of the park." You said:

    The reason why I and almost everyone else responded positively to the thread is because there may be a religion that has the courage to, as Bronze put it, promote interracial marriage (which really means bring people together).

    The point is this religion wants to bring people together above everything else. That makes it different than segregated churches and religions that demean and oppress women.

    Angela, I actually had not gotten to how the religion wishes to treat women (as 100% equal to men). But, that is an excellent point as we see the Catholic Church flat out refusing to allow women into the Priesthood. Likewise, we see Middle Eastern faiths oppress and even kill women (sadly, even in the 21st century) - My laughter stopped.

    OK. You were very funny. But, you're also very new.

    Word to the wise: Ignore that poster. He has...."issues." He does not even know a single thing about you...and he's already called you an idiot. PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE avoid him if you can.

    I REFUSE to respond to his posts. I'm dreaming of the day he'll do the same for me....LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

    Anyway, there are a couple of other trolls on here. Amazingly, they get along with some people...there are couple of cliques I think.

    Enjoy the site. Take it for what it is....just a stupid website to be entertained by.

    Lastly, DON'T BE A STRANGER. I have not laughed so hard in two years...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Take care and thank you very much for the kind words about the thread. You're a sweetheart. :smt038

  5. Angela28

    Angela28 New Member

    True. But, I really wanted to say that religion is not just about who you date. It's about how you live your life.

    This religion sounds very open to interracial dating, however, which is unusual.
  6. Angela28

    Angela28 New Member

    Look, I didn't call you names or even mention you. You don't call me names (it's childish). All I did was say that your "dating-game" example yesterday was off topic.

    I didn't call you stupid. I called what you said earlier stupid. There's a difference:rolleyes:.

    In this post, you've changed what you said yesterday. If it means anything, now it makes more sense.:)
  7. Angela28

    Angela28 New Member

    LOL. Glad you enjoyed my post:D

    I was not trying to make fun of him. It was just his post seem to be for another thread. I did not understand it.

    You sound like the Scottish nun I knew as a kid.....This is HILARIOUS!!!! Then again, you sound like an African-American woman that has a point to make......OMG...I could pay for this!!!!!

    HAHA. I'm Italian. We have our temper tantrums, too:p.

    You have to be from the East Coast.....New York maybe or Philly...maybe Boston??? Close! Baltimore, not far from the Inner Harbor.

    Thanks for the compliment. Somewhere you said you were Catholic. I was raised this way too, and yeah, a lot of us have left the church because it's run by old men that think it's still 1700. You know as well as I how out of date it is. When I read this thread, it felt like this is the way the Catholic Church should be today. It was a great post.

    Have you been back? Do you ever go anymore?

    Word to the wise: Ignore that poster. He has...."issues." He does not even know a single thing about you...and he's already called you an idiot. PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE avoid him if you can.

    TOO LATE! LOL! I already did :(.

    But I'll take your advice. He sounds like he needs help.

    Lastly, DON'T BE A STRANGER. I have not laughed so hard in two years...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Take care and thank you very much for the kind words about the thread. You're a sweetheart.

    THANK YOU!!!:smt058 I'm a RN with crazy hours. So I don't know how often I'll be able to get on here.

    The real reason I joined was due to some of the subjects and because I have a Black boyfriend and would like to ask questions of other people that have been in an interracial relationship. He's a little like you, can find humor in almost anything.

    Thanks for the advice about this place. Bye:smt039
  8. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't follow the religion solely based on its advocacy for IR relationships.
  9. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member


    I love the Inner Harbor.

    I worked for a Defense Contractor (probably giving the company away to you cause they are huge in Baltimore) for about 6 years. The Baltimore office was maybe 200 yards from the Harbor. So, on Fridays, I would drive down there, do my work, and then go to the Harbor with a couple of guys for lunch and the really great thing...the baseball park is just a few blocks away.

    So, at the end of the day, instead of fighting traffic and hopping on I-95, we'd just go to the baseball game until the traffic disappeared.

    I love how Baltimore developed it's downtown so perfectly.

    The Catholic Church? Angela, IT'S A MESS!!!

    It is very behind the times, has yet to really tackle the issues of racism and sexism, and is losing congregants by the thousands. Their schools are closing (which is sad for me cause I attended Catholic schools) and they refuse to really tackle their biggest problem that even affected my school when I was an adolescent:

    Pedophile Priests!!! - It is absolutely amazing that they don't want to deal with this poison! I'm stunned! It threatens to kill the church in the United States!

    Just an FYI. The media up here in Philly is warning church members of a retired pedophile Priest that is going from church to church in New York, New Jersey and Delaware literally looking for kids.

    Angela, this 80+ year old monster has all the Priest garb and pretends to be visiting a church. Then he tries to lure kids to himself.

    Since Maryland borders DE, I'd figure you'd like to know about this creep.

    Just be aware that he's out there. Let some of your friends know if they are still part of the church and have kids.

    I guess that answers your question, LOL. I have not been near a Catholic Church since I was maybe 18. I "deprogrammed" myself and dumped most of the sexual repression stuff they fed us and kept the good stuff (if that makes any sense).

    Changing the subject: The ONLY good part of being Catholic back then was the girls I grew up with (yes, I had a fro).


    Angela, it was those Irish, German and Italian girls {like yourself}that got me through that childhood BS. I would have never survived without each and every one of you.

    Maybe that's why I'm waiting for one of you to make her way home to me right now. :cool:
  10. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    I agree, SoCal.

    But then again, I wouldn't follow any church at all!
  11. Angela28

    Angela28 New Member

    Very cute. Have a good weekend.;)

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