The new phenomenon: Thick white women!!

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by PeanutButter, May 9, 2005.

  1. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    You arent the first to say that. I once dated a white girl who was 5'6 121 pounds. And she was kinda THICK by my own definitions; small waist, round booty and firm breasts. But she said when she dated white guys, she was called "fat" by their standards. Well, they say one man's cup of tea is another man's bullshit.
  2. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I guess so. I don't really like being nasty to white men simply by being nice to black men (any more than the reverse!) but it is true that my white boyfriends have seen a need to 'improve' me in some way while desiring me...which seems a little odd. By contrast, my current boyfriend agrees that working out is good for my health but he has asked me to try not to lose any weight...saying that he doesn't want me to lose any curves! That is a nice validation. :) I would never ask a lover to change something about himself for me.
  3. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I have to agree with that. While pregnant I was complaining about being huge and worrying about losing the weight afterwards. My boyfriend told me not to hurry and not to push myself too far and lose my arse! 2 weeks after giving birth I was moaning about having a tummy, he said we'll worry about it in a year, not 2 weeks after giving birth!
  4. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Awww he sounds like a sweetie :D Yeah, I liked the fact that my bloke is a bit older than me - he has lots of older sisters and is close to his mum, so he seems to have a lot of understanding for women, and talks about how inevitable it is that women's bodies will change with life and giving birth etc, he seems very accepting of it and not too 'body-fascist' which is very refreshing!
    How are you feeling after the baby arriving? How is the little tinker?
  5. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I am very happy to read this. I was beginning to wonder if I had the only man who was so sweet and honest about weight.
  6. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I think that men who are close to female relatives often make better partners. My man was raised solely by his mother and he adored her as well as respected her deeply. It's refreshing when men have a realistic attitude to bodies, not just weight but how time takes it's toll in general. I'm always suspicious when I see old duffers with young birds, a part of me thinks they're a bit shallow.

    I'm doing OK with the baby thanks, she's a greedy little girl and isn't giving me much sleep, but when I see her cute little face it more than makes up for everything.
  7. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    No, it seems there is more than one decent, sweet and realistic man out there! In fact it's quite sad that he's more realistic about my body and it's changes post baby than I am. But I'm already back into my pre pregnancy jeans...although they're a bit tight!
  8. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Yeah I think so, my brother is the same after years of being extremely close to our mum. And my dad bred him with a fine respect for women (and my mum in particular!) You're also right on the second count, relationships do break down but I think some men do seem shallow for walking out on an older woman for a young, although part of it is probably realisation that as a woman ages she is a reflection of the man himself and he can't handle the picture of himself growing old! True love is sticking it out with someone as they do age - my parents have taught me that.

    I'm glad she's doing well - and you too! Is Iffy a typically adoring daddy?
  9. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    thats soo great to hear. You seem to love your husband to death coz u constantly talk about him but who says thats not a great thing? I envy you. BTW, is Iffy Nigerian? Is his full name Ifeanyi? hope im right.
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Not to mention the fact that her on-line persona in this site is dedicated to him.
  11. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I don't wish to hijack this thread, but it'd be rude to not reply!

    Yes, my man is a typical doting father. In fact he barely refers to her by her name, it's usually "my princess" and has also been "golden child"!

    He is indeed Nigerian and called Ifeanyi, well deduced! And yes, I do love him very much, he's the most amazing person I've ever met and has totally changed my life.

    It's not just my online persona that is dedicated to him...
  12. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I know how you feel completely, I've only known my man a while and already feel that I would do anything for him, which is very unusual for me - beforehand I was cynical and largely disattached to partners, preferring the company of my friends!

    Your little girl is beautiful by the way. :)
  13. 100%African

    100%African New Member

    By default black men like women with some flesh and curve on them, most of us don't like the skinny model type portrayed on movies and magazines. My friends would say who wants to touch a woman and feel bones haba!! a man needs a soft well padded cushion to rest his head on and lots of soft handles to hold onto during sex, so don't be too surprised if black men don';t complain about weight as much as white men do.
  14. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    and I love women who love to cook and love to EAT!! Give me the BAREFOOT COUNTESSA
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You know what makes me snicker? The fact that so many skinny, stuck-up, spoiled, and slow-witted white girls, think that we want them too, as much a lot of white men do. Of course, I mean girls like Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson, or girls who are a lot like them, and don't get me started on Paris Hilton.
  16. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I know, sardonic, I am wit ya man on dat! give me a soft tummy on a girl, some hips, a round butt, a bit of attitude, fun loving, not into herself or her looks

    a lil muffin top is cute
  17. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Are you Iffy?! He LOVED IT when I was pregnant in the summer and cooked barefoot and naked as it was so hot...what more could man want but a woman cooking him rice whilst naked, barefoot and pregnant with his child!
  18. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    well being of Sierra Leonian descent, having lived in the Carribean and latin America

    that is what i am so comfortable with and think women are sexy as natural as they can be, i hate makeup and pretense and overdressed, give me a tanned mami in barbados barefoot with a baby on a hip eatin pineapple and listening to a rasta song and dreds to her knees
  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    can you believe there is a guy on here named charmer who wants everyone to only like the type of women he likes??

    man, an earthy girl is lovely to me
  20. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    What a nice image. I think natural is best too, but only so far. Not so natural that they don't shave their legs etc. I don't like tho hippy/boho types who smell of B.O and have more facial hair than Father Christmas. But I equally don't like the prissy missy types who wear make-up like it's a mask and have a barnet so styled that it won't blow out of place in a gale.

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